
In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

author:Chunky article
In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

General Wang Mingzhang

The modern history of the Chinese nation is a history of suffering, and since the Opium War, the bullying of the great powers has made our once brilliant civilization suffer unprecedented humiliation.

Since the "9.18" incident in 1931, the iron hooves of Japanese imperialism have wantonly trampled on our land, slaughtered our compatriots, and committed heinous crimes.

At a time of national peril, all the people of our country united under the united front led by our Party and used their flesh and blood to completely wipe out the enemy on our soil.

As the saying goes: the boy is determined to go out of the country, and he will not destroy the slaves and vow not to return. Bury your bones, why do you need to be sangzi land, life is full of green mountains!

During the entire Period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, more than 10 million soldiers and civilians threw themselves into the battlefield of resisting Japan and saving lives, and the most tragic and magnificent contingent among them was none other than the Sichuan Army.

In Sichuan alone, a total of 3.5 million people went to the anti-Japanese battlefield, and on average, one in five Nationalist soldiers came from Sichuan.

Of the 3.5 million, a total of 263,000 were killed, 356,000 wounded, and 26,000 were missing, and the Sichuan army showed unprecedented heroism in the eight-year War of Resistance. It was in the flames of the War of Resistance that the Sichuan Army was reborn from the ashes of fire, wrote the history of the War of Resistance with life and blood, and completed the transformation from a "two-gun soldier" to a "division of iron blood".

The protagonist we want to talk about today is General Wang Mingzhang, one of the representative figures of the Iron-Blooded Sichuan Army.

Wang Mingzhang, born in 1893 in Taixing Township, Xindu, Sichuan, has been intelligent and studious since childhood, so he is deeply loved by his parents and husband. At that time, it was the chaotic era at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and under the careful teaching of his parents and husband, Wang Mingzhang set the ambition to serve the country from an early age.

After graduating from primary school in 1909, Wang Mingzhang was admitted to the Sichuan Army Primary School with excellent results, and later promoted to the Sichuan Army Officer School for further study. In the autumn of Xinhai, the Sichuan Baolu Movement arose, and Wang Mingzhang, indignant, participated in the anti-Qing campaign of Comrade Baolu's army.

In 1912, Wang Mingzhang and more than 100 students of Lu Xiao's fourth and fifth terms opposed the Sichuan government's reorganization of the Army Primary School and angrily left their hometown for Nanjing. During the Second Revolution, Wang Mingzhang and his classmates participated in the battle against the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau commanded by Chen Yingshi, the commander-in-chief of the Yuan Army in Shanghai.

In 1914, Wang Bingzhang joined the Sichuan Army and began his career as a horseman.

Thanks to good early childhood education and excellent military quality, Wang Mingzhang performed quite well in the frequent conquests since then. Because of his resourcefulness, good leadership, and repeated military achievements, he was highly appreciated by the toastmaster, and his position was constantly promoted, and he was promoted to division commander ten years after graduation.

In that era of warlord chaos, the Sichuan warlords can be said to be the most complex and chaotic of all the warlord forces. In the 19 years from 1918 to 1937, the Impression left by the Sichuan Army on the whole country was that there were many factions and frequent civil wars. Even Liu Xiang, the "King of Sichuan", admitted: "We have always beaten our own people with our own people."

However, it was the common people who suffered from military disasters in every civil war, and in order to raise soldiers, all the warlords of all walks of life levied and rioted in their own defense zones, thus further increasing the burden on the people of all strata.

After Wang Mingzhang joined the military circles, he witnessed the gradual invasion of imperialist forces, and although he had the original intention of rejuvenating China and humiliating the country, the reality of the civil war in successive years put him in a position of constantly harming the people, and he could not lead his troops to fight against foreign insults, so his thinking was extremely contradictory.

Wang Mingzhang Paid More Attention to Loving Soldiers and Protecting the People, and under the decadent wind of some Sichuan army generals living a life of red wine and green wine, looking for flowers and asking for willows, Wang Mingzhang held a strict body and never set foot in the wind and moon place.

Wang Mingzhang has always been worried about state affairs and people's feelings, and because of this, the higher his military rank rises, the heavier the bitterness in his heart, and he feels deeply guilty about his participation in warlord melee for many years.

In order to seek inner liberation, Wang Mingzhang also thought of quitting the military circles and running some public welfare undertakings in his hometown, and even had the idea of devoutly studying Buddhism. During the period before the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Deyang, he closed his hands and sat quietly in his room every day after his spare time, like a monk.

