
Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

author:Lolo Food Diary

#夏日生活打卡季 #

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

Broccoli is also called broccoli, Roman cauliflower, and green cauliflower. Ancient Westerners once called broccoli "a godsend" and "a doctor for the poor." Broccoli was widely eaten in the Northern Mediterranean region thousands of years ago, and was a staple food in Roman times, and is one of the top ten healthy foods recommended by Time magazine in the United States.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

Broccoli is rich in nutrients, rich in dietary and vitamin and other nutrients, and its nutritional content ranks first among similar vegetables and is known as the "crown of vegetables". The content of vitamin C in broccoli is extremely high, which is not only conducive to human growth and development, but also improves human immune function and promotes liver detoxification.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

Broccoli is rich in vitamins, is one of the most commonly eaten vegetarian dishes in my family, broccoli with shrimp stir-fried together, green color, nutritious and delicious, the whole family likes this dish, low fat and healthy, no need to worry about long meat at all. Luoluo today will share with you the homemade method of stir-fried shrimp with broccoli, let's see how to make it!

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

【Homemade recipe for stir-fried shrimp with broccoli】

Ingredients: broccoli, frozen shrimp, garlic, green onion, ginger, salt, light soy sauce, pepper

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat


1. After thawing the shrimp, remove the shrimp's head, shrimp shell and shrimp line, wash it after opening, and marinate it with shredded green onion and ginger, salt, pepper and light soy sauce for 10 minutes, which is convenient for taste.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

2. Cut the broccoli into small flowers and soak them in salt water for 15 minutes, wash them after soaking and set aside, salt has the effect of sterilization and disinfection, and can effectively remove impurities and small insects on the surface of broccoli.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

3. Peel and wash the garlic and chop it into minced garlic on the board, or you can use a blender to beat it into minced garlic, which is more convenient.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

4. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put a little salt after boiling over high heat, drop a few drops of peanut oil, put the broccoli in water and blanch for about 2 minutes, add salt and cooking oil to the water to keep the broccoli color emerald green.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

5. After blanching, take out the cool water, drain the water and put it on a plate for later use, and take out the cool water to make the taste of broccoli more crisp.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

6. Heat the pan with cold oil, heat the oil and pour minced garlic over low heat to stir-fry for aroma, then pick out the green onion and ginger in the shrimp and discard it, pour the shrimp into the pot and stir-fry.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

7. Fry until the shrimp turn red and bend naturally, then pour in the broccoli after blanching water and stir-fry together.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

8. Add salt to taste before coming out of the pot, stir well, then turn off the heat and get out of the pot, and a fragrant broccoli fried shrimp is ready.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

Production points:

1. When blanching, adding salt and cooking oil to the water can keep the color of broccoli emerald green.

2. Fishing out the cool water can make the taste of broccoli more crisp and refreshing.

3. When stir-frying shrimp, add a little water and stir-fry together, the taste of the shrimp is more tender.

Broccoli is fried with shrimp, the color is emerald green, low-fat and nutritious, do not worry about long meat

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