
100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

author:The Economic Observer

Well-known newspaperman/educator/patriotic industrialist/social activist, "Chinese ship king", "father of Beibei", "national hero"... This "slash youth" of the Republic of China period was evaluated by Mao Zedong as "a person who must never be forgotten in China's modern history." ”

In early March 1921, at the age of 28, Lu Zuofu quit his job at The Sichuan News and traveled south from Chengdu to Luzhou with his wife and children. Arriving in Lu County at six o'clock in the evening, the local governor Yang Sen personally sent guards to greet him. Lu Zuofu's family settled in Soap Corner Lane at the foot of Desheng Street, which became the base for Lu Zuofu to carry out new educational experiments. From here, he took the first step of a scholar "from talk to doing", looking back from today, which is also a step that affects Chinese history.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Lu Zuofu (1893-1952)

In modern times, he is a famous patriotic industrialist, educator and social activist

At the beginning of 1921, the Sichuan warlord Yang Sen proposed to "build a new southern Sichuan" in Luzhou, where the Yongning Daoyin Office was stationed, and he invited Lu Zuofu, a well-known newspaperman, to preside. Lu Zuofu joined the League as early as 1910, and after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, he threw himself into the "Baolu Movement"; in 1914, when he was a teacher at Hechuan Middle School, he still actively ran to instigate the revolution, and when the "May Fourth Movement" broke out in 1919, he was already a well-known newspaperman. He refused high-paying official positions as warlords in Chengdu and the provincial council, but was happy to go to the small city of Luzhou. He said:

"Before 1920, I was a man who only said and did not do; as a teacher, I could only speak in the lecture hall and speak to the students according to the textbook. Being a journalist, or saying, and only in the newspaper, (Yongning Daoyin Office) gave me the first opportunity to do it. ”


The dream of "enthusiastic students" to save the country through education

As soon as he took office, he set out two things: First, he carried out popular education, established popular education associations, established libraries, reading rooms, regularly held current affairs lectures and debates, invited Mao Dun and other celebrities to come to give speeches, and promoted the implementation of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement and the New Culture Movement; second, with the rectification of the Southern Sichuan Normal School as the center, he changed customs and customs, and carried out experiments in new education. He vigorously publicized women's feet and short haircuts, practiced co-educational schooling, carried out hygiene campaigns, advocated hygiene and cleanliness, popularized cowpox for primary and secondary school students, and held sports games in which students and soldiers jointly participated. The small city of Luzhou has a new atmosphere.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Lu Zuofu believes that the purpose of education is to build and transform society and build a new country

At the end of the first semester of 1921, Lu Zuofu made a special trip to Chongqing during the summer vacation to visit Chen Yusheng. In his early years, Chen co-founded the "Young China Society" with Li Dazhao, Wang Guangqi and others, and he was very supportive of Lu Zuofu's cause. He recommended Yun Daiying, an early leader of the Youth Movement of the Communist Party of China and later a political instructor at the Huangpu Phase IV, to be the director of the Chuannan Normal School. Yun Daiying first carried out textbook reform when he took office, changing the Chinese language class into a language style, selecting progressive articles as teaching materials, and adding progressive books to the library; carrying out discussion-style teaching, teachers and students interacting, and stimulating interest in learning. He also set up a Marxist reading group, established a socialist youth league organization, organized lecture tours, and carried out a number of progressive activities such as Arbor Day, sports meetings, literary and artistic performances, and reading activities. During this period, a number of Communist Party members, such as Yun Daiying, Xiao Chunu, Li Qiushi, and Liu Hui'an, established popular training centers to popularize cultural knowledge for the common people. Lu Zuofu also established the "New Chuannan Daily" to become a public opinion tool and ideological position for carrying out the "New Chuannan" social reform experiment and disseminating new culture. For a time, Luzhou became the forefront of new ideas, new cultures, and new morals.

In the summer of 1922, Yang Sen was defeated in the warlord melee and withdrew from Luzhou. Zhang Tingsheng replaced Yang Sen and was appointed by the Beiyang government as the Yongning Daoyin, and the feudal forces made a comeback and carried out a large-scale liquidation of the construction of "New Chuannan". Zhang Tingsheng dismissed Lu Zuofu from his post as head of the education section and banned progressive newspapers. His hard work was in vain, and Lu Zuofu was sad and lost, and he left in disgrace.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Chengdu Shaocheng Park (now Chengdu People's Park) where the "Chengdu Popular Education Museum" is located

Seeing the broken mountains and rivers of old China and the displacement of the people since childhood, Lu Zuofu believed that in order to fundamentally change China, it was necessary to change the feudal patriarchal relationship that had existed for thousands of years and build a new life. Returning to Chengdu from Luzhou, he began his first practice of social reform, and in 1924 he founded a popular education hall in Chengdu, transforming a city area that ran around the rivers and lakes to buy medicine and play monkeys into a modern public cultural place. The new "Chengdu Popular Education Museum" includes a museum, library, public sports field, concert hall, zoo and amusement park, where people can increase their social knowledge and natural science knowledge and enjoy modern citizen life. It was later changed to the Chengdu Civic Education Center, sowing the seeds of progress for Chengdu.


