
Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing


Wang Jiansong

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

The name of Lord Jing Ri has been widely recited in the Songshan area for more than 360 years, especially the story of free imperial food is a household name, known to women and children. He was a famous minister of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and a famous politician; He admired and studied Cheng Zhu Lixue and was a famous physicist; He wrote books and said, full of meridians, but also a bookmaker; He devoted himself to medicine, treated and saved people, and was also a medical scientist. So, what kind of person is Jing Rifang? What exactly did he leave us in his life? And listen to the author slowly tell you - the famous minister of the Qing Dynasty, Jing Rifang

1. Origin of the poor

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

Jing Rifang's origin: Jing Rifang was born in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (1661), the character Dongyang, the number Songya, later known as Jing Zongbo. Zongbo, the ancient Chinese official name, ranked as the third duke (太師, 太傅, 太保), is one of the six qing, in charge of the state rites, with the great uncle as the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and the small uncle as the Attendant of the Ministry of Rites.

Jing Rifang's grandfather called Jing Yang, the character became five, and he was martyred bravely. Father Jing Xing, teacher, mother Zhang, from Xi Shi Village, grandfather Zhang Ruji Xiucai. Jing Rifang has three brothers, younger brothers Riyan and Rihui, and four other sisters. From childhood to study with his father, Tangzhuang Chen Village, Chengyuhuang Temple, County School Yue Shengtang, 15 years old to Songyang Academy, under the tutelage of Geng Jie and Liang Jiahui (character tree cypress). Mother Zhang, Ying Hui Xian Shu, diligent and thrifty, because of the poverty of the family, overwork, accumulated work and illness, in the eighteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty seriously ill and bedridden, please seek medical treatment, prescribe medicine, there is expensive ginseng, there is no money to buy medicine, the doctor said that pigeon meat can be used instead, Jing Rifang will go around catching pigeons, the pigeons return to the nest, the nest is in the county, not allowed to enter. Jing Ri looked at the nest and cried, which alarmed the county commander Zhang Shen at that time. Zhang Shen was a parent official who loved the people, and after learning the truth, he respected his filial piety, so he ordered his men to catch pigeons and put them in the cage so that they could take back Fengmu. But in the end, he could not save his mother's life, and his mother died of illness at the age of 36, and Jing Rifang was 19 years old. The difficult environment tempered his will, and from then on, his long road to fame began.

Second, seek meritorious fame

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

In the feudal society under the family, it is not easy for you to enter the career as a child of the poor. Some people participated in the scientific examination, and their beards were all white, but they still failed the exam repeatedly, and they were still famous and fell behind. Jing Rifeng was born in a poor family, how did he pass layers of exams to seek fame, and finally won the gold list?

In the twenty-fourth year of the Kangxi Reign (1685), 25-year-old Jing Rifang participated in the children's examination, which was a county-level examination, and won the first place and won Xiucai; In the twenty-sixth year of the Kangxi Reign (1687), Jing Rifang went to Kaifeng, Bianjing, at the age of 27 to participate in the township examination, and won the 14th place. The township examination, held every three years, takes place in the provincial capital, and is presided over by an examiner sent by the emperor. The exam is divided into three sessions, one for three days, for a total of nine days. The first session is the Eight Strands of Writing, which selects materials from the Four Books and Five Classics to come up with questions; The second test is an official application text, which is divided into two types, one is the official document exchanged up and down, and the other is to write a judicial judgment based on the case provided; The third question will involve very specific issues of national economy and people's livelihood, and candidates are required to give countermeasures and methods. The eight strands of literature are based on the sentences in the four books and five classics as the title, and the eight strands of text refers to a style composed of eight parts, such as breaking the topic, undertaking the topic, starting the lecture, starting, starting the stock, the middle stock, the back stock, and the bundle stock, but the basic condition is that the calligraphy skills must be good.

In the 27th year of the Kangxi Reign (1688), the 28-year-old Jing Rifang entered the Beijing Huihui Examination. The examination was also held every three years in Kyoto and Beijing during the Qing Dynasty. Because it is presided over by the Ministry of Rites and brings together people from all over the world to take the exam in Beijing, it is called the "meeting examination". The venue for the examination was in Beijing's Gongyuan, which is now the Gongyuan Hutong north of the Beijing Railway Station, and the Gongyuan is no longer available. Jing Rifang entered the Beijing meeting test, ranked 46th, and won the tribute; In the 30th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1691), Jing Rifang took the palace examination at the age of 31, and the palace examination was also taken in Beijing, usually in front of the imperial palace Taihe Hall, so it was called "palace examination". Jing Rifang ranked 36th, won the second rank, and was given a career in the ranks. Jing Rifang went through a full six years of scientific research.