Since the North China Incident in 1935, with the intensification of sino-Japanese national contradictions, the national anti-Japanese salvation movement has rapidly reached a climax, and Wang Mingzhang has always been eager to try, thinking that he can contribute his strength to the country and the nation.

In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

The people of Sichuan bid farewell to the troops out of Sichuan

In May 1937, he wrote to his cousin:

"When I received the book, I learned that my brother had the ambition to further study, and I was full of admiration. The Xi'an incident was resolved peacefully, the civil war ended from then on, and in the future, the whole people and the whole army will unite in good faith, the muzzle of the gun will be united to the outside world, and the shame of the country will be washed away. During this period, in accordance with the central plan for the reorganization of the army, the troops were being trained in order to achieve the goal of waiting for war and to go to the country in the morning and evening. ”

On July 7, 1937, as soon as the gunshots rang out at the Lugou Bridge, Japan began its all-out invasion of China, and three days after the Lugou Bridge Incident, Liu Xiang, on behalf of the Sichuan Army, called Chiang Kai-shek to ask him to go to war. Among all the warlords in the country, the Sichuan army was the first to call Chiang Kai-shek to ask for resistance.


At the oath-taking meeting, Wang Mingzhang faced the soldiers who were ready to go, sighed in his heart, and vomited the bitterness that had accumulated in his chest for many years. Finally, Wang Mingzhang made his own Zhengzheng oath: "If you do not succeed in resisting Japan in Sichuan this time, you will become a ren." After taking the oath, Wang Mingzhang returned home, confessed the aftermath, and prepared his last words:

The Japanese invasion and the country are in danger, our army has asked permission to go out of Sichuan to resist Japan, and this expedition, if you die in battle for the country, is really a long-cherished wish of a contemptible person and the best opportunity to redeem my sins of civil war for more than 20 years. After Yu was martyred, the income from the accumulated annual salary was used to support the family and the education of his children, and the rest were used to establish public welfare undertakings.

Subsequently, Wang Mingzhang bid farewell to his father and fellow villagers and led the Sichuan army north.


Chiang Kai-shek was very eager to see the situation in which the Sichuan army went out to resist Japan.

On the one hand, in the Battle of Songhu, Chiang Kai-shek's central army suffered heavy losses and urgently needed to replenish troops. On the other hand, Chiang Kai-shek had long planned to make Sichuan a strategic rear area, so he always hoped to divide and eliminate Liu Xiang's Sichuan army forces.

Therefore, when the generals of the Sichuan Army went out of Sichuan, the funds were raised by themselves, and in order to resist japan, the Sichuan Army took out all its own family foundations. As soon as the army left Sichuan, it was assigned by Chiang Kai-shek to various battlefields throughout the country, and was under the jurisdiction of each theater.

After Wang Mingzhang led his troops to Baoji, because the Northern Jin Dynasty Xinkou and the Jindong Niangziguan were under the onslaught of the Japanese army, and the battle situation was urgent, the Xi'an camp was ordered by Chiang Kai-shek to immediately cross the river from Baoji by train to Tongguan, return to the second theater of battle, and rush to the aid of Jindong.

王铭章将军率‬一二二‬师为前卫部队,十月十四日到风陵渡,渡过黄河进入山西。 Wang Mingzhang and his generals were all highly moraley, and they were all gearing up to prepare for a big fight. But after coming to Shanxi, Yan Xishan did not welcome them very much.

On the one hand, the Sichuan army was free and scattered in peacetime, disobeyed management, and the language was not understood, and it was difficult to unify command; on the other hand, the Sichuan army was extremely poorly equipped, the caliber of the rifles was different, the length was uneven, and even mixed with some products of the former Qing Dynasty that were only knee-long.

In addition to the simple weapons, the uniforms of the Sichuan army are also poor, and the soldiers each have only two sets of coarse cloth single clothes, a pair of leggings, a single quilt, a straw mat, two pairs of straw shoes, and a bucket hat, which is all the belongings of a Sichuan army soldier. Therefore, when the Sichuan army first arrived in the north, it was frozen by the cold weather and shivered.

In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

Sichuan army in combat

General Wang Mingzhang led these thinly clothed and poorly equipped troops to the Shanxi front, and although Yan Xishan gave them a lot of blank eyes, the generals of the Sichuan Army understood that their purpose of going out of Sichuan was to resist Japan and not to fight.