"King of Shipping" of the "Dunkirk of the East"

Education and social reform were unsustainable in an environment of warlord scuffles, and Lu Zuofu had the idea of setting up an industry. As early as 1914, when the 21-year-old Lu Zuofu took the "Shutong" ship along the Yangtze River east to Shanghai, he witnessed the rampant foreign ships on China's inland rivers and made up his mind. This became his original intention of founding minsheng company in 1925.

Lu Zuofu founded the Minsheng Company for two purposes: to develop the national shipping industry and national industry and build a modern country on the basis of the Minsheng Company; to practice his social reform proposition of "establishing a modern group life" with the Minsheng Company as the center. He once said: "Running an industry is also equivalent to running education, and it is necessary to cultivate all the staff in the cause and improve their technical and management capabilities." He asked the staff and workers to always think about the country and society, train the staff from all aspects of ideology, work, life, etc., and cultivate the spirit of loving the motherland, loving the collective, working hard, and working hard, which was called the "people's livelihood spirit" at that time.

At that time, on the Yangtze River, the fleets of foreign companies ran amok, smuggling arms and opium, and the order of steamships and docks along the river was chaotic. Lu Zuofu started from three small ships, established an advanced modern national shipping industry, and waged a struggle against the shipping forces of the great powers. On July 23, 1926, the first day of the "Minsheng" ship, he "fired three arrows": abolished the old comprador system and implemented the manager responsibility system; thoroughly improved passenger service work; and abolished the vice of shipwrights to tip passengers. At the same time, with the Minsheng Company as the center, he united with other Chinese steamship companies to make dozens of Chinese steamship companies in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River into pieces and become a whole that rivaled foreign steamship companies.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

The steamship of Minsheng Company in the 1930s

In the early days of the development of the Minsheng Company, there were three famous major events: First, salvage and transformation of the "Wanliu" ship, which created the history of salvaging large steamships in the treacherous channels of the Sichuan River, and was a new era in the history of the construction of steamships on the Sichuan River; second, it smashed the siege of the Minsheng Company by foreign steamship companies and struck a blow at the arrogance of the steamship companies in Britain, Japan, and other countries; third, it created a miracle of three voyages in the famous dry season in the history of shipping in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, which shocked China and foreign countries. By the eve of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Minsheng Company had basically changed the pattern and appearance of shipping on the Yangtze River, and Lu Zuofu was also known as the "shipping king" of the Republic of China.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Photo of the "Great Retreat of Yichang" in 1938

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Lu Zuofu proposed that "minsheng companies should first mobilize to participate in the war." At the beginning of 1938, he was appointed deputy director of the Ministry of Communications of the Nationalist Government, and in Wuhan, within two months, he completed the evacuation and transportation of all the arsenals and steel plants. In the autumn of 1938, Wuhan fell, and countless people and materials were stranded in Yichang. At this time, the section of the Sichuan River coincided with the dry water period, and the situation was extremely urgent. Lu Zuofu commanded the minsheng fleet, adopted the method of segmented transportation, and took advantage of the favorable conditions to transport all the people and materials waiting to be transported in Yichang to the rear. In this thrilling action, teachers and students from dozens of universities, such as Central University and Fudan University, and dozens of military factories such as factory 22 and factory 23 of the Ordnance Industry Bureau. By the time of the fall of Yichang in June of the following year, Minsheng Company had transported a total of 1.5 million people of various types and more than 1 million tons of various materials. This "Yichang evacuation" was internationally known as the "Dunkirk of the East". No matter in terms of the object of transportation, the time period and the natural conditions, the Yichang evacuation two years earlier than Dunkirk is more difficult, and Lu Zuofu's Minsheng Company made great contributions to the War of Resistance, created a miracle on earth, and the historical merits are in the annals of history.


Designer of the "Beibei Experiment"

The establishment of industry and social reform are the two major directions for Lu Zuofu to change the old China and build a new life, and the "entrepreneurial practice" of social reform is not only the new education experiment in southern Sichuan and the popular education museum in Chengdu, the social experiment he carried out in Beibei, Chongqing, is also a great innovation in China's modern history.

