
The child was hit by a car at school and died, and the mother jumped to her death by online violence: why are the wicked so arrogant?


The child was hit and killed by a motor vehicle at school,

My mother jumped to her death by online violence:

Why are the wicked so arrogant?

Text | The fog is full of rivers


In Wuhan, a primary school student at school was hit and killed by a teacher's car.

——On the Internet, it set off a crazy online violence against the mother who lost her child, which finally made the mother unable to bear it and jumped to her death:

The child was hit by a car at school and died, and the mother jumped to her death by online violence: why are the wicked so arrogant?


Vicious Internet abusers, there is a one called "Positive Energy":

The child was hit by a car at school and died, and the mother jumped to her death by online violence: why are the wicked so arrogant?

E has positive energy, while slandering the child's mother is "Isn't it because you think that the compensation is less, do you want to pay more?" ", while hitting the driver who killed the child, "I feel sorry for this young man."

The child's bones are not cold, but this person deliberately stimulates the child's mother in the way of "distressing the perpetrator", and its evil and cruelty break through human imagination.

And this:

The child was hit by a car at school and died, and the mother jumped to her death by online violence: why are the wicked so arrogant?

The comment uses words such as "looks" and "should" to maliciously irritate the mother who has lost a child.

These people are murderers whose hands are stained with blood.


Some netizens argued: You said online violence, but do you have evidence that the mother who lost her child jumped off the building after reading these online violence texts?

The above problem is evil!

- Pretend to be objective, ignore the blood, divert the subject and force the victim to prove his innocence.

Who claims, who proves. You said that your online violence has nothing to do with the child's mother jumping off the building - this requires you to show evidence, not in front of the body of the mother and son, you divert a topic, you want the person to stop crying and find evidence for you.

What is online violence?

- Ignoring the main thrust of the incident, messing around on extremely trivial details, and forcing others to prove their innocence.

This type of person is called "troll" overseas.

Translated, it probably means "a youkai who is good at leading war with extreme provocations."

Simply translated as "Internet troll".

Moreover, the behavior of online abusers has a very simple routine.


Internet trolls who are good at leading battles have four characteristics:

The first is to be good at using extreme methods to manipulate others.

The second is crazy narcissism, under the banner of justice, doing evil.

The third, psychopathic, lacks self-blame and empathy.

The fourth, sadistic, takes pleasure in the suffering of others.

These four characteristics are reflected in the psychology of trolls - but their behavior is so simple that it cannot be simpler.

The child was hit by a car at school and died, and the mother jumped to her death by online violence: why are the wicked so arrogant?

They like to express "extreme views" - and he himself knows that his views are extreme, but in the process of long-term online violence, he found that extreme views are the easiest to gather evil people and screen out those who are neutral - so that the effect of "evil people controlling the field" is quickly achieved.

The so-called villain control field, that is, there may be 1,000 people on the scene, only one percent of the people are not right, that is, there are only 10 bad people - but these ten bad people, when they see extreme views, will get together, and then publish comments endlessly.

And 990 objectivists do not frantically publish "objective" views, so what you see is the extreme views of the wicked people constantly brushing the screen - simply put, the wicked people only have 1%, but the extreme views they publish account for 99% of the total amount of information.

Not only that, the evil people will also destroy truly objective opponents by leading battles, attacks, offline harassment, etc.

In 2005, football player Li Yi, somehow targeted by trolls, made a Li Yi the Great, referred to as the emperor, and large-scale online violence against Li Yi.

"Emperor Bar" claims to have 32 million bar friends (it should be impossible, trolls will register countless accounts).

At that time, there were also attempts to persuade everyone to "be rational".

This persuader, if his words did not work, is considered lucky - if it did, the flock of trolls would start, and all sorts of trolls would come and insult the persuaders in all kinds of attacks. Then there is a human flesh search, once the persuader's work unit is found, the landline led by the persuader will burst, and the persuader will also be buttoned up with all kinds of bizarre hats and forced to fire the unit.

