
ChatGPT Alternative Apocalypse: The Last Piece of the Puzzle for Ordinary People to Harness AI? Titanium empty time

author:Titanium Media APP
ChatGPT Alternative Apocalypse: The Last Piece of the Puzzle for Ordinary People to Harness AI? Titanium empty time

Written on the front:

On April 14, 1980, Los Angeles, USA, the movie "Kramer" won the 52nd Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress, and defeated the equally great Vietnam War epic film "Apocalypse Now" in the era of masters. This great work, seemingly using its own fate, allegorically reveals the truth of history:

"In fact, there is no victory or defeat in any war, and the victory is always only the war itself"

On November 30, 2022, San Francisco, USA, OpenAI, a US artificial intelligence research laboratory, released the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, which exceeded 100 million users within 2 months, and this new generation of conversational "artificial intelligence" has attracted 100 million users worldwide, becoming the fastest growing consumer application in history. According to the definition of Alan Turing, the "father of artificial intelligence", if a machine can talk to humans (through a fly-by-wire device) without being able to identify its machine identity, then the machine is said to have intelligence. In this long-distance run between humans and artificial intelligence for more than 70 years, a new human revelation has surfaced:

"The world is on the eve of a new round of AI technology explosion."

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At 3 p.m. on June 7, 2023, the titanium space time "reading moment" will bring a blockbuster live broadcast:

ChatGPT Alternative Apocalypse: Ordinary People Navigate the Last Piece of the Artificial Intelligence Puzzle?

To find this puzzle, perhaps we can start by looking back at history...

Artificial intelligence has gone through three waves of historical development

► First Wave (1956-1974):

AI thought gives machines logical reasoning ability. With the rise of the emerging concept of "artificial intelligence", people are full of imagination about the future of AI, and artificial intelligence ushered in the first wave of development.

At this stage, artificial intelligence is mainly used to solve algebra and geometry problems, as well as to learn and use English programs, and the research and development mainly revolves around the logical reasoning ability of machines.

Among them, the breakthrough development of natural language processing and human-computer dialogue technology in the 60s of the 20th century greatly raised people's expectations for artificial intelligence and brought artificial intelligence into the first wave of climax.

However, limited by the lack of computer computing power at that time, and due to the pressure of Congress under the pressure of Congress, the US and British governments stopped funding artificial intelligence research projects without clear goals in 1973, and the monetization cycle of artificial intelligence research and development was lengthened and the industry was cold.

Keywords: recognition patterns, human-machine dialogue, expert systems

► Second wave (1980-1987):


Since the 80s of the 20th century, the "expert system" AI program in a specific field has been more widely adopted, the system can reason out the answers to professional questions according to the professional knowledge in the field, and AI has become more "practical", and the knowledge base system and knowledge engineering on which the expert system relies have become the main research direction at that time. However, the practicality of the expert system is limited to specific areas, and the difficulty of upgrading and maintenance costs remain high, and the development of the industry has once again encountered bottlenecks.

In 1990, the AI DARPA project failed, announcing that the second wave of AI was at a low point. However, the proposal of BP neural networks at the same time laid the foundation for the ability of machines to perceive and interact later.

Keywords: framework theory, computer vision, computer neurology, BP algorithm, behavioral robot

► Third wave (1993–present):

Deep learning helps perceptual intelligence mature. The increasing computing power of computers has accelerated the iteration of artificial intelligence technology, and also promoted the maturity of perceptual intelligence, combining AI with multiple application scenarios and rejuvenating the industry.

The proposal of deep learning algorithms in 2006 and the major breakthrough in image recognition accuracy of AlexNet on the ImageNet training set in 2012 directly promoted a new round of artificial intelligence development.

In 2016, after AlphaGo defeated professional Go players, artificial intelligence once again gained unprecedented attention. From the perspective of technological development, in the first two waves, the logical reasoning ability of artificial intelligence has been continuously enhanced, the computing intelligence has gradually matured, and the intelligent ability has expanded from computing to perception.

At present, the capabilities of perception technologies such as speech recognition, speech synthesis, and machine translation have approached human intelligence.

Keywords: transfer learning, autonomous driving, generative adversarial networks, unsupervised deep learning, large language models

Titanium Media & Titanium Air Time and the asynchronous community of People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House jointly launched a deep peak dialogue on the development of a new round of AI technology, deeply concerned about the development trend and business changes in the field of AI, and tried to reveal with many industry practitioners and participants at the key nodes of the specific artificial intelligence development process: ordinary people control the last piece of the puzzle of artificial intelligence.

Heavyweight guest introduction

ChatGPT Alternative Apocalypse: The Last Piece of the Puzzle for Ordinary People to Harness AI? Titanium empty time

Stuart Russell

In 1962, British, Ph.D. in physics + computer science from Stanford University, author of "Artificial Intelligence: Modern Methods", first published a signed article with Hawking and others calling on everyone to be wary of people who may pose a threat to us by artificial intelligence, vice chairman of the World Economic Forum's Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, University of California, Berkeley, as a professor of computer science, and served as the head of the department, director of the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence.

ChatGPT Alternative Apocalypse: The Last Piece of the Puzzle for Ordinary People to Harness AI? Titanium empty time

Nico Lee

Partner of Titanium Media Group, president of ChainDD, a well-known blockchain media data platform under Titanium Media Group, author of "Blockchain 100 Questions: In-depth and Comprehensive Understanding of Blockchain", author of representative articles "The Mystery of Shenzhen Sailong Company's Sudden Death", "36 Kr Equity Crowdfunding Platform Caught in the Vortex of Fraud", "36 Kr Again Caught in Fraud, China's Equity Crowdfunding is about to End?" ", "Jia Yueting, Faraday Future Company in the United States asset investigation", "OKEX suspected illegal futures trading insider" and other sensational industry and even shake the country's major reports.

Introduction to blockbuster works

ChatGPT Alternative Apocalypse: The Last Piece of the Puzzle for Ordinary People to Harness AI? Titanium empty time

In 1995, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach was completed and was called "the standard textbook in the field of artificial intelligence".

This book comprehensively and deeply explores the theory and practice in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), and integrates today's popular artificial intelligence ideas and terms into widely concerned applications in a unified style, truly combining theory and practice.

The book is divided into 7 parts, a total of 28 chapters, the theoretical part introduces the main theories and methods of artificial intelligence research and traces the relevant ideas more than 2,000 years ago, including logic, probability and continuous mathematics, perception, reasoning, learning and action, fairness, trust, social welfare and security; The practical part perfectly implements the "modern" concept, and the practical application selects the current hot microelectronic devices, robotic planetary probes, online services with billions of users, AlphaZero, humanoid robots, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence-assisted medical care, etc.

At present, the book has been updated and issued on the basis of the original, and a large number of pages in the 4th edition are new content or rewritten to adapt to the new changes in the field of artificial intelligence, presenting a more unified picture of the field of artificial intelligence, covering new achievements in deep learning and other aspects, and adding new progress in the field of artificial intelligence in the past decade.

Titanium empty time|co-reading time

"Titanium Air Time|Reading Moment" live broadcast room - is a special reading column of titanium empty time.

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ChatGPT Alternative Apocalypse: The Last Piece of the Puzzle for Ordinary People to Harness AI? Titanium empty time

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