Under the leadership of Wang Mingzhang, the generals of the Sichuan Army were indignant by the nation, feared no rape, and were not afraid of sacrifice, and launched many vicious battles with the Japanese on the Shanxi front.

During this period, Wang Mingzhang's main task was to block the enemy, cover the retreat and transfer of comrades-in-arms, and ease the war situation.

During the Battle in Shanxi, Wang Mingzhang happened to meet the Eighth Route Army. Different from Yan Xishan's cold eye view of the Sichuan Army, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was very appreciative of Wang Mingzhang and the Sichuan Army's ability to go out of Sichuan to resist Japan at a time of national crisis, and Wang Mingzhang also admired the heroic resistance of the Eighth Route Army.

Wang Mingzhang also listened to the guerrilla tactics and experiences of Zhu De, commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, and the two armies felt sorry for each other.

In December 1937, the Japanese army that invaded North China crossed the Yellow River and invaded Jinan, and Shandong was in a hurry!

In order to preserve his personal strength, Sino-Korean Fuyu, who was then the chairman of Shandong Province and commander-in-chief of the Third Group, disregarded the overall situation and openly disobeyed the orders of the high command to retreat without authorization, and without firing a single shot, he ceded the entire territory of Shandong, seriously disrupting the overall combat plan and deployment of the Chinese army, and exposing the strategic xuzhou to the enemy.

At this time, the two divisions of the Japanese army, Banyuan and Jigu, claimed to quickly open up the outskirts of Xuzhou, meet Taierzhuang, and then take Xuzhou directly and march into Wuhan.

At this critical juncture, Wang Mingzhang was ordered to lead his troops from southeastern Jin to Lunan and came to Li Zongren's command. Unlike Yan Xishan's exclusion of the Sichuan army, Li Zongren saw the national integrity of this unit and admired them very much, and the task he gave Wang Mingzhang was to guard the gateway of Xuzhou, the area around Fujian County.

Before the expedition, Li Zongren personally led the senior generals of the Fifth Theater to Wang Mingzhang and other generals, and Li Zongren said in a loud voice:

"Brothers of the Chuan Army, you wore straw shoes and single clothes, walked out of the Sword Pavilion, crossed the Yellow River, and your blood spilled in Jiangnan and Shanxi. You shed blood and sacrificed all the way to the forefront of the Anti-Japanese Resistance. You are the pride of the national army and the pride of the Chinese nation! I salute you guys! ”

The officers and men of the Sichuan Army in the audience had tears in their eyes and listened excitedly to Commander Li Zongren's speech. Since leaving Sichuan, in the eyes of many Kuomintang commanders, the Sichuan Army has been a rotten army. Both Yan Xishan and Cheng Qian were afraid that they would not be able to push it forward, and now that Li Zongren had praised the Sichuan Army so much, how could the officers and men not be excited.

Subsequently, Wang Mingzhang led his men into Teng County, preparing to meet the Japanese army.

In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

Statue of General Wang Mingzhang

Tengxian is a small city north of Xuzhou, and due to the fall of Shandong, the deployment of troops in the five theaters has not yet been ready, so the strategic position of Tengxian is particularly important. For this reason, the Supreme Command strictly ordered Wang Mingzhang to take charge of the unified command of the defense of Teng county and block the enemy's advance at any cost.

At this time, the Japanese Itagaki Division and the Isoya Division were moving closer to Fuji County, both of which were Japanese divisions of the First Division, which could be called the trump card of the main force of the Japanese army.

Compared with the Japanese army armed to the teeth, the Sichuan army stationed in Fuji County at this time was extremely weak, and the strength of the two armies was very different.

At that time, Wang Mingzhang's garrison had only 3,000 officers and men from the headquarters of the 122nd And 124th Divisions, while the Japanese army had more than 10,000 men and horses in 4 divisions, and had aircraft, tanks and artillery to assist in the battle.

In addition, due to the continuous combat of the Sichuan army after leaving Sichuan, the battlefield losses and weapons consumption have never been replenished as they should be, and in the inferior situation, only rely on soil gas and the use of terrain and features to strengthen the guard.

At that time, the harsh winter had just passed, and the spring cold was steep, but the cotton clothes of the Sichuan soldiers were mostly worn, and even a considerable number of soldiers were still wearing shorts to fight the enemy.

