
How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

author:Lin Xi loves history

Luding Bridge is a famous suspension chain bridge in Sichuan Province, China, built during the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty. The bridge is about 100 meters long, weighs more than 40 tons and consists of 13 iron cables. So how did people build the Luding Bridge 300 years ago? Under the conditions of the time, building such a bridge could be said to be a huge project.

The construction of the Luding Bridge began in Luding County on the other side of the Dadu River, which at that time caused great trouble to the local Tibetan and Han people. Due to the inefficient transportation of ferries and ziplines, goods are often hoarded on both sides. In order to solve this problem, the construction of a bridge became an urgent need of local residents.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

First of all, one of the difficulties faced in the construction of the Luding Bridge was the supply of iron cables. There was a lack of iron ore in the surrounding area, so workers had to go to Xingjing County to strike iron. This provides the raw material for the production of iron cables.

Secondly, transporting iron cables is also a challenging task. Initially, attempts were made to transport the iron cables using small boats or sheepskin rafts, but it soon became clear that the iron cables were too heavy to be achieved. Eventually, they adopted an approach known as the "cross-line principle." Although not efficient, this method was considered a viable solution at the time.

Finally, fixing the iron cable is also an important link. In order to prevent the iron cable from falling into the river, construction crews built bridgeheads on both sides and dug deep wells. They placed horizontal piles and earth dragon piles under deep shafts to ensure that the iron cables were secured.

The entire construction process lasted nearly a year and experienced many difficulties and challenges. Fortunately, however, the Luding Bridge was eventually built.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

As a suspension chain bridge, Luding Bridge consists of 13 parallel iron chains, and the bridge body is laid with inner wooden planks. Each chain is connected by hundreds of iron rings, and a total of 12,164 iron rings are used for the entire bridge.

It is said that in order to prevent workers from cutting corners, Kangxi also stipulated that everyone who made iron rings should engrave their names on the iron rings so that they could be held accountable afterwards. This allowed the craftsmen to redouble their efforts to ensure the stability of the bridge.

Although the length of the Luding Bridge is only about 100 meters, which is small compared to modern bridges, it was a remarkable project under the technical conditions of the time. The bridge has been tested by history for more than 300 years and has undergone several major repairs, but the main body has not been altered, proving its excellent quality and solidity.

During the Qing Dynasty, the challenges of building the Luding Bridge were not limited to material supply and transportation, but also included engineering design and construction technology. Under the conditions of the time, without modern engineering equipment and technical means, workers needed to rely on simple tools and their own wisdom to complete this difficult task.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

In order to solve the problem of bridge design, engineers and craftsmen carefully adopted the structural form of suspension bridges. The suspension bridge uses iron cables suspended from the main girder to support the bridge deck, disperse the load, and improve the stability and bearing capacity of the bridge. This design was considered an innovative and efficient solution at the time.

During the construction of the suspension bridge, workers needed to skillfully build the iron cable system of the bridge. First, they built temporary support structures at the bridgehead on both sides of the bank to hang the iron cables.

They then hoisted the cables onto the temporary support structure one by one and gradually tightened them to meet the requirements of the design. The work required workers to accurately calculate the length and tension of the iron cables to ensure stability and balance throughout the bridge.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

At the same time, workers also needed to erect the plank structure of the bridge deck. They chose strong and durable wood, processed and installed, and laid the planks between the iron cables to create a smooth passage surface. This not only provides convenient transportation access, but also increases the bearing capacity and stability of the bridge.

In order to ensure the safety and stability of the bridge, the workers not only built the bridgehead and temporary support structures on both sides, but also carried out in-depth foundation treatment. They dug deep wells and placed transverse piles and earth dragon piles to strengthen the bridge's foundation support and water resistance. These measures effectively protect the bridge from water impacts and erosion of foundations.

Throughout the construction process, workers faced the challenges of difficult working conditions and the natural environment. They need to operate in the roaring currents of the Dadu River, facing thick fog, rainfall and cold weather conditions. However, they always maintained tenacity and perseverance, overcame difficulties with their wisdom and courage, and contributed their own strength to the construction of Luding Bridge.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

Luding Bridge is famous for its special story of the Red Revolution and has now become a national 4A-level tourist attraction. Its construction was full of hardships and challenges, but in the end it survived as a solid bridge. The history and construction of this bridge shows the wisdom and courage of human beings, and has also become a miracle in people's hearts.

The construction of Luding Bridge is not only a project, but also an admirable history. Its construction embodies the wisdom and courage of countless craftsmen, demonstrating their pursuit of technology and contribution to the well-being of society.

In the process of building the Luding Bridge, the workers faced many difficulties and challenges. They need to overcome the problem of raw material supply and carefully select the right material for making iron cables. Although there was a lack of iron ore in the surrounding area at that time, they did not give up, but braved the hardships and dangers to Xingjing County to find the necessary raw materials for the construction of the bridge.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

During the transportation of the iron cable, the workers creatively adopted the "crossing principle", using bamboo rope and short bamboo tube to transport the iron cable to the other bank. Despite the low efficiency of this method, they made efforts, overcame difficulties and finally completed the transportation of the iron cable.

