
I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

author:Lazy kitchen

  When it comes to protein, many people think of eggs, but the human body can only ingest the nutrients of one egg a day, so it is not suitable for eating more, there is a treasure vegetable protein content is still relatively high - curd bamboo.

  Promote the 4 methods of curd bamboo, tender and smooth, supplement sufficient protein, and strengthen the body.

  1. Three fresh curd bamboo

  Curd bamboo, broad beans, small river shrimp, crab mushroom, salt, chicken essence, white pepper,

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  Production method:

  1. Wash the dust on the surface with water, then break it into small sections and soak it in water to soften;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  2. Clean the crab mushrooms and cut them into two pieces;

  3. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, heat the oil and put the broad bean rice and crab mushrooms into it and stir-fry;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  4. Then put the curd bamboo into it, stir-fry together, add an appropriate amount of water, put in some salt and white peppercorn powder to taste;

  5. Cover and simmer for a while, after all the ingredients are cooked, put the shrimp in it, cook until it changes color and can be served.

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  2. Roasted curd bamboo with green onions

  Ingredients: green onions, curd bamboo, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, water starch

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  Production method:

  1. Break the curd bamboo into small pieces, and then soak in water to soften;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  2. Select the green onion, then cut the white green onion into small pieces, and cut it into circles on top, but do not cut it;

  3. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, heat the oil and fry the green onion until golden brown, remove the drained oil;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  4. Then wipe the water on the curd bamboo segment, put it in and fry for a while, and fry until yellow;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  5. Choose another pot, add an appropriate amount of water to it, add some oyster sauce, light soy sauce, salt and sugar, and boil over high heat;

  6. Then put the fried curd bamboo and green onions into it and suck up the soup;

  7. Finally, after the soup becomes less, pour in some water starch solution, collect the juice over high heat, and sprinkle some chopped green onion.

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  3. Vegetarian fried curd bamboo

  Ingredients: dried curd bamboo, shiitake mushrooms, green peppers, red peppers, carrots, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, starch

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  Production method:

  1. Break the dried curd bamboo into small pieces, and then soak in water to soften;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  2. Clean the green and red peppers, remove the stems and seeds, and cut into diamond-shaped pieces;

  3. Peel and clean the carrot, first cut it into segments, and then cut it into slices;

  4. Clean the shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems and cut into slices;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  5. Prepare a bowl, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt and vinegar, add some water to dilute it;

  6. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil the water and put the shiitake mushrooms, curd bamboo and carrots into it and blanch the water;

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  7. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, heat the oil and put the green and red peppers into it and fry a few times;

  8. Then put the blanched vegetables into it, stir-fry together, and add some salt to the bottom taste;

  9. Finally, pour the seasoned sauce into it, mix well and you can get out of the pot.

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  4. Nori curd bamboo soup

  Ingredients: seaweed, curd bamboo, coriander, cucumber, salt, pepper, sesame oil

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body

  Production method:

  1. Soak curd bamboo and seaweed in water to soften;

  2. Clean the cucumber, scrape the surface of the thorn with a knife, you can not peel it, and then cut it into slices; Clean the coriander, remove the roots and cut into segments;

  3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the soaked curd bamboo in and blanch the water, remove and drain the water;

  4. Take another pot, add some oil, heat the oil and put the ginger into it to stir-fry for aroma;

  5. Then put the curd bamboo into it and stir-fry, add an appropriate amount of water, and add some salt to the bottom taste;

  6. After boiling, pour in cucumber and seaweed and cook for 3 minutes, then add some pepper, drizzle sesame oil and sprinkle coriander.

I'd rather eat this dish than meat! The protein is 13 times that of cow's milk, tender and refreshing, and strong body