At the same time, the Jinpu Line railway runs from north to south, and there is also a road, which is extremely favorable to the mechanized troops of the Japanese army, which can enable the Japanese army to give full play to the power of the new weapons and overwhelm our army with absolute superior firepower. At the same time, the soil in the area is sandy, and it is impossible to build strong fortifications, which is extremely unfavorable for defense.

Wang Mingzhang, who has been in the battlefield for a long time, knows the importance of this mission and the disparity in the strength of the two armies, but in the case of a strong enemy pressing the situation, the whole army does not hesitate or timidly.

Wang Mingzhang did not hide anything from the current situation, he explained to the soldiers the situation of the troops, and showed his unswerving attitude and determination to defend the city:

"With such a weak force and rudimentary weapons as the Sichuan Army, it is necessary to undertake the important task of defending the first line of Xuzhou on the Jinpu Line, and the lack of strength is self-evident, but as a soldier, sacrifice was originally a natural duty." Now there is only the sacrifice of everything to complete the task, although there is no soldier left and no complaints, otherwise there is no way to deal with the country. ”

Wang Mingzhang, as a general and the supreme commander of the defending troops, did not leave any way back for himself, and he told the officers and men: "We are determined to hold Tengcheng to the death, and together with the officers and men, the city will survive and survive, and the city will perish and die."

As the saying goes: There will be a will to die, and there will be no greed for life.

Wang Mingzhang's words and deeds leading by example showed great appeal at the moment of crisis, and the officers and men present expressed that they would rather be crushed than tiled, and vowed to coexist and die with Tengcheng.

On March 14, the bloody battle to defend TengXian began.

The Japanese dispatched more than 10,000 elite troops to pounce on our position with the help of aircraft, artillery, and tanks. Wang Mingzhang, who was stationed in Xiguan, inquired about the situation by telephone after the enemy began to bomb, and then ran into the city to consult with his colleagues and subordinates to judge that the enemy in the eastern suburbs was about to launch a large-scale attack, and a great war was imminent.



"The chairman of the committee called us to stay in TengXian county and wait for the Tang Enbo group to come and break the siege, and the vanguard troops of the TangBu had arrived in Lincheng yesterday, and their follow-up troops were also arriving one after another. I should urge Wang Lianzhong's army to hurry north, and you should ensure that Teng County is waiting for reinforcements. Your headquarters should be moved immediately to the city so that you can personally command the defense of the city, and if there are not enough troops, you can transfer all the troops of the Forty-first Army outside the city back to the city and hold on to help! ”

Subsequently, General Wang Mingzhang shrank his troops and began to hold the county seat. Due to the poor performance of our weapons, Wang Mingzhang could only order his soldiers to adopt tactics to avoid the enemy's attack. When the enemy shelled, it was hidden in the bunker, and when the enemy stopped shelling and the infantry rushed to the position, they fought the enemy with grenades and large knives, and the soldiers were brave and tenacious, and repelled one attack after another with one to ten.

However, the Japanese attack was also very resolute, from morning to night, although the Sichuan army eliminated hundreds of Japanese troops, repelled many Japanese attacks, and completed the task of defending the city, but the casualties were quite large, and the hospital was full of wounded.

Wang Mingzhang quickly realized that if he continued to fight in this way, the inferior Sichuan army would soon fight out, but Wang Mingzhang did not flinch at all, and he issued a military order to the headquarters: "Please rest assured, the commander is in the city, and he will stick to the end!"

Subsequently, Wang Mingzhang summoned commanders above the company commander to a meeting, and Wang Mingzhang explained the changes in the enemy situation and asked each company to be prepared for a bloody battle.

Before the meeting was adjourned, Wang Mingzhang ordered: "Burn all written materials and incoming and outgoing telegrams!" The fire was lit, the war reports, the exchange of telegrams, etc. were all lit, and the letter of sealing the family was also burning.

At this time, Wang Mingzhang actually knew very well in his heart that he could not leave Teng County alive, looking at the burning flames, he remembered the oath he had made when he first came out of Sichuan, not to eliminate the Japanese Kou, to see his hometown father and elder without face, at this time, even if he died, he would also play the integrity of the Chinese soldiers.

After the meeting, the sound of gunfire was still faintly sounding. The lights were lit in Wang Mingzhang's room, and he looked at the situation map of the enemy and us on the military map and fell into contemplation.

