
Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

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Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

The Glass Chinese Edition and FENDI jointly present GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night, leaving a bright night for this midsummer. When this flame of inheritance is ignited, the innate Chinese imprint allows us to hand in hand at this moment, sing and dance around this hot bonfire, and compose Yini songs together.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

A simple courtyard with a hidden world, extending from this, slowly kicks off the GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night. Under the full moon, under the song "Moon" sung sincerely by Jike Junyi, we light fireworks, bonfires, experience the charming charm from Daliangshan under the sparkling firelight, listen to pure natural songs, and live in symbiosis at this moment, echoing the distant 'township'.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

Shape the splendor of summer nights, walk into GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night with international supermodel Chen Yu, connect hearts and hands, and compose Yini songs together. Fireworks bloom in the night sky, dreamy and colorful. The bonfire is like a star, shimmering with splendor.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

Unleash your spirit, walk into the GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night with international supermodel Zhao Jiali, connect your hearts and hands, and compose Yini songs together. At the moment when the fireworks are lit, a splendid world is presented. Fireworks at night are romantic and gentle for everyone.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

Interpret the true style, walk into the GLASS midsummer bonfire night with Zhou Keyu, connect hands and compose Yini songs. A pure flame from which to find its own ignition. Ignite the flame of heritage and shine with sparkling flames.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

Pluck the romantic notes, walk with Zhang Wanqing into the GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night, heart to hand, and compose Yi songs together.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs
Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

Focus on diversity and shine, walk into the GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night with Jike Junyi, connect hands and compose Yi songs together. Go to a midsummer bonfire and feel the beauty of natural symbiosis. Dance with the fire and release your hot energy.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

Switch to a modern posture and walk into the GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night with Liu Lingzi, connecting hearts and hands, and composing Yini songs together. The sparkles are shining, outlining romantic poetry. With the posture of fire dance, it instantly shines.

Fashion| GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night: Jike Junyi, Lu Keran, and Zhou Keyu compose Yini songs

Freeze the moment of freeze and walk with Lu Keran into the GLASS Midsummer Bonfire Night, heart to hand, and compose Yini songs together. Light the torch in your hand and light up the deep night. Burn with your heart's content, and run for freedom and love.

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