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

"Ten years of cold window no one asked, became famous in one fell swoop." The first class and three Zhijin Shi and the first, commonly known as the champion, the list eye, and the tanhua; The second rank was born as a jinshi, and the first place was commonly known as Chuanxuan; The top three were born as jinshi. If it is the first place in the township examination, conference examination, and hall examination, that is, the Xie Yuan of the township examination, the meeting yuan of the conference examination, and the champion of the palace examination, it is the three yuan of Lianzhong, which is rare, and for more than a thousand years, there are only 17 people in Chinese history who are "three yuan" in Lianzhong, such as the more famous Lü Mengzheng, Wang Zeng, and Song Xiang in the Northern Song Dynasty, which is the "three yuan" of Lianzhong. Although these 17 people did very well in the exam, they did not do anything that required a special book in history, nor did they establish special merit. This actually shows a truth, whether ancient or modern, the best learning is not necessarily the highest achievement! Like Li Bai and Du Fu, the imperial examination was unsuccessful, Pu Songling did not pass the exam in his life, and also wrote the ancient famous book "Liaozhai Zhi Yi".

After hard work, Jing Rifang finally passed the junior high school entrance examination, which can be said to be famous all over the world and glorious ancestors. So, after Jing Rifang takes the junior high school entrance exam, can he really become an official? Do officials still need to go through complicated procedures?

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

After Jing Rifang took the junior high school entrance examination, he returned to Dengfeng for one reason that he was not in the top three. If it is a champion, a list eye, or a tanhua, it is to stay in Kyoto and be directly appointed to the Hanlin Academy, which is how the pope's sons and grandchildren learn. Jing Rifang is only a scholar, and if he wants to officially enter the career path, he also needs to pass the examination of the Ministry of Officials and the Prince of the Kingdom; The second is to go home and wait for the opportunity, he waited at home for another 5 years. In the 35th year of Kangxi, when Jing Rifang was 36 years old, he went to Beijing to take the test, and the candidate was Zhixian of Gaoyao County, and he only officially took office in the ninth lunar month of that year, so what did he do in the past five years? He mainly worked on local errands, first participating in the compilation of the "Henan Tongzhi" in Bianjing, Kaifeng, and secondly writing several books. 1. "Songya Righteousness", 2, "Songya Yiyi", 3, "Jing's Family Ride", 4, "Dengfeng County Record", 5, "Songya Zunsheng", 6, "History of Songyue Temple", etc. By the way, "Songya Zunsheng", which is a famous medical work that explains the theory and clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine, especially has many unique insights into gynecology, and is quite famous after it was introduced to Japan.

3. The road to career

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

We all know that Jing Rifang became the Zhixian of Gaoyao County, Zhaoqing Prefecture, Guangdong, and his outstanding political achievements in Gaoyao County were highly respected by the people and had a high prestige, and to this day there are relics such as "Jingfuwei", "Houzai Temple" and "Jingjiapo" preserved in Gaoyao City, Guangdong. So what amazing deeds did he do in Gaoyao County, where he was not familiar with his life?

In the 35th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, in 1696 AD, Jing Rifang was 36 years old. On September 22 of that year's lunar calendar, he arrived in Gaoyao County. The first is to solve cases: microservice private visits, handling major cases, among which thousands of people in the "money and grain accumulation case" have been rehabilitated. And new rules were enacted so that when collecting silver and grain, the servants were not allowed to deduct it. It took five years to review and hear 67,000 cases.

The second is to control the flood: in the 40th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the exceptionally serious flood, the Xijiang River in Gaoyao County crossed more than 200 li, of which Yangji and Bailianji broke off, and the Yellow River broke, Jing Dongyang took a boat to send relief, built the Xijiang River to break the embankment, he led the people to build the embankment, "Houzai Temple" 26,700 people were saved from death, and later where he stood Gao wanted the people to build the temple "Jingfuwei". His achievements were repeatedly reported to the imperial court by Zhang Shen, the prefect of Zhaoqing Prefecture, and Peng Peng, the governor of Guangdong, but he was not promoted because of his punishment.

The third is to publish books: Jing Rifang can not only be an official, but also can write books, saying that he is a bookwriter is not false at all, he works during the day in Gaoyao County and writes books at night, a total of two books, one is "Songtai Book", four volumes of 12 books, 460,000 words, and the other is "Songya Xuefan" 6 volumes and four books. "Songtai Book", mainly writing about Songtai Mountain in Gaoyao County - Qixingyan (now Zhaoqing City, national scenic area), Songtai essays - mountain and river attractions, history, terroir, etc., Songtai school system - the grand blueprint of Gaoyao County, Songtai School System recommended after the record; Political performance, three-year examination recommendation promotion not approved, continued work record, Songtai most record - performance appraisal report, emperor approval reply, etc. "Songya Xuefan" mainly writes about Zhuzi's dogma, gains and losses in science, self-cultivation, dealing with the world, governing the family, governing the country and the world.

