
Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

author:Department of Urology, Dr. Li Guanru

Cupping has always been an ancient "oriental health technique", in recent years, more and more people began to squeeze into the health army, cupping has also become fashionable. When watching the game, we can find the red mark of cupping on almost every star, mainland stars love cupping, even NBA stars have begun to indulge in cupping, do they love it so much?

Among them, "alphabet brother" Antetokounmpo is a big fan of fire pots. Whenever he caps, fans will notice that his long arms are full of traces of purple-red can prints, and many people speculate that the reason why he can "cover" so well is cupping. But is cupping really so powerful? Can it also precipitate the "toxins" in the body? Today we will see if cupping is really as miraculous and curative as rumored.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

First, what is cupping? Is the "blood print" pulled out a toxin in the body?

Cupping was first recorded in the history books of the Western Han Dynasty on the mainland and was a kind of physiotherapy. It uses the can as a medium, often ignites the inside of the tank with alcohol cotton, so that it forms negative pressure, and then adsorbs to the skin, and after a period of time it will form congestion, so as to achieve the purpose of physiotherapy.

We all know that the biggest feature of cupping is a can mark on the back, and the back will leave a red mark, dark or light. Due to the difference in color, some people mistakenly think that the depth of the can print represents the condition of the body, and even think that if the can print is dark, it represents more toxins in the body, but it is not.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

The reason why the can print is formed is because the capillaries rupture and the blood cells in the blood vessels leak out, resulting in the skin showing a different state of red. The human skin is the first barrier of our immunity, and toxins cannot easily penetrate the skin, so relying solely on cupping cannot achieve the purpose of detoxification. However, the depth of the color of the can may be related to the constitution:

(1) Purple-black can print - poor blood circulation, thick blood and strong liver, heat poison in the body

(2) There are ecchymoses in the purple-black can print - insufficient blood supply and poor blood circulation ability

(3) And pale white can print - insufficient qi and blood

(4) Bright red can print - a manifestation of heat image, often appears in late-night parties

(5) Light red can print - normal qi and blood, no loss or weakness

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

Although cupping cannot detoxify, many people are still addicted to it, which is inseparable from the benefits it brings. Traditional Chinese medicine books have a solid record of the efficacy of the fire pot, which can indeed help the human body unblock the meridians and play a role in "beauty" to a certain extent. Cupping can also regulate our nerve tissue, play a certain purpose of relieving fatigue, it can balance various tissues and organs of our body, achieve a dynamic balance effect, improve physical condition.

In addition, although the fire pot can remove moisture and dissipate cold, the effect is not very significant. Because cupping can only remove external moisture and cannot eradicate moisture in the body, some people suffering from rheumatoid should not have illusions, thinking that cupping can cure diseases.

Many people will feel relaxed after cupping, easy to do things without taboos, in fact, after cupping needs a certain amount of care time, after cupping we can't do everything, some things need to be banned. Only by keeping the following 3 points in mind can we achieve the true purpose of wellness, otherwise it will have adverse effects on our body.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

Second, after cupping, do not do three, once the "ring" is easy to go wrong

The first is that you can't take a bath and blow the wind. Generally, major bathing centers will provide cupping services, and many people also like to cupping after bathing, but we must not rush into the bathhouse to wash the body again after cupping, because under negative pressure conditions, our skin will become very fragile, and it cannot withstand the blow of "wind and rain".

And cupping will damage the skin, the skin needs a certain recovery period, if the body is rinsed immediately, it will cause the damaged skin to be secondary injury, resulting in infection. For example, people with low immunity are prone to frequent colds, often accompanied by typical cold symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, etc., and also cause joint swelling and pain, so bathing after cupping is taboo. then How long after cupping do we take a bath?

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

The TCM recommendation is that after 12 hours after cupping, it should not be shorter than three hours. So men and women who like hotel cupping, it is best to arrange the cupping service to enjoy at the end.

Also pay attention to immediately after cupping to get dressed and go home to lie flat, do not be dashing outdoors, easy to "cold wind" into the body. After cupping, we often find that obvious pores appear on the back, and these pores do not immediately return to their original shape.

After the pores open, the toxic gas in our body will be discharged, but at the same time, the cold outside is easy to enter. The open pores are like connecting the outside body and the body, which is both an outlet and an entrance, so we must not turn on the air conditioner after cupping. If we accidentally suffer from a wind, we must go to the hospital to receive treatment in time, and we must not drag it out.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

The second is to pay attention to the position of cupping. When we discover the benefits of cupping, we dream of rain and dew on every part of our body. As everyone knows, not every part of the human body can have a "life" to enjoy cupping. In addition to the back and arms, we still have to be cautious, not every part of the body can withstand negative pressure.

