
Chen Gang conducted research and guidance on the petitioning work in Xinzhou City

author:Xinzhou Municipal Bureau of Letters and Visits

On the morning of September 16, Chen Gang, secretary of the party group and director of the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Visits, and his party came to Xin to investigate and guide the work of letters and visits. Chen Gang and his entourage conducted on-the-spot investigations at the Xinzhou City Mass Visit reception center, cordially inquired about the visits, and learned about the situation of leading cadres receiving visits.

Chen Gang conducted research and guidance on the petitioning work in Xinzhou City

Chen Gang pointed out that leading cadres should carry out visits according to local conditions, focusing on solving problems, and the Bureau of Letters and Visits should do a good job in preparing for the leaders' visits, report the situation in advance, and submit them for visits. Director Chen pointed out that the work of petitioning is very glorious, and through the work of petitioning, the grievances of the people have been resolved, and social harmony has been built, with heavy responsibilities and a glorious mission. It affirmed Xinzhou's fine tradition of attaching importance to petitioning cadres. Director Chen Gang conscientiously inspected the "One Quarter, One Case" ledger in Xinzhou City, the "Circular on the Queuing for the Examination of Township and Town Petition Work," and the "Ledger for the Examination of Letters and Visits," and gave them high praise.

Chen Gang conducted research and guidance on the petitioning work in Xinzhou City

Chen Gang fully affirmed the effectiveness of Xinzhou City's petitioning work. First, the leadership attaches importance to it. The leaders of Xinzhou City attach importance to the work of petitioning, which has led leaders at all levels to attach importance to the work of petitioning, and has shown the work at the first level to the first level, and has led the cadres at the first level to do so, thus forming a fine tradition and work style. Xinzhou's petitioning work practice not only reflects the responsibility for the interests of the people, but also reflects a kind of political responsibility, and at the same time shows a kind of innovation.

Second, the atmosphere is strong. The atmosphere of joint grasping and co-managing the petitioning work is prominent, and a linkage mechanism for handling the petitioning work in a relatively systematic manner has been set up, such as the system of one quarterly case for secretaries and county chiefs, the measures for the evaluation and management of the work of petitioning at the township and town levels, the system of joint visits, the appraisal system, and the system of combining peacetime and wartime work, etc. Through these systems, the responsibilities will be compacted and the work of petitioning will be guaranteed to be carried out well.

Third, the results are obvious. The xinzhou petitioning work has implemented to the letter the spirit of the national joint conference on petitioning work and the provincial joint conference on petitioning work, innovated the mechanism, and grasped the petitioning work in a down-to-earth, accurate, and well-grasped manner.

Comrade Chen Gang put forward three requirements in view of the shortcomings in the petitioning work in Xinzhou City and the tasks in the next step. First, we must raise our political standing. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on strengthening and improving the people's petitioning work. The petitioning work is the most important mass measure of our party, and it is necessary to properly perform the duty and mission of relieving difficulties for the people and sharing the party's worries. Second, we must adhere to the people's livelihood feelings and adhere to the bottom line thinking. Cadres at all levels are required to firmly keep the people-centered concept firmly in their minds and do practical things for the people, as well as urgent, difficult, and dangerous things. Implement the "three in place and one treatment". Third, we must strive to compete for the leading position. It is necessary to aim at the assessment target, keep a close eye on the assessment indicators, lay the foundation, strengthen the weak points, and make up for the shortcomings, and promote the further improvement of the quality and efficiency of the petitioning work in Xinzhou City.

Yuan Xiaobo, vice mayor of Xinzhou City and director of the Public Security Bureau, and members of the Xinzhou City Petitioning Team accompanied the investigation.

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