In the forty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1703), at the age of 43, he was promoted to the rank of Imperial Attendant of Gyeonggi Province, and later served as the Imperial Governor of Henan Province, Zhejiang Province, Jiangnan Province, Shaanxi Province, and Fannan Province.

In the 50th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1711), 51-year-old Jing Rifang, his father Jing Xing's 70th birthday, in order to celebrate the Kangxi Emperor's naming of his father as Wenlin Lang, specially set up the "Jingfeng Duke Seventh Rank Shou Wenqi" on the side of the official residence on the east street of the county seat.

From the 51st to the 54th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1712-1715), Jing Rifang, aged 52 to 55, died of his father Jing Xing, and stayed at home for his father Ding You for three years. He buried his father in the southwest of Chen Village in Tangzhuang with his mother. And in front of the tomb erected the Fengtian Edict Monument and archway.

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

In the winter of the 54th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1715), Jing Rifang was transferred to the Hongluo Temple as the superintendent of the imperial history of Fannan Province. In the fifty-fifth year of the Kangxi Reign (1716), at the age of 56, Jing Rifang was promoted to the rank of Young Secretary of the Hongluo Temple, Zhongxian Daifu, and Zheng Sipin.

In October of the 56th year of the Kangxi Reign (1717), Jing Rifang, 57 years old, was appointed as the Shaoqing of the Imperial Servant Temple, and in November Gengchen was promoted to the Emperor's Mansion.

Kangxi 57 (1718) February Xin, 58 years old Jing Rifang. He was promoted to the rank of left deputy of the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office. In November, Shu Yin moved to the right attendant of the Ministry of Ceremonies. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Doctor and Attendant of the Ministry of Ceremonies. Jing Rifang moves several times a year and improves unexpectedly. In the 59th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1720), 60-year-old Jing Rifang built a house inscribed "Woody Water Source" on the side of his father's tomb, and built a "Doumu Palace" next to Dieshixi Villa.

In the 60th year of the Kangxi Reign (1721), Jing Rifang was 61 years old and presided over scientific expeditions; In the first year of the Yongzheng Dynasty (1723), Jing Rifang was 63 years old, and in March he had moved to the left attendant of the ceremonial department, and in September he was transferred to the right attendant of the household department. He presided over the Enko examination that year. In the second year of Yongzheng (1724), Jing Rifang was 64 years old, and in June, due to the shortage of people in the Ministry of Rites, he was again appointed as an attendant of the Ministry of Rites and presided over the scientific expedition.

Fourth, return to the old people

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

In the third year of the Yongzheng Dynasty (1725), the 65-year-old returned home. It stands to reason that Jing Rifang can work in his prominent official position until he dies, so why did he resign and return home? A look at the Qing History Manuscript reveals its secrets. In the third year of Yongzheng's reign, the eight brothers who competed with Yongzheng for the throne were stripped of their princes, and the nine and fourteen brothers were respectively stripped of their titles, and they were tortured to death in prison; At that time, Jing Rifang's top boss, Shangshu Zhang Boxing of the Ministry of Rites, died of illness in office; In that year, Nian Xinyao, who assisted Yongzheng on the throne, was given death; At that time, the famous "Yongzheng Eight Cases" such as "Zhang Tinglu's Scientific Investigation Case" and "Lu Liuliang's Literary Prison Case" involved countless people, and many people were innocently affected, resulting in the death of their families and wandering around for their lives... Speaking of this, it is not difficult to see how Jing Rifang resigned.

After Jing Rifang resigned from the government, he returned to his hometown of Dengfeng and lived in seclusion in Xiaoyao Valley, on the north bank of Songyang Academy's East Stacking Stone Creek, closed doors, and occasionally lectured at Songyang Academy. Continue to write and write biographies, and before and after the author of "Song Cliff System Righteousness", "Song Cliff Yiyi", "Say Song" and other books have been passed down to the world, and are known as the books of ten thousand volumes! Among them, "Say Song" is known as the "encyclopedia" of Songshan.

5. The way to deal with the world

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

Jing Rifang is a famous physicist, who left many aphorisms in his life, and several aphorisms from "Song Ya Xuefan" are transcribed here and shared with readers.

——Mr. Ikawa said: Crown wedding and funeral sacrifice, the great ceremony. Today's people do not pay attention to it, the jackals and otters know the report, and the family of this doctor ignores this. It is thicker than devotion, and thinner than the ancestors. A certain family of six rites must have a temple, and the temple must have a master. Sacrifice at four o'clock. The rite of death in all things should be greater than that of the living, and others may save a number of such things, although the young may gradually understand the propriety and righteousness. There is no temple for the disciples of the family, and there is no temple because there is no room, and I am very sorry for the ancestors' offerings!

