
It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Recently, the situation in the Middle East has once again fallen into chaos. The ongoing conflict in the border region of Afghanistan provoked the anger of the "Taliban", who went so far as to call Iran a "lackey of the United States"!

This accusation made Iran feel stunned, as the vanguard of anti-US resistance in the Middle East, they turned out to be lackeys in the mouth of the "Taliban". This can't help but make people sigh, the world is unpredictable, it is really more wronged than Dou E!

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

Miasma! "Taliban" accuse Iran of becoming a "lackey of the United States"

Looking back at the history of the Middle East over the past few decades, Iran has always been a banner of resistance to US hegemony. Both during Iran's Islamic Revolution and the war against Iraq, Iran has shown a strong spirit of resistance and a firm position.

Based on Islamic fundamentalism, they see the United States as their worst enemy and vow to expel it from the Middle East. However, it is strange that the Taliban now label Iran a "lackey of the United States".

Afghanistan's border with Iran has long been a flashpoint of tension and conflict. With the rise of the "Taliban" in Afghanistan, the conflict has become more intense, posing a great threat to the stability and security of the region. However, the "Taliban" accusing Iran of becoming a "lackey of the United States" this time is obviously blindly diverting attention and shirking responsibility.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

Iran against the United States

Iran has long been one of the staunchest anti-American forces in the Middle East. After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Iran became an Islamic republic and staunchly opposed American intervention and hegemonism.

Iran regards the United States as its worst enemy and sees its actions as a threat to the independence and dignity of the Islamic world. Iran has expressed its resistance and protest against the United States on several occasions.

For example, in the nuclear deal negotiations, Iran insisted on safeguarding its nuclear rights and interests and rejected US interference and pressure. In addition, Iran has actively supported anti-American protest movements in Palestine and other areas, and has publicly supported the resistance to U.S. economic sanctions.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

Iran's actions against the United States reflect their firm national will and independent spirit. They are unwilling to succumb to U.S. pressure and interference, and always maintain their independent decision-making power.

Iran's anti-US posture has also won the support and resonance of some countries in the Middle East, believing that Iran is a leading country in defending regional sovereignty and dignity.

The Afghan "Tali" squad against the United States

The actions of the Afghan "Taliban" against the United States can be traced back to the outbreak of the Afghan war. The Taliban see the United States as an invader and intervener, they see the United States as an enemy and aim to strike at the United States and expel American troops.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

The actions of the "Taliban" against the United States are mainly focused on armed struggle and terrorist attacks. They used a variety of tactics to counter U.S. forces and Afghan government forces.

The Taliban orchestrated numerous terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings and attacks on military bases, to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with and hostility to the U.S. military presence.

The Taliban's actions against the United States have also been supported by some Afghans. They believe that the U.S. intervention has led to turmoil and chaos in Afghanistan and is trying to restore stability and order under Taliban rule.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

The Taliban have found refuge and support in some areas by the population, who have positioned themselves as rebels against foreign forces. However, it should be noted that the confrontational actions of the "Taliban" have also been widely condemned by the international community.

Their terrorist attacks have resulted in a large number of civilian casualties and have undermined the peace process in Afghanistan. International community calls for "Taliban"

Stop the actions against the United States and resolve the Afghan problem through dialogue and consultation. To sum up, Iran's confrontation with the United States and the Afghan "Taliban" against the United States arose in a specific context.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

Iran firmly opposes US interference and hegemonism and strives to safeguard its independence and dignity. And the Afghan "Taliban" see the United States as an invader and interventionist and are trying to restore their dominance.

However, these confrontations have also triggered conflicts and tensions in the region, causing great suffering and unease to the local population. The international community needs to promote the realization of a peaceful settlement through dialogue and consultation in order to maintain regional stability and security.

The true purpose of Atta

Iran is rightly stunned by the accusations of the Taliban. Iran and the Taliban have always been opposing forces, and there are clear differences between the two on Islam factions and political ideologies.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

Iran has been committed to supporting political forces with Islamist factions different from the Taliban and has provided limited support during the Afghan civil war. Therefore, the "Taliban" calling Iran a "lackey of the United States" is undoubtedly a slander and stigmatization of Iran.

However, we have to see the deeper reasons behind this accusation. At present, the geopolitical pattern of the Middle East region has undergone major changes.

The US withdrawal in Afghanistan led to the collapse of the regime, which provided an opportunity for the rise of the "Taliban". The Taliban intends to expand its sphere of influence and try to exert greater influence in regional affairs.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

In the process, the Taliban need to find a scapegoat to divert international attention and blame for their actions. Iran, as a country with regional influence, has become a suitable target for them.

The development of this incident has had a negative impact on stability and peace in the Middle East. The labelling of Iran by the "Taliban" as a "lackey of the United States" will further escalate tensions between the two countries.

It could also lead to more conflict and violence spreading in the border areas, causing more suffering and unease to the local population.

It's even more wronged than Dou E! How did Iran's anti-US pioneer in the Middle East become a "lackey of the United States"?

Against that background, the international community needs to play an active role in promoting dialogue and consultation in order to resolve tensions in the Middle East. All countries should resolutely oppose the Taliban's slander against Iran and support Iran in maintaining regional stability and security.

At the same time, the Taliban should also be urged to stop making unreasonable accusations against Iran and call on it to engage in constructive dialogue with Iran and other regional countries to jointly maintain regional peace and tranquility.

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