In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

General of the Sichuan Army

Now the number and firepower of the Japanese army are several times greater than their own, the offensive is very fierce, the Sichuan army without anti-aircraft weapons Japanese aircraft dive bombing is almost all the way to the city wall to drop bombs. The only 20 mortars of the Sichuan Army have all been fired, and the task of defending the city tomorrow will be even more arduous.

Just at this moment, an aide-de-camp who had followed Wang Mingzhang for many years came in from outside and said to Wang Mingzhang, "Commander, the brothers of the whole division are about to run out." Withdraw! It will be too late to withdraw. ”

Wang Mingzhang's voice was fierce: "My task is to stick to Teng County!" I can't go without the retreat order from the upper peak!" Wang Mingzhang took out a roster of all the divisional personnel from the desk drawer and handed it to the adjutant: "You can disguise yourself out of the city and go back to tell Father and Elder Chuanzhong that Wang Mingzhang and all the sons of the First and Second Divisions have spilled blood in Shandong."

Then Wang Mingzhang began to inspect the city defenses, and at the north gate he saw the soldiers reinforcing the fortifications overnight, and when he saw Wang Mingzhang, the generals of the Sichuan Army smiled and greeted him. Looking at the brothers who had been fighting blood for a few days, many of them had been injured, but Wang Mingzhang did not see a look of fear on their faces, which made him very relieved.

Wang Mingzhang said to the brethren: "If the enemy wants to advance south, he must first capture Teng County. Without Teng County, the defense of the Fifth Theater will be passive, and we have also failed to live up to the expectations of Commander Li and the people of the whole country. We must stick to Teng County! ”

The officers and men answered in unison: "Coexist and die with Teng County!"

Thousands of officers and men of the Sichuan Army are ready to use their iron bones to prop up the stormy country.

The Japanese army outside the city knew that the defending troops were the Sichuan army, and the poor equipment of the Sichuan army was obvious on the battlefield, so the Japanese army initially despised them, thinking that this battle would be a touch of collapse, and then smoothly waved the division south.

In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

Soldiers held aloft the remains of General Wang Mingzhang

However, after a few days, the stubborn resistance of the Sichuan army made the Japanese army pay a considerable price in casualties, but the small county town could not be attacked for a long time, which made the enemy commander very annoyed and frantically shouted to blow up the Teng county town.

As a result, the Japanese Kou concentrated more than 50 mountain heavy artillery and more than 10 tanks to bombard our army's positions in the city, and more than 20 aircraft strafed and dropped bombs over the city.

A command telephone line of only 500 meters in the city was repeatedly blown up 25 times, and a large number of incendiary bombs were fired in the indiscriminate bombardment of enemy artillery, and the whole city fell into a sea of fire.

General Wang Mingzhang understood that this was the final moment of decisive battle, and he led the soldiers to be wounded and bloodied, and held their positions. When the flames struck, some of the wounded were burned to charcoal at the trenches and reduced to ashes. The misery of its condition, the intensity of its emotions, the tremors of people's hearts.

At this tragic and cruel moment, Wang Mingzhang calmly commanded the mobilization of troops to resist and desperately held his position. When the enemy collapsed the city walls and the besieging enemy soldiers swarmed in, the officers and men of our army jumped out of the ruins, under the walls, and in the trenches, and threw grenades at the enemy group like a torrential rain. In the shouts of death, the enemy fell piece by piece, the offensive was frustrated, and only a few people fled back in panic.

Taking advantage of this gap, the soldiers quickly plugged the gap in the open wall with thousands of bags of salt and grain stored in the city, wrapped their wounds and sharpened their knives, and prepared to fight again. Sure enough, the enemy began to shell fiercely again, and after shelling, he charged again. In this way, we counterattacked five times, and although our side suffered heavy casualties, it still blocked the enemy army outside the walls of Tengxian County.

The enemy was enraged, and because of the repeated setbacks in close combat, he had to use more intensive and fierce artillery fire for a long time to indiscriminately bombard, collapsing the city wall in many places, and then opening the way with tanks and charging at our position with a large-scale group charge. At this point, due to the extreme casualties of our personnel, we were unable to organize a strong counterattack.

