
June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt

author:Old tree crows

"June 1st" Children's Day is the happiest holiday for children, tomorrow is "June 1st" Day, but Brother Wu has a lot of bad things, just met downstairs, and spit with me. His wife traveled during this time, and his five-year-old son Dudu handed it over to him, and now he is both a father and a mother, and he really understands the difficulty of raising children.

June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt

Yesterday afternoon, I specially went to prepare holiday gifts for my son, and also completed the task of my son's three instructions and ten thousand instructions - game props to be used in kindergarten "June 1st" activities, tired enough during the day, and woke up frozen in the middle of the night, and my son wet the bed again. Taking advantage of Duhao's just sleep, Brother Wu hurriedly changed his son's diapers, and as a result, his son woke up and cried, saying that it was too shameful, and diapers were only worn by little dolls.

Just now, Brother Wu also received a text message from the kindergarten teacher for a home visit, chatting and chatting, but somehow offended people. Brother Wu was puzzled, so he sent me a chat record and asked me to analyze it.

June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt
June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt
June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt
June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt
June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt
June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt

Why is the young lady suddenly angry? Returned the blackout? What did Big Brother Wu do wrong?

Brother Wu replied that there were four out of six, did he calculate correctly? Why does the young lady still say that he is not four or six?

Offended the kindergarten sister, what if you put little shoes on your son? Everyone helps to give analysis and analysis.

June Day Funny conversation between a slippery parent and a kindergarten aunt