——Fa Zhao Zen Master Kaiyun: The same qi and branches are each prosperous, some words do not hurt, once they see each other and they are old, how long can they be brothers.

- In the heavens and the earth of life, words cannot be exhausted, things cannot be done, hearts cannot be exhausted, clothes cannot be exhausted, meals cannot be eaten, blessings cannot be exhausted, and those who leave this inexhaustible will be insufficient for posterity. Yang Xiangyi's father-in-law said: Those who accumulate the blessings of the ancestors now must not be spared, and those who will be blessed in the future must be cultivated by the descendants. Another day: the blessing of the present, like the lighting of the lamp, will be exhausted with the light, and the blessing of the future, like adding oil, will become more and more moist.

- He who is of good quality is good without teaching; Those who are of middle quality, teach and then good; Those who are inferior do not teach well. To be good without teaching, to be holy and to be good, to teach and then to be good, not to be virtuous, not to be good, not to be foolish. It is the one who knows the good, and the auspicious one is also. Those who are not good are also fierce... Those who are auspicious, people are not good and do not give friends, things are not righteous, relatives are like zhilan, and avoiding evil is like fearing snakes and scorpions. Those who are fierce, their language is deceitful, their actions are insidious, they are good and wrong, they are greedy and jealous of good and good like enemies, they are guilty of punishment like food, the small is dead, and the big ones are extinguished, and it is said that the good people are good, but the days are insufficient. The murderer is not good, and the days are insufficient. Ru and others are auspicious, want to be murderers?

-- The poor give birth to thrift, diligence and thrift give rise to wealth, wealth gives rise to luxury, and arrogance breeds poverty.

—— When you are poor, you look and you are deterred, rich and coquettish, the heart of heaven is difficult to love, and the contented starves to death.

6. End of life

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

Jing Rifang died of illness in the eleventh year of the Yongzheng Dynasty (1733) and was buried in Tangzhuang Township, Dengfeng City. One mile southwest of Chen Village, the cemetery (Ma Run Village) was set by Jing Xing, the father of Duke Jing, when he was alive, and built by later generations. The author went to the cemetery many times to worship, visited the tomb, and talked with local elders and the descendants of the Jing family who moved from Daye to guard the tomb, and learned that the Jing Cemetery covers an area of about 50 acres, and the direction of the cemetery is northwest and southeast, with the head resting on the horse's head cliff and the foot pedaling the mouth of the big river. The four corners of the cemetery stand one meter high, as evidenced by boundary stones carved with lion's heads, there is an avenue in front of the cemetery, and when entering the cemetery, you first climb more than one meter high and 6 steps to the platform. A pair of stone lions and an 8-meter-tall pair of Chinese watches carved from white jade stand symmetrically on either side and enter the 5-meter-wide Shinto of the Shinto paved with bluestone slabs and 300 meters deep. Shinto two measurements are symmetrically arranged with stone lions, stone monkeys, stone sheep, stone horses, stone people and other stone ceremonial guards with different postures.

In the thirties of the twentieth century, Jing Gong's tomb was stolen twice. The first time was the night behavior of the tomb robbers, and the night was even redder for half a day, and the thieves saw that the sky was red in the middle of the night, and the thieves thought that they had angered the gods, which was unpopular and fled in panic.

The second theft was in 1936, when the warlord Wu Peifu sent his subordinate Shi Youshan into the cemetery in order to raise military salaries, when there were many soldiers, and the village head set up a sentry, and constantly fired shots, and the villagers did not dare to come close to watch. The thieves entered through a hole in the top of the grave, and it was not finished until late at night, and it was unclear what was stolen.

Jing Rifang: High position, official adventure, safe landing

In the sixties, the Cultural Revolution broke the four old and established four new, and the cemetery of Jing Gong also became one of the four old, and in August of the same year, the archway was destroyed, and the stone bars and other stones on the archway were used by the production team building, some of them were used to repair the main canal of the paper mill reservoir, and some were transported to the Ludian Steel Mill. Shinto stones were smashed, pulled down and buried deep in place, and trees were cut down. The cemetery is only one acre in size, and a pair of stone monkeys are built on roadside weirs. In the nineties of last century, the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau sent people to Songyang Academy to preserve it for tourists to see the exhibition. The mutilated tombstone was transported to his home for protection by Jing Changjie, a descendant of the tomb guard, and in 1992 it was transported to the Dengfeng City Museum and preserved. At present, Jing Changjie's house also preserves fragments of dragon bodies carved on the stone archway.

On December 20, 1965, the People's Government of Dengfeng County declared Jing Cemetery Park as the first batch of cultural relics protection units. On June 28, 2000, the Dengfeng Municipal People's Government issued Document No. 35, expanding the surrounding protection area, and the cemetery was nearly 60 acres.

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