
Do you know? Toutiao has added a new function, and whether there is a problem with your account can be detected with one click

author:The people at the bottom talk about things

Just new, Toutiao has added a new feature, that is, check your account with one click.

Many friends always have doubts about their own accounts, thinking that if the articles are not pushed, it is a problem with their own accounts.

Many friends also went to ask customer service, but the result was both laborious and did not get good results.

Now as long as you check your account, you can know if there is a problem with your account.

So, how to detect it? Here's how.

Open your own headline homepage

Tap "My" and then "Creation Center", as shown in the image.

Do you know? Toutiao has added a new function, and whether there is a problem with your account can be detected with one click

After you open the Author Hub, continue

Open the Creation Center and let's proceed to the second step, which is to continue clicking on "Call Center" in the image below. As shown in the figure below.

Do you know? Toutiao has added a new function, and whether there is a problem with your account can be detected with one click

Step 3: Operation

After we click on "Customer Service Center", the self-service page below will appear.

Do you know? Toutiao has added a new function, and whether there is a problem with your account can be detected with one click

So we click on the first "Account Detection".

Click on the account detection page below to appear, so click "Start Detection".

Do you know? Toutiao has added a new function, and whether there is a problem with your account can be detected with one click

After testing, the leaf surface of the figure below appears, at this time, it is in the process of testing your account and work.

Do you know? Toutiao has added a new function, and whether there is a problem with your account can be detected with one click

After testing, the following page appears. If there is a problem with your account function, it will prompt that the text "account function and work is normal" will appear, and the word "account function and work is normal" will appear, and the word with problem is red, and no problem is blue.

Do you know? Toutiao has added a new function, and whether there is a problem with your account can be detected with one click

However, this can only check the availability of the last 30 works you have published and your current account, not all of them.

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