And in terms of fixing the iron cable, the craftsmen devised ingenious schemes. They built bridges on both sides of the river and dug deep wells to secure the chains by means of horizontal piles and earth dragon piles. This innovative fixing method ensures the stability of the bridge, allowing the Luding Bridge to withstand the turbulent water of the Dadu River.

During the construction of the Luding Bridge, the supply of iron cables was a major difficulty. Due to the lack of iron ore in the surrounding area, workers need to go to Xingjing County to strike iron. This required trekking through mountains and rivers, facing difficult environmental and labor conditions, but they did not give up, but persevered in the search for suitable materials for making iron cables.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

Transporting iron cables is also a challenging task. Initially, attempts were made to transport the iron cables using small boats or sheepskin rafts, but it soon became clear that the iron cables were too heavy to be achieved. In confronting this problem, they creatively adopted an approach known as the "over-the-line principle."

They tied bamboo ties on both sides of the river, put short bamboo tubes on bamboo ropes, tied iron cables to bamboo tubes, and then pulled the ropes to transport the iron cables to the opposite bank. Although this method was less efficient, it was considered a viable solution at the time.

Construction crews built bridgeheads and dug deep wells on both sides. They placed horizontal piles and earth dragon piles under deep shafts to ensure the attachment of the iron cables. This innovative fixing method ensures the stability of the bridge, allowing the Luding Bridge to withstand the turbulent water of the Dadu River.

The entire construction process lasted nearly a year and experienced many difficulties and challenges. Workers need to work in difficult environments, and they not only need to overcome the troubles caused by the natural environment, but also need to overcome shortages of materials and transportation difficulties. Fortunately, however, the Luding Bridge was eventually built.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

The construction of the Luding Bridge demonstrated the wisdom, courage and solidarity of the Chinese people. The craftsmen persevered in the face of difficulties and challenges, braved the hardships, struggled to find solutions, and put in hard work. Their wisdom and courage were demonstrated in the process of building the Luding Bridge, leaving a bridge with great historical value and engineering feat for future generations.

The construction of the bridge took almost a year, and there were many difficulties and twists and turns. However, the workers worked tirelessly and they always maintained a high degree of responsibility for the quality and robustness of the bridge. They not only engraved their names according to the requirements of the Kangxi Emperor, but also worked hard to ensure that every iron ring was perfect, contributing their own strength to the construction of the Luding Bridge.

The completion of Luding Bridge has brought great convenience to the local people and solved the problem of cargo transportation on both sides of the Dadu River. It has become an important means of transportation in people's lives and a bridge for people on both sides of the strait to communicate and interact. The bridge is a testament to the wisdom and unity of the people and has become an important link in the local history.

Luding Bridge has become a legend in people's hearts for its unique construction method and the story of the Red Revolution, and also shows the brilliance of Chinese craftsmanship.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

The completion of Luding Bridge is not only a simple engineering feat, but also a human history that is in the annals of history. It carries people's pursuit of cultural inheritance and social development, and has become a symbol of regional exchanges and national integration.

The construction of Luding Bridge is not only to solve the transportation problem, but also to promote the prosperity of the local economy. The existence of bridges allows residents on both sides of the Dadu River to communicate and trade conveniently, promoting the circulation of goods and the development of markets. This was a far-reaching progress for the Tibetan and Han peoples at that time.

In addition, Luding Bridge has witnessed the historical changes and social development of the local area. It is not only an important transportation hub, but also an important social place in people's lives. On the bridge, people exchange and make friends, forming close networks and community relationships. This makes Luding Bridge not only a building, but also an indispensable part of people's lives.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

In addition, Luding Bridge also carries rich cultural connotations and historical memories of the Red Revolution. In its history of more than 300 years, Luding Bridge has witnessed the vicissitudes of the Chinese revolution.

It was on this bridge that the Red Army led by the Communist Party of China bravely resisted the enemy and completed the defense of the Luding Bridge. This feat not only demonstrated the courage and tenacity of the Chinese people, but also became an important milestone in the Chinese revolution.

Today, Luding Bridge has become an important tourist attraction, attracting tourists from all over the world. People come here not only to admire this ancient bridge, but also to feel the charm of the history and culture it conveys. With its unique construction method and rich historical connotation, Luding Bridge has become a treasure of cultural heritage and a living witness of the spirit of Chinese craftsmanship.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

The construction of the Luding Bridge demonstrated the wisdom, courage and solidarity of the Chinese people. It is not only a bridge, but also a masterpiece of human civilization. The existence of Luding Bridge reminds us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have dreams and move forward bravely, we can create great projects that will amaze the world.

Just as the Luding Bridge crosses the Dadu River and connects people's hearts and emotions, we should also overcome difficulties and obstacles to create a better future together.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?

The process of building the Luding Bridge is a history of courage and wisdom. The construction of this bridge not only improved people's lives, but also became a symbol of the spirit of craftsmen of the Chinese nation. The existence of Luding Bridge reminds us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we forge ahead and work together, we can create great projects that attract the attention of the world.

How was the Luding Bridge built? How did 13 iron cables of 40 tons get up in the Qing Dynasty?