
The white fruit of Chinese medicine in the diet: holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent stop bands, and shrinking urine

author:Alone in the cold mountain, there are long-term aspirations
Duck feet are born in Jiangnan, and the name is not floating. Because of the tribute, Ginkgo Guizhongzhou. - Song Ouyang Xiu, "And Sheng Yu Li Houjia Duck Feet"

The "duck feet" in Ouyang Xiu's poem are not duck feet. Duck foot is the original name of the ginkgo tree, because of its "leaves resemble duck paws, because of the name duck feet". It was not until it became a tribute of the Song court that it was renamed "ginkgo", and its fruit was called white fruit "because of its shape like a small apricot and the color of the core is white".

Native Jiangnan, the leaves resemble duck palms, because of the name duck feet. At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, he paid tribute and changed his name to ginkgo, because it resembled a small apricot and the core color was white. The current name is Hakugo. ——"Compendium of Materia Medica"
The white fruit of Chinese medicine in the diet: holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent stop bands, and shrinking urine

Eat raw, stir-fry, boiled porridge, stewed soup, do you have white fruits in your recipes? Chinese medicine in the diet, today we will introduce ginkgo and white fruit.

1. White fruit

White fruit, the seed of ginkgo, in addition to being used in vegetables, it is also a traditional Chinese medicine. After ripening, the white fruit is removed from the fleshy outer seed coat, washed, slightly steamed or slightly boiled, and dried for medicine.

While white fruit is asthmatic expectorant, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory, it has a certain therapeutic effect on cerebral ischemia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc. In addition, white fruit also has anti-allergic, anti-aging, anti-parasitic and anti-tumor effects.

The white fruit of Chinese medicine in the diet: holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent stop bands, and shrinking urine

Chinese medicine white fruit taste sweet, bitter, astringent, flat sex; Poisonous. Attributed to the lungs and kidneys. It has the effect of holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent the stop band, and shrinking urine.

Ginkgo Song Dynasty Famous ,...... Its breath is thin and thick, its sex is astringent and harvested, and its color is white and golden. Therefore, it can enter the lung meridian, benefit lung qi, stabilize asthma, and reduce stool. If the raw pounding can be greasy, it will remove phlegm,...... However, if you eat too much, the order is too much, which makes people feel swollen and faint. ——"Compendium of Materia Medica"
The white fruit of Chinese medicine in the diet: holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent stop bands, and shrinking urine

White fruit taste astringent, good at holding lungs and stabilizing asthma, and has a certain phlegm function, is a common medicine for asthma phlegm. Treatment of asthma caused by wind chill, and see cold and fever, often used with ephedra and licorice, such as duck palm scatter ("Regent Recipe"); If you feel the wind chill on the outside and cough phlegm with heat inside, it is often used in the same way as ephedra, skullcap, mulberry white peel, such as dingpan soup ("Regent Formula"); If the lungs are hot and dry, wheezing and phlegmless, often equipped with Wu Tiandong, Mai Dong, Donghua and other yin nourishing and lung moisturizers; If the lungs and kidneys are deficient in cough, exhale more and breathe less, often with Wu Schisandra, walnut kernels and other drugs to replenish the kidneys and breathe, hold the lungs and calm asthma.

The white fruit of Chinese medicine in the diet: holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent stop bands, and shrinking urine

At the same time, white fruit can dehumidify and drain turbidity, astringent stop band, solidify and shrink urine to stop residue. If the yuan is weak under the treatment, the color of the belt with the pulse loss is thin, and it is often combined with Wu lotus seed, yam, etc. to strengthen the spleen and benefit the kidney; If the spleen is deficient and humid and hot bets, with yellow and fishy smell, often with Wu Qianshi , yam, yellow cypress, etc., to strengthen the spleen and dissolve dampness, clear heat and stop the band, such as Yi Huang soup ("Fu Qing Main Female Branch"). Treat white turbidity of urine, often used in the same way as grass and nootropic kernels to distinguish turbidity. To treat kidney qi is not solid and dreams are slippery, or frequent urination, enuresis, can be used alone or with cooked ground yellow, dogwood, raspberry and other kidney tonic and astringent drugs.

The white fruit of Chinese medicine in the diet: holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent stop bands, and shrinking urine

If the amount taken in white fruit is too large, it is easy to cause poisoning, and the toxicity of raw products is greater, and green germ is the most toxic. After poisoning is manifested by vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, irritability, convulsions or delirium, dyspnea, cyanosis, coma, unresponsiveness or disappearance of the pupil to light. Therefore, white fruit into medicine, should not be used more, children should pay special attention.

2. Ginkgo biloba

The leaves of ginkgo biloba can also be used for medicine, but it is not recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica". The wide application of ginkgo biloba in today's clinical medicine benefits from the continuous progress of modern pharmaceutical purification and processing technology.

Ginkgo biloba is sweet, bitter, astringent, flat; Return to the heart and lungs. Function: activate blood circulation and remove stasis, channel and relieve pain, relieve lung asthma, dissolve turbidity and lower lipids. It is suitable for blood stasis, chest paralysis, heart pain, stroke, hemiplegia, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, hyperlipidemia.

The white fruit of Chinese medicine in the diet: holding the lungs and stabilizing asthma, astringent stop bands, and shrinking urine

In autumn, when you see ginkgo trees, in addition to taking pictures and admiring, it is also good to pick up some leaves and go home to make tea, but ginkgo biloba is a medicinal herb after all, you should consult a professional before eating, remember that there are real evil people should not use ginkgo biloba. #夏日生活打卡季 #

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