
Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

author:Life tips to share

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

Mobile phones, this little device has become an essential part of our lives.

Nowadays, almost everyone owns a mobile phone and carries it with them.

However, when we go out, we must take care to carry the mobile in our pocket and not with several items.

Doing so can effectively extend the life of mobile phones and protect our valuable communication tools.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

First, we should avoid putting our phones in the same pocket as our keys.

The metal part of the key tends to rub against the phone's screen or body, causing subtle scratches or even more serious damage.

When we walk, the key may constantly collide and rub against the phone, and this friction may leave tiny scratches on the phone screen or body.

Although individual scratches may not be noticeable, they will gradually affect the appearance and experience of the phone over time.

The sharp part of the key may directly scratch the phone screen or even damage the electronics under the screen.

In addition, when our mobile phone is co-located with the key, if we exert a certain pressure between the key and the mobile phone, such as sitting down or bending over, the mobile phone may be bent and deformed, which will affect its normal use function.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

Second, we should avoid putting mobile phones with cards such as ID cards, bank cards, and credit cards.

First, putting your phone and card together increases the risk of your card being stolen or lost.

Mobile phones are a frequently stolen item, especially in crowded places or on public transport.

If you keep your phone and card in the same pocket or bag, if your phone is stolen or lost, your card can also be lost.

This exposes us to property damage and potential financial risks that could lead criminals to use bank cards for illegal transactions or steal our property.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

Secondly, the physical contact between the mobile phone and the bank card may cause damage to the bank card or wear and tear of the magnetic stripe.

Mobile phones usually have a certain weight and stiffness, and if they come into direct contact with the card or are squeezed, it can cause the card to break, bend or scratch.

In addition, hard objects or metal parts on the mobile phone may also wear the magnetic stripe of the card, causing the card to not be read or recognized properly.

In addition, mobile phones, as an electronic device, have a certain electromagnetic radiation.

While the radiation levels of mobile phones are generally safe, physical contact with bank cards can cause some electromagnetic interference.

This can lead to damage or incorrect reading of the card's magnetic stripe data, resulting in failed payments or other transaction issues.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

Third, we should avoid putting our phones with cash.

Stains or moisture in cash can negatively affect the phone.

Cash is often in contact with various substances in circulation, such as food, beverages, cosmetics, etc.

If the phone is placed with wet cash, moisture on the cash may seep into the inside of the phone, causing the phone to be damaged or malfunction.

In addition, stains or grease on the cash may also adhere to the surface of the phone, affecting the appearance and normal use.

In addition, keeping your phone with cash increases the risk of losing cash.

Mobile phones are a commonly stolen item, especially in crowded places or on public transport.

If you keep your phone in the same pocket as your cash, you can lose your cash if your phone is stolen.

This will bring us financial losses and may lead to a threat to personal financial security.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

Fourth, we should avoid putting our phones with liquids.

Liquids are the natural enemies of mobile phones, whether it is water, drinks, or other liquids, which can cause serious damage to mobile phones.

First, the liquid can seep into the inside of the phone, causing damage to the electronic components.

The phone's internal circuits and components are very sensitive to moisture.

If the phone comes into contact with water or other liquids, the liquid may enter the inside of the phone, short-circuit the circuit, and cause the phone to not work properly.

Even if the phone is repaired, it may not completely fix the problem caused by the liquid damage, so it is crucial to avoid contact with the liquid.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

Secondly, the liquid can also cause damage to the phone's screen.

When liquid enters the display or touch layer under the phone's screen, it can cause problems such as blurry, malfunctioning, or abnormal colors of the screen.

This will not only affect the experience of using the phone, but also increase the cost of repair.

In addition, some phones may show a moisture indicator turning red when they encounter water or liquids, which will affect the phone's warranty.

In addition, liquids can also cause damage to the appearance of the phone.

Water or other liquids may cause the phone case to fade, deform or corrode, causing the phone to lose its original beauty.

This will not only reduce the value of the phone, but also bring us unnecessary trouble and financial loss.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

Fifth, we should avoid prolonged contact with high-temperature environments.

First of all, high temperatures can have a serious impact on the phone battery.

Mobile phone battery is an important part of mobile phone, and high temperature environment will accelerate battery aging and capacity loss.

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause the battery to quickly lose power, slow charging, or even charge abnormally or bulge the battery.

In addition, high temperature may also trigger the safety risk of battery overheating or even explosion, posing a threat to our personal and property safety.

Secondly, high temperatures can also cause damage to the internal components and circuits of the mobile phone.

The chips, circuit boards and other components inside the mobile phone may overheat in a high temperature environment, resulting in performance degradation, unstable operation or even damage.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families

This may cause problems such as frequent phone freezes, freezing, and app crashes, which seriously affects our experience.

In addition, high temperatures can also cause irreversible damage to the screen and case of the phone.

When exposed to high temperatures for a long time, the phone screen may change color, be distorted, stick, or even crack.

The plastic or metal material of the phone case may also be deformed, faded or burn marks due to high temperature, affecting the appearance and overall quality of the phone.

Mobile phones can't be put together with these five things, many people don't understand, after reading quickly tell their families


In summary, reasonable and careful management of the storage of mobile phones can not only extend the service life of mobile phones, but also effectively avoid some potential risks and troubles.

We can choose to use specialized mobile phone bags or bags, store the mobile separately, or put it in a pocket isolated from these items.

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