When the Japanese army broke into the city, our command system was completely disrupted, and the soldiers of each company and platoon could only fight for themselves. Wang Mingzhang knew that the battle had reached its final moment, so he calmly sent a final telegram to Chiang Kai-shek, the headquarters of the group army and the supreme military commander of the Nationalist government, reporting on the grim situation in the city:

"At present, the enemy's field artillery and aircraft continue to bombard from morning to noon, there are several gaps in the city wall, and the enemy infantry has repeatedly climbed the city wall and been repelled. The Ministry of Competence recalls the precepts of Cheng Ren and the words of commendation of the opening of the cover, and decides to keep it with dead strength, in order to repay the country and the situation. ”

After the report was completed, Wang Mingzhang smashed the transmitter, rushed to the street with a gun, and personally commanded the remnants to stubbornly resist. At this time, his idea was very simple: if he could kill one more Japanese, he would kill one more Japanese, and if he could stop the enemy for one minute, he would block the enemy for one minute, and he would never give up the battle.

At this critical juncture, the generals saw that General Wang Mingzhang was still fighting with everyone, and they all had no intention of retreating, and everyone fought to the death for the final resistance. As more and more enemies poured into the city, it was difficult for our side to survive on the street, so Wang Mingzhang commanded the remnants to use the terrain and features to maneuver with the enemy and carry out street battles layer by layer.

However, the Japanese army was helpless, and in the end, Wang Mingzhang was unfortunately shot and killed, and before dying, he even shouted: "Kill the devil!" "Long live the Chinese nation!"

On the land of Teng county, General Wang Mingzhang fulfilled his oath with his life and coexisted with Tengcheng. In the tragic and magnificent battle, the 3,000 soldiers of the heroic Sichuan Army, except for a very small number of soldiers who were evacuated and returned, most of them were martyred heroically, and none of them were captured.

Wang Mingzhang led his troops to stubbornly resist the enemy for three and a half days with such a weak force and with flesh and blood, which won precious time for our army and enabled the smooth implementation of the military allocation and transfer plan in the theater to lay the foundation for the great victory of Taierzhuang that shocked the world.

The Battle of Tengxian struck a blow at the arrogance of the Japanese aggressors, and also swept away some of the defeated arguments in the Kuomintang, winning glory for the country and the people of Sichuan.

At that time, the military circles and public opinion circles did not expect this poorly equipped Sichuan unit to be so heroic and heroic, and did not expect that this Sichuan army general had such a strong sense of state and national consciousness.

Since then, no one has dared to underestimate this unit wearing straw shoes.

After the great victory of Taierzhuang, Li Zongren said with emotion: "If there is no hardship in Teng County, there will be a great victory in Taierzhuang, and the result of Taierzhuang will also be caused by the martyrs of Shiteng County." ”

After Wang Bingzhang and 3,000 soldiers were martyred, the Nationalist government, in recognition of the deeds of the 122nd Division in resisting the enemy, specially erected a monument to the division to commemorate the merits, posthumously awarded Wang Mingzhang the rank of general, and held a solemn mourning ceremony.

In 1938, the Japanese army attacked Tengxian County, Wang Mingzhang led the Sichuan army to meet the enemy, Chairman Mao: adding glory to the Chinese nation

In gratitude for the heroic martyrdom of General Wang Mingzhang, the CPC Central Committee also sent representatives to attend the mourning meeting, and Mao Zedong and others jointly presented the salutation:

"Fighting to defend an isolated city and seeing death as a homecoming is the true color of a revolutionary soldier;

We are determined to annihilate the stubborn enemy, martyr the country with our own lives, and add glory to the Chinese nation. "

After the Wuhan Public Sacrifice, Wang Mingzhang returned to his hometown. Both Chongqing and Chengdu held huge coffin greeting ceremonies and public sacrifices. The fathers and fellow villagers in their hometown were immersed in grief, shedding tears to welcome the return of the general's coffin, and in accordance with General Wang's last wishes, they founded the Mingzhang Middle School in Xindu.

More than 80 years have passed, the smoke of the war has long since dissipated, the eastern city wall of TengXian is newly built, there is no trace of the war, only the remaining bullet holes on the Longquan Tower are still clearly visible.

There are not many battlefield relics from the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression that have been preserved in Tengxian County, but the people of Tengxian County have not forgotten Wang Mingzhang and have not forgotten the Sichuan Army.

In Wang Mingzhang and his Sichuan army, we see the determination of the people of the whole country to resist foreign aggression at the last moment of the national peril. In the end, any aggressor will not be able to escape the fate of defeat. We have the confidence to defeat any aggressor, then and now. No aggressor should underestimate our determination to defend our country!

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