
Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

author:You are what you eat

When normal cells are transformed into tumor cells, there is often an abnormality of nucleic acid metabolism, that is, a mutation of the genetic material, and a change in the anabolic pattern is often involved before the mutation. The metabolic effects unique to normal cells require the participation of nutrients. Therefore, the body's metabolism is closely related to dietary nutrition.

Scientific studies have found that foods contain antioxidants, nutrients and certain anti-cancer and anti-cancer properties, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc, selenium and bioflavonoids. Tea, ginger, green onion, garlic and cruciferous plants all contain anti-cancer functions.

Regular consumption of foods with anti-cancer health effects:

1. Sweet potatoes

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

A large number of studies have shown that among the foods that can inhibit tumor cells, sweet potatoes are the first place. The cancer suppression rate of cooked sweet potatoes was 98.7%, and that of raw sweet potatoes was 94.4%. Sweet potatoes contain substances called glycolipids that inhibit the growth of cancer cells, revitalize the weakened immune system, and prevent breast and colon cancer.

2. Corn

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Of all the staple foods, corn has the highest nutritional value and health benefits. The cellulose content of corn is 4~10 times that of polished rice and noodles, which can not only prevent cancer but also reduce the toxicity of radiotherapy. Corn also contains a variety of glutathione, vitamin B2, zeaxanthin, selenium magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and other anti-cancer substances.

3. Green onions and garlic

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Onions and garlic can disinfect and sterilize, relieve pain, strengthen the stomach, lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, lower blood sugar, treat colds, and also fight cancer, especially its outstanding effect on preventing stomach cancer.

4. Carrots

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

The carotene contained in carrots can be converted into vitamin A in the body, and vitamin A has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. Carrots also contain more folic acid and dietary fiber, which have anti-cancer and immunity-enhancing effects. In addition, molybdenum in carrots can also prevent cancer and fight cancer. Therefore, eating carrots often can prevent cancer.

5. Cauliflower

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

The anti-cancer effect of cauliflower is first of all that it can reduce the level of estrogen in the human body and prevent the occurrence of breast cancer; It contains aromatic isothiocyanic acid, dithiophone, etc., which can resist the toxicity of carcinogens such as benzopyrene. In addition, cauliflower contains more fiber, vitamin C, carotene, trace elements, which have anti-cancer effects.

Studies in the United States have found that eating cruciferous vegetables reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men. Eating this type of vegetable must be chewed sufficiently to give rise to its anti-cancer effects. Common cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, such as Chinese cabbage (green cabbage), cabbage, Chinese cabbage, etc.; kale, such as cauliflower, broccoli, etc.; mustard greens, such as leaf mustard greens, stem mustard greens (headweed), root mustard greens (kohlrabi), squeezed vegetables, etc.; Radishes, such as white radish, carrots.

6. Tomatoes

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has unique antioxidant capacity, can scavenge free radicals, protect cells, prevent DNA and genes from destruction, and prevent the process of cancer. Its cytosine secretion can activate the lytic effect of lymphocytes on cancer cells. In addition to preventing prostate cancer, tomatoes can also effectively reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc.

7. Asparagus

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Asparagus contains a variety of anti-cancer nutrients. First, it is rich in a tissue protein that can effectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells; Secondly, a large amount of folic acid, nucleic acid, selenium and asparaginase in asparaginase can well inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the spread of cancer cells; Finally, and most importantly, asparagus extract can promote the double-strand break of cancer cells' DNA, which makes asparagus anti-cancer have the most desired selectivity for scientists, which can directly kill cancer cells without side effects on normal cells.

8. Soybeans

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Soybeans are very effective in preventing breast, colon, and rectal cancer. As long as the diet contains 5% soybeans or their finished products, it can significantly inhibit the chemical carcinogens that induce breast cancer. Soybeans are rich in isoflavones, which is a weak estrogen, premenopausal women often eat soybeans, can have a good regulatory effect on the secretion of estrogen, thereby reducing menopausal symptoms, but also regulate the response of the breast to estrogen, so that breast tissue is not prone to abnormal changes, has the effect of preventing breast cancer. Soybeans contain a variety of trace elements, such as cobalt, sun, molybdenum, etc., often eat soybeans and tofu, can significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer.

