
College entrance examination essay written by intelligent AI, how many points do you score?

author:Happy D two small

Preface: It doesn't matter if you didn't take the college entrance examination, now use intelligent AI to write an article!

College entrance examination essay written by intelligent AI, how many points do you score?

When the college entrance examination essay topic appears, I will use ChatGPT to create an article, I think it really can't work, mechanical, patchwork, no emotion, you judge for yourself!

College entrance examination essay written by intelligent AI, how many points do you score?

Question Essay Topic: People have better control over time due to technological developments, but some people have become servants of time because of this. What kind of association and thinking did this sentence trigger you? Please write a lyrical essay, no less than eight hundred words. It is required to use more metaphors and comparisons

ChatGPT answers: Time vs. technology


In the long river of time, human beings are like an ignorant boatman, trying to control the river of time and make it conform to his wishes. We've created countless ingenious tools to make technology our tools for controlling time. However, when the dawn of technology shines before us, do we really become masters of time? Or did he unwittingly become a servant of time?

Time, like an impartial judge, plays a key role on the stage of our lives every day. We use technology to compress time, save time, and even kill time. However, while we pursue efficiency and technological convenience, do we forget the true value of time?

College entrance examination essay written by intelligent AI, how many points do you score?

In the rapid process of modernization, we seem to have become slaves to time. We indulge in the ocean of technology and enjoy the endless convenience it brings, but forget the passage of time. Our lives have become like a galloping horse that cannot be stopped or reversed. We are like prey chased by time, there is no time to enjoy the scenery on the side of the road, just to chase the unreachable end.

However, when we look back, we will find that those simple and good times were not swallowed up by the rapid development of technology. Those days when we sit around the TV with our families, those afternoons strolling in the shade with friends, those dawns and dusks that fight for our dreams, have become the most precious memories of our lives.

Therefore, we need to re-examine the balance between technology and time. Technology is our tool, but it cannot be our master. We should learn to use technology to expand our horizons, not to constrain our lives. We should treat time as a friend, cherish every moment, and enjoy every moment of life.

When we are no longer enslaved by technology, we can truly feel the beauty of life. We can slow down, admire the spring flowers, feel the autumn leaves, and experience the bittersweet and bitter of life. We can chat with friends, have dinner with our families, and feel the rhythm of life in the river of time.

College entrance examination essay written by intelligent AI, how many points do you score?

As the poet said, "Time is like a great doctor, it heals everything." We should learn to let time be our mentor, using technology as a help, to pursue true happiness. Because in this world full of variables, time is our eternal companion, technology is our assistant, and true happiness is in every moment we cherish.

On the road ahead, let us no longer be driven by technology, but harness it with our hearts. Let us become friends of time, fill every moment with life, and let the river of time become the most beautiful scenery in our life journey. Because in this changing world, the real winners are those who know how to dance with time.

College entrance examination essay written by intelligent AI, how many points do you score?

Therefore, let us neither become the slave of time, nor the master of time, but become a friend of time, and use technology as an aid to create a rich and beautiful life. Because in this world, the real victors are those who know how to dance with time.