Especially the chest and navel, we don't try it easily. We all know that cupping is using negative pressure, the bottom of the chest cavity is our lungs, and the lungs are important organs of human breathing, and the alveoli inside are working by pressure. When we apply special external forces improperly, this balance can be upset, which can impair our lung function.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

Almost all of the human organs are concentrated in the abdomen, and the belly button is the only obvious scar on the abdomen, but it is of little use in itself. There is also a Shenque point above the belly button, and this acupuncture point is not suitable for cupping, it is only suitable for acupuncture. At the same time, the skin of the navel eye is very fragile, cupping in this position, it is easy to blister. In severe cases, there will also be a belly button valgus.

However, some people will think that navel cupping has a weight loss effect, and here I want to tell you that this is completely a rumor. The belly button used to be the hub that connects the fetus and the mother, but now that we are all adults, what use can it have? The medical community has also never come up with the navel eye weight loss skill. So cupping on the navel may end up self-inflicted.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

The third is to pay attention to time. The cupping time should not be too long, generally 10 minutes is the best. At this time, the blood vessels in our back can be fully dilated, the pores will also be enlarged, and the toxins in the body will be excreted. If it is too long, the skin can easily burn.

If there are small blisters, we can't take the initiative to pick them up, our skin has the ability to repair, and small blisters can be absorbed automatically. However, the blood blisters that are obviously hemolytic must be broken and the blood expelled in time.

After feeling the beauty of cupping, some people often think about cupping as if they are addicted. However, the time between the two cupping should not be too short, it is best to wait for the imprint of the previous cupping to disappear completely, or once a week. In this way, skin damage can be reduced and physiotherapy can be achieved.

The above three points, people who love cupping must keep in mind, the slightest mistake hospital will beckon you. It is recommended that novices do not try it at home and go to regular physiotherapy occasions to cup, after all, cupping has a certain risk factor and is easy to burn the skin.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

Third, the following is the crowd where cupping is prohibited, see if you are "squeezed" by the fire pot?

Not everyone is suitable for cupping, and if these people try cupping out of curiosity, they will not only not benefit, but will also cause great trouble to themselves. Therefore, everyone hurry up to see if they are suitable for cupping, and if there is a point that matches your physical condition, then quickly stop the fire pot physiotherapy. If this continues, it is not about spending money to enjoy, but about spending money to suffer.

Children, people over seventy years of age and pregnant women with low immunity are blacklisted for cupping. After cupping, as soon as they do not do a good job of protection, the cold will enter the body. Pregnant women have a cold is not a joke, they can't take cold medicine directly like ordinary people, they can only follow the doctor's advice for reasonable treatment, so it is recommended that you do not cupping during pregnancy to gain more than it is worth the loss.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

If pregnant women and the elderly are physical problems, then the following groups of people are local parts that cannot be cupped, such as some heart diseases, blood diseases and lung infections. In fact, patients with mild heart disease can follow the doctor's advice to accelerate blood circulation by cupping to relax the muscles and activate the nerves, but heart disease patients with angina and dyspnea are strictly forbidden to cupping, cupping will make their skin tense locally, due to the rapid blood flow, myocardial ischemia and other serious consequences, easy to coma and faint.

It is best not to cupping for people who are physically weak, such as menstruating women and skinny people. Forced cupping will increase menstrual flow, leakage and other phenomena. If you feel heavy moisture during menstruation, you can take medication under the guidance of a doctor, you can also improve your diet, eat less raw and cold, irritating food, and you can exercise properly.

In addition, patients with skin diseases and the site of skin damage cannot cupping. Some people think cupping can cure scabies, but it is not. Scabies is caused by parasites infecting the local skin, the best treatment for scabies is external application of scabicidal preparations, pay attention to hygiene, used clothes are boiled with water in time to disinfect or scald and exposed. If cupping is done blindly, it may aggravate the condition.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

Fourth, research shows that "cupping" has been applied to the new crown vaccine, and "cupping" vaccine injection can promote drug absorption

In recent years, no matter how much men, women and children are most concerned about the research of the new crown vaccine? Can booster shots be developed? In fact, researchers have taken inspiration from cupping seeds, proposed the development methods of vaccines, and confirmed the practicality of "cupping" vaccines through a series of scientific experiments. By applying negative pressure, scientists have greatly improved the efficacy of the vaccine.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge

We know that there are two kinds of genetic material in viruses, one is DNA and the other is RNA. Because DNA is a double-stranded structure, it is more stable and less susceptible to interference from external factors, so the scientists' mouse experiments were successful and explored the transfection effect of DNA. As long as negative pressure is applied after injecting the antigen of the viral DNA, a gentle inhalation can improve the efficacy of the vaccine, and the efficacy is hundreds of times that of ordinary injection.

However, it should be noted that because the new crown virus is a single-stranded RNA virus, scientists do not have a better way to take advantage of this effect, and whether it is cupping detoxification or "cupping" vaccine, they are all auxiliary effects, the root cure of the disease or the need for real drug treatment, so don't believe some cupping advertisements that can cure disease and lose weight.

Is the bruised blood sucked out by the cupping pot a toxin in the body? Tell you the truth, read the long knowledge


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