Beibei is located on the banks of the Jialing River, and bandits ran rampant in the era of warlords and warlords, and the people did not have a good life. In February 1927, Lu Zuofu, who had already founded the Minsheng Industrial Company, was appointed as the chief of the regiment to rectify the bandits, and he focused on "turning bandits into the people and educating the soldiers in work", launched the rural movement of the Three Gorges of the Jialing River, and completely eliminated the soil for public security problems through the construction of modern life. His rural construction was mainly carried out in three aspects: First, he improved the ecological environment and construction, including rectifying environmental sanitation, widening roads, planting flowers, grasses, and trees, building the first street garden in Beibei, and introducing sycamores from Shanghai for extensive planting; second, he set up enterprises to invigorate the economy, successively investing in and participating in the establishment of the Beichuan Railway Company, the Tianfu Coal Mine Company, the Three Gorges Dyeing and Weaving Factory, and the Rural Bank; the third was to establish cultural and social public undertakings and set up a large number of hospitals, libraries, public sports fields, civilian parks, and various kinds of people's schools. Through continuous construction, by the time of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the good foundation here attracted a large number of intellectuals and scientific, educational and cultural figures who had migrated inland, and Beibei became a famous educational, scientific and cultural town in the rear area.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Beibei street view in the 1940s

In the 1930s, Lu Zuofu wrote and published the experience and thinking in the Beibei experiment as "Rural Construction", which became the first theoretical article on the systematic mediation of rural construction in the 1920s and 1930s. He gradually formed his own ideas on social change and core ideas: "To build a modern state, the head of the social organization, life, and moral transformation, so that the traditional society relies on the group life of the family and relatives and neighbors, and transforms it into a modern group life that mainly relies on the state and the cause." Later, when running the minsheng company, he treated industry as education, and also practiced his own social change ideas.

The great merchant is for the country and the people

Lu Zuofu has deep patriotic feelings, which is his original intention to establish an industry and promote social reform experiments. In 1936 he wrote: "We must summon up courage and strengthen our faith!" Whatever the Caucasians do, the Yellows do; whatever the Japanese do, Chinese do. As long as they learn their skills and management, they will make their careers. ”

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Slogan for the 11th anniversary of the establishment of Minsheng Company in 1936

"Unanimously overcoming the difficulties of the country, the difficulties of the cause"

By 1950, Minsheng Company had more than 140 passenger and cargo ships, and wholly-owned or joint ventured more than 70 enterprises, involving power generation, water supply, shipbuilding, warehouse terminals, railways, coal, steel, machinery, trade, banking, insurance and other fields. For the first time in modern times, China's private steamship companies have completely dominated the Shipping of the Yangtze River. In June 1950, Lu Zuofu attended the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and discussed with Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun and other leaders on the economic construction, transportation and shipping of New China, and signed the "Public-Private Partnership Agreement of Minsheng Industrial Company" in August. Minsheng Company has led to the precursor of the socialist transformation of public-private partnerships in the economic field. Mao Zedong said that public-private partnerships "should follow the example of minsheng companies." On the basis of operating The Yangtze River shipping, Minsheng Company also undertook heavy transportation tasks and actively solved traffic problems.

The grand plan is to be displayed, and the ambition is not rewarded. Lu Zuofu died in early 1952. His life was simple, his family of seven lived in a rental house, and almost all of his income was dedicated to the cause of cultural education and social transformation. The will left behind before his death reads: "Borrow the furniture of the Minsheng Company and return it to the Minsheng Company; the shares of the Minsheng Company will be handed over to the state; the family will rely on their children for their future life; and the certificate of the Southwest Military and Political Committee will be returned to the Military and Political Committee." In the mid-1950s, Chairman Mao and Huang Yanpei talked about the process of national industrial development in our country and said: "There are four people in China's industrial circles who must not forget: Zhang Zhidong, who is engaged in heavy industry, Fan Xudong, who is engaged in chemical industry, Lu Zuofu, who is engaged in transportation, and Zhang Xiao, who is engaged in textile industry. Mao Zedong stressed that "Lu Zuofu is a person who must never be forgotten in China's modern history."

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Lu Zuofu Square in Hechuan, Chongqing, Lu Zuofu's hometown

Arduous quest becomes a great cause, and there is no remorse to repay the country and the heart of the child. In July 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the entrepreneurs' forum that "excellent entrepreneurs must have a lofty sense of mission and a strong sense of responsibility for the country and the nation, closely combine the development of enterprises with the prosperity of the country, the prosperity of the nation, and the happiness of the people, and take the initiative to take responsibility for the country and share worries for the country. Patriotism is the glorious tradition of China's outstanding entrepreneurs in modern times. From Zhang Xiao in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, to Lu Zuofu and Chen Jiageng during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, to Rong Yiren and Wang Guangying after the founding of New China, and so on, they are all models of patriotic entrepreneurs. ”

The great merchant is for the country and the people. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "Enterprise marketing has no borders, and entrepreneurs have the motherland." Enterprises are the cornerstone of national competitiveness, entrepreneurs are the most discerning and capable class of the people, the ups and downs of the business community has never been a simple economic gain or loss, and the patriotism of the entrepreneurial class and the desire to serve the country are extremely important to the prosperity and development of the country. True business leaders not only create wealth, but more importantly, give whole societies, countries and peoples a better future. Since ancient