
#Human cub growth record#Recalling an interesting incident on May Day outing, I took the baby to the zoo and saw various monkeys, giraffes, pandas among the crowd... Also went to SeaWorld for the first time, look

author:Uesugi Minami SSN

#Human Cub Growth Record#

Recalling an interesting incident on the May Day outing, I took the baby to the zoo and saw all kinds of monkeys, giraffes, pandas among the crowd... Also went to Sea World for the first time and saw dolphins, beluga whales, jellyfish, colorful fish, corals... It's just that there are many people who have no place to eat and rest, and when I see the third Ocean World performance, it is already two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the child has been hi, the first few minutes are still sitting on me and clapping and cheering, suddenly a fight is lying on my arm, eyes are closed, I thought the baby was playing, but I didn't expect to fall asleep for a second [laughing and crying] Because the baby used to play outside, never napped, not sleepy at the point, no matter how sleepy he will insist on sleeping on the return car, so he didn't consider his sleeping outside, presumably hot and tired ...

After the baby fell asleep, she finally found a seat in the crowd of people to put the baby down to sleep, and was watched by a tourist's father next to her for a long time and finally couldn't help but say, this baby looks at this poor [covering his face] and waist can't catch the wind, cover his hands for him and other #travel fun facts #

#Human cub growth record#Recalling an interesting incident on May Day outing, I took the baby to the zoo and saw various monkeys, giraffes, pandas among the crowd... Also went to SeaWorld for the first time, look
#Human cub growth record#Recalling an interesting incident on May Day outing, I took the baby to the zoo and saw various monkeys, giraffes, pandas among the crowd... Also went to SeaWorld for the first time, look
#Human cub growth record#Recalling an interesting incident on May Day outing, I took the baby to the zoo and saw various monkeys, giraffes, pandas among the crowd... Also went to SeaWorld for the first time, look

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