
When does left-hand trading start?

author:Beijing Red Bamboo

Red bamboo fragments

Under what circumstances can I trade on the left?

First of all, you are not a novice, you must be a veteran to qualify, novices do not have this qualification, and those who think they are qualified are not considered ha.

The left side of the transaction must not be because of a lot of falls, after a long fall to the bottom, for the members of the Red Family Army must remember to never trade the first type of buying points.

But the knowledge points on the left side that can enter the market one after another must be understood, when you become a veteran in trading.

When does left-hand trading start?

No matter what level, if you want to enter the market on the left, it depends on whether there are 2 pivots falling in your chart, and if there is no fall more, there is no need for the left.

When the Shanghai Composite Index was 2863 points, Red Bamboo entered the market on the left, and the knowledge points used at that time were this.

When does left-hand trading start?

Although I don't know the center of the daily level segment, there is also an internal structure center, so there is a left side entry.

When does left-hand trading start?

The ChiNext band operation in March was also a left-hand entry, and there were also 2 pivotal declines at the five-minute level.

It is not because it has fallen too much to trade, nor because it may have to rebound to trade because it has fallen over, but it is fully in line with the downtrend, and the large level is also considered, and there is a left side to enter the market.

Remember, if you are a newbie, this is a knowledge point for you, and the trade must be right.

$SSE Index (SH000001)$ :

The rebound is not high, but it has met at least five new highs, and the daily rally has appeared.

From 2885 to 3418 points, the time of half a year is the construction of the rebound section, now the daily fall and the rebound have appeared, if it falls below 3168 points, the daily fall section is formed, which is the 2 waves falling, to meet the 3 waves of rise is not far away.

The big level buying point is getting closer.

Vernacular: Continue to eat melons and watch the play.

$GEM refers to (SZ399006)$ :

Some people are excited when they see the rebound established, never buy the filter system, no matter what level, whether it is strong or weak, as long as it is established, they are excited, hey, it's pitiful to think about.

Indeed, Friday slightly broke through the sub-pen platform in front of the down, and here it is likely to construct a five-minute level up and down, that is, a thirty-minute level reverse segment.

What is established on Friday, the next section appears on Monday, and another rebound can end the rally at any time.

Friday established excitement, Monday fell disappointed, some people said: Hongzhu, don't you say that the rebound is established? Why did it fall, hey, I'm tired of such a stockholder.

Vernacular: Wait for the appearance of the thirty-minute level rebound segment.

$Science and Technology 50(SH000688)$ :

Although there is not much room for rebound, the time for rebound is long enough, and Wednesday's daily 9-turn series of 9 o'clock, pay attention to it when the time comes.

For the small level of mobile take profit, it is still at 1022 points, and it has not moved up, and if it rebounds in these two days, the defensive line can move up.

Vernacular: Look at how much the bonus can give.

Individual A-share operation strategy:

If you don't operate personally, everyone likes to look at SSE 50 and ChiNext, and the funds are in AI+.

ETF Vernacular Strategy:

Interactive wave, just listen to me about the strategy of ETF, it has been a long time, have you started to invest now, if it has begun, what variety do you choose? What is the operational strategy?

The comments tell me to accept everyone's results.


The core of ETF trend fixed investment is in thinking, risk needs to take positions to manage, if you are not very clear about ETF trend fixed investment strategy, the evening resumption live broadcast must listen well, although the ETF risk is small, but the thinking is not changed before it is difficult Oh.