
Make healthy running the best choice for spring and summer sports

author:Bright Net

"If you want to be smart, run! If you want to be strong, run! If you want to be healthy, run! "This ancient Greek maxim, engraved on the rock face of the Alpheus River in Olympia, inspires athletes to join the ranks of runners.

Activity is beneficial to relieve physical and mental fatigue, and running, one of the world's most economical, safest, most effective and free forms of physical exercise, has become the first choice for most exercisers in spring and summer.

However, it should be noted that incorrect running methods can cause joint pain, sprains, falls, etc., so it is most critical to really run healthy, run happy, and develop the habit of healthy running.

Running healthy is very good for physical and mental health

Under the premise of healthy running, whether it is fast sprinting or slow long-distance running, running is one of the simplest and most efficient aerobic metabolic exercises, which can produce the best benign stimulation for the human body, and at the same time is very beneficial to people's physical and mental health.

-Improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health

Running slowly or walking briskly for 5-10 minutes a day can greatly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. For people who already have cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., regular running can also reduce the possibility of exacerbation by 50%.

- Strengthens joints

Studies have found that runners are only half as likely to develop osteoarthritis as walkers. During running, each step forward creates pressure on the bones and cartilage, and this uniform and repetitive self-stimulation can make the joints and bones stronger.

- Strengthens muscles

All lower limb muscle groups, including glutes, inner and outer thighs, and calf muscles, can be exercised during running. In addition, the core muscles that maintain balance and coordination of the trunk, such as the rectus abdominis muscles, erector spinal muscles, and transverse abdominis muscles of the lower back, can also be strengthened.

- Elevates mood

When running, endorphins and cannabamide are two powerful chemicals that excite and change mood. Therefore, running can also be effective in alleviating depression and anxiety.

Running healthy is inseparable from thorough preparation before running

Developing a correct running posture is a prerequisite for healthy running. When running, you need to lean your upper body slightly forward, head directly above your torso, shoulders slightly raised, elbows bent at 90 degrees, empty fists with both hands, and the balls of your forefeet on the ground when you land.

This posture increases the strength of the calf muscles and Achilles tendon, allowing them to work together to absorb shocks and reduce the impact of landing. Conversely, an unhealthy posture can make the impact of the landing too strong, causing damage to bones and joints.

Wear appropriate running shoes and prefer an outdoor plastic track. Running must wear running shoes, high arch, heavy weight need shoes with good cushioning performance, flat feet need shoes with good support performance, normal feet can be compromised.

The professionalism of running shoes can effectively reduce the vibration of the foot when landing on the ground, and reduce the damage to the ankle and knee. If possible, it is best to choose a plastic field and try to avoid running for a long time on hard roads.

People who weigh heavier control the amount of running. For overweight people with a BMI (body mass index) greater than 25, running for long periods of time increases the likelihood of knee injury. It is recommended to participate in running under the premise of reasonable diet and weight control to reduce the damage caused by exercise to the knee joint.

Be prepared to strengthen your lower limbs and core strength training. Some elderly people who do not have exercise habits or older people have weak lower limb muscle strength, and the muscles cannot maintain joint stability, which is easy to cause joint wear and tear during running. It is recommended to do walking training before starting running to ensure muscle mass and joint stability, which can greatly reduce the possibility of knee and ankle injuries during running.

Do a good warm-up exercise before running, mainly dynamic stretching, such as squatting knees, lunge squats, back kicks, side leg presses, etc.

Reasonable diet with exercise details makes healthy running more scientific

Running is an energy-consuming sport, so in addition to running, it is necessary to strengthen nutritional supplements.

Supplement sugar: For runners, sugar is easier to convert into energy to power the human body in a short time than protein, so proper intake of more sugars can ensure the body's nutrient supply after exercise, sugar is widely found in rice, pasta, easy to intake.

Vitamin supplementation: people with a large amount of exercise need to take more vitamins, vitamins play an important physiological regulatory role, but also can improve the body's motor function. For example, vitamin C can enhance the body's tolerance, reduce people's fatigue, and have a significant effect on adjusting the state of exercise and restoring physical strength. Vitamins can be obtained from vegetables and fruits.

Supplementing protein: Pay attention to protein supplementation when running, and don't just focus on supplementing carbohydrates. Protein can replenish energy and repair damage caused by running, and protein can be obtained from fish, lean meat, soy products, and nuts.

There are also many exercise details to pay attention to when running healthily:

- Wear light-colored cotton clothes

Light-colored clothing reduces heat absorption and makes it cooler to wear. Cotton fabrics have better functions of heat and sweat absorption than chemical fiber fabrics. When exercising outdoors, you should try to choose light-colored cotton clothing, and the style should also be loose and comfortable.

- The morning run should not be too early

Morning jogging between 5 and 7 a.m. is good for nerve excitement and metabolism. However, it should be noted that the morning run should not be too early, if it is too early, the air is not fresh, too much carbon dioxide gas, and will affect normal sleep and activities.

- Avoid exercising in strong sunlight

Although proper sunlight exposure is beneficial to the body, excessive ultraviolet and infrared radiation can damage the skin and eyes. Therefore, you should try to avoid outdoor exercise during the time when the sun is strongest, and do not go shirtless.

Especially in summer, when the weather is hot, it is best to schedule exercise in the morning or after 4 pm. Once symptoms of heat stroke occur, you should immediately move to a cool and ventilated place to sit and rest, breathe fresh air, and properly hydrate. If you do not improve after resting, you should go to the hospital immediately.

-Timely and moderate hydration

The salt in the body will be lost with sweat, which can easily lead to abnormal sodium metabolism, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, etc., so it is necessary to replenish water at all times during exercise.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that the last hydration before exercise should not exceed 350 ml, and at least 10-15 minutes apart before exercise.

In running, follow the principle of a small amount of multiple hydration, it is best to rehydrate once in 20-30 minutes, about 200 ml each time, and the total amount does not exceed 800 ml.

After running, you still need to replenish water to make your body better hydrated. Sports drinks containing carbohydrates and sodium are recommended for hydration, and drinks such as coffee, tea, and cola are avoided as much as possible.

- Control running intensity and time

Exercisers are recommended to run at moderate intensity, i.e. to the point where they are a little tired, breathless, and require some effort to speak. Daily healthy running, 3-5 kilometers at a time. The maximum distance per week is not more than 92 km. Each run should preferably last 20-60 minutes.

(The author, Han Dongmei, is an organ rehabilitation doctor in Shanghai First Rehabilitation Hospital, and Sun Tianbao is the chief technician of the organ rehabilitation department)

Source: Wen Wei Po

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