9. Fungal and algae food

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

(1) Mushrooms: mushrooms, mushrooms, etc. containing mushroom polysaccharides have anti-cancer effects. The anti-cancer rate of polysaccharides in shiitake mushrooms is 80%~95%, which has significant curative effects on a variety of malignant tumors such as leukemia, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, bowel cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, etc. In the initial stage of cancer, insisting on eating shiitake mushrooms can inhibit its development or even make it disappear. This is because shiitake mushrooms not only contain polysaccharides, but also contain a double-stranded ribonucleic acid, an inducer of interferon, which can enter cancer cells and inhibit their proliferation. Continuous consumption of shiitake mushrooms after various cancer surgeries can also prevent the metastasis of cancer cells.

(2) The polysaccharides extracted from silver fungus and black fungus have strong anticancer ability.

(3) Kelp, seaweed, lettuce, etc.: all have certain anti-cancer effects. Kelp contains alginic acid that can promote bowel movements, prevent constipation, and inhibit the absorption of carcinogens in the digestive tract, so it has anti-cancer effects. Ulva is rich in vitamin B2, aspartic acid, polypentose and tregal polysaccharideline, especially algal polysaccharide can effectively prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.

10. Aquatic products

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Fish is rich in zinc, sun, calcium, iodine and other substances, which have anti-cancer effects, especially blue fish is rich in nucleic acid, which is conducive to cancer prevention. Marine fish also contain anti-cancer fitness substances. For example, cod liver oil, squalene. The active ingredients such as sea cucumber, ginseng glycoside and acid mucopolysaccharides contained in sea cucumber also have anti-cancer and inhibition of cancer cell metastasis. Mucopolysaccharide sulfate extracted from Yuzhu sea cucumber could significantly increase the weight of spleen swelling in mice and improve the phagocytic function of abdominal macrophages.

11. Grapes

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Grapes have strong anti-cancer properties because they contain resveratrol, which prevents healthy cells from becoming cancerous and inhibits the spread of malignant cells. Resveratrol is found in more than seventy plants, including grapes, mulberries and peanuts, but resveratrol is highest in grapes and grape products. All wines contain a certain amount of resveratrol, and the highest content is red wine, so drinking red wine regularly has a certain anti-cancer effect.

12. Grapefruit

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Citrus grapefruit can be used as a preventive protective food for cancer patients before radiation therapy. Grapefruit peel itself has the same strong anti-cancer activity as ginseng, and the inhibition rate of cervical cancer cells is as high as 70%~90% in vitro tests. There is a substance with a strong anti-cancer effect in citrus juice, namely "nomilin", which can decompose carcinogenic chemicals, greatly reduce their toxicity, and also cut the long carbon chain of viral nucleic acid, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and prevent the occurrence of gastric cancer. There is a class of substances called terpenes in citrus, which and the ellagic acid present in berries can activate protein molecules in cells, surround carcinogens that invade human cells, and use the phagocytic function of cell membranes to expel carcinogens outside the cell, thereby preventing cancer.

13. Figs

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Fig fruits contain a lot of glucose, fructose, citric acid, malic acid, acetic acid, protein hydrolase, etc., which is also a good anti-cancer food.

14. Nuts

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Solid experiments have shown that nuts have a certain anti-cancer effect. For example, the dry powder of almonds can 100% inhibit the growth of the strong carcinogenic fungi Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus variegated. Eating almonds and drinking almond tea in daily life are good anti-cancer means. In addition, nut kernels also contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, proteins, etc.

15. Green tea

Eat more foods that have anti-cancer and health effects!

Green tea contains tea polyphenols, which are mainly catechins, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Drinking more than 8 cups of green tea a day can reduce the incidence of bladder, stomach and pancreatic cancer.