Then the trolls would appear near the persuader's family, full of provocative malice, which made the persuader's whole family terrified.

If you are the persuader, you have nothing to do with Li Yi, why bother to take his future and fortune for him? So you will step back one hundred percent.

So no one dared to stop Li Yi's online violence.

Poor Li Yi is confused, he is just a kicker, how can he think that all the bad people in the world will target him?

Li Yi scored fewer and fewer goals, slowly couldn't play, and left the national team.

Seven years later, Li Yi plucked up the courage to give an interview and said: "This situation is unacceptable to anyone. I'm an ordinary person, an ordinary player, and suddenly I'm being scolded by thousands of people, this accusation, this pressure, I sometimes wonder, what am I doing wrong? ”

Li Yi, his arms are thicker than your thighs, a man stronger than an ox.

But even such a strong Li Yi will be caused by online violence to collapse in his heart.

What about the mother of a child who was hit and killed by a motor vehicle on what should be the safest campus?


When the mother who lost her child in the Internet violence, the tricks used by the trolls are still the same:

- Extreme war!

If "there is positive energy" listed by netizens, this person openly blamed the mother who lost her child, "Isn't it because you think that the compensation is less, do you want to pay more compensation?"

Eyou positive energy said at the same time: "In addition! The young teacher has apologized, and his heart is mixed. I stood in the shoes of the mother of a 21-year-old child and felt sorry for this young man. Not long on board, right? With such a big thing, I must be very guilty in my heart, and how much psychological pressure it is. ”

Even the perpetrator or his family does not dare to say this kind of unconscionable words - it is too evil, the child's bones are not cold, and talking like this is tantamount to pouring salt on the wounds of the child's mother.

But this is the usual trick of trolls.

This is the first step of the troll: lead the war.

You read the other party's point of view, feel that the other party is too outrageous, deviates from normal human logic, and may not help but leave a message: No, you can't blame a mother who has lost her child.

However, the second sentence, the third sentence... The hundredth sentence, which was almost the same, instantly brushed the screen.

Because trolls use all accounts to express the same opinion.

As mentioned earlier, there are 1,000 people in this area, and there are only 10 trolls, but each of them has ten accounts and is constantly on the screen. And out of the 990 "good people", only one or two may have left a message.

It is impossible for these two people to leave the same text under each message: "It's not like this, you can't plant a mother who has lost her child"...

In the same way, it's okay to say two sentences, and if you say too much, you will feel too nervous.

So you feel that the atmosphere here is not good, and you leave.

This brings us to the second step that trolls expect: screening.

In the end, all 990 normal people in the area walked away.

There are only 10 trolls, using hundreds of accounts, and constantly brushing the screen.

Then comes the third step, where the wicked take control.

In this world, there may be only a few evil people.

But you'll find that they're wrapped around you.

- also entangled any innocent person.

- Entwined, the mother in Wuhan who lost her child.

So that poor mother, before jumping off the building, did she know that the Internet trolls were raping her online?

She didn't know that her heart was broken, and she couldn't have the mind to swipe her phone.

——But the people she faced were all swiping their phones!

The personnel in the school, other relevant personnel, they swiped their mobile phones, they watched, at first they were normal, but because they were in the middle of the situation, they were unconsciously affected by the concept of online violence, and unconsciously reflected indifference to the child's mother, even hostility.

These people can't say anything on their lips - but their body language, every movement is saying to the child's mother: "Isn't it because you think there is less compensation, do you want to pay more compensation?"

This contempt is more serious than the injury of a knife.

The child was gone, the mother's heart was broken, the sky fell, and then she saw the inhuman scene again, and saw a cold, hostile, defiant face.

In such a cold world, why fall in love with stacks?

The child was hit by a car at school and died, and the mother jumped to her death by online violence: why are the wicked so arrogant?

Maybe that's what the poor mother wants to say to the world, to everyone?

This is the evil of online violence.

Stop it.

Stop online violence and return us to a clean and normal world, okay?

(*The picture in this article comes from the Internet)