
6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

author:Guangxi Film and Television Channel

Today is International Children's Day, and many parents may have prepared gifts for their children. So what kind of gifts do children want? Let's listen to it together.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Student Less than: I generally enjoy outdoor sports like skateboarding, so I wanted a couple of new skateboards as my Children's Day gift.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Student Xiao Liang: When I learned to ride a bicycle, I borrowed (classmates) from their bicycle, so I wanted to own one.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Student Xiao Tan: I want to get more detective books to read.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Student Xiao Yang: I want to get a pair of basketball shoes.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Student Xiaohuang: You may not believe me when I say it, I want a psychology book and a forensic science book, I aspire to be a forensic doctor.

In the interview, the reporter found that most of the gifts that children want are related to their own interests and hobbies, and some also hide small dreams about the future, affecting the growth and future of children.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Student Xiao Tan: Children's Day is different from other holidays, it is a holiday that belongs to us children, and the gifts will be more precious and meaningful. When I was in kindergarten, my mother bought me a comic strip of "Journey to the West", and I unconsciously began to like reading books since kindergarten.

Student Xiaohuang: I was very surprised to receive the gift, and then flattered, because my mother finally remembered to buy me a gift, I felt that my mother was the best person in the world, and I must honor my mother well when I grow up.

During the interview, the reporter also met a father and son, and their exchange about childhood toys reflected the interesting differences between the two eras.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?
6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?
6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Student Xiao Chen: I prefer to play with electric drones, and that kind of electric car, which is electric toys.

Parent Mr. Chen: The most vivid memory is the gyro, when we were young, we played with wood cutting, whipped with rope, they are all plastic now, more advanced, but our previous ones were more retro and more interesting, and grandpa helped him cut two, he was also very interested.

How many toys have you played?

Although the conditions of the era are limited, there are only a few childhood toys of the "post-70s" and "post-80s", but the children at that time used their imagination and creativity to make a variety of toys by themselves, and also created a lot of games and plays.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

For example, common bamboo can be made into bamboo knots and bamboo dragonflies;

As soon as the iron ring rolls, you become a wind-chasing boy;

If you can have a matchgun, you are the most beautiful boy in the village.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Although I didn't have a very rich life, I still had a happy childhood at that time.

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

This Children's Day, if you don't know what gifts to prepare for your child, you may wish to give your child a toy with a sense of age, as a inheritance of childhood memories and emotional communication between two generations, it is also a good choice.

When we were young, we had the most innocent childlike heart

Curious about the world

When I grew up, I was bound by the "adult" in my heart


Reconcile with your heart

Put those concerns and caution aside

Get back that sparkling childlike heart

I wish you a brave adult

Also happy little friends

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

Source: Guangxi News Channel, CCTV News WeChat public account

Editor: Su Yaodan

Duty Director: Yuan Yuzi

6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?

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6•1 International Children's Day|Do you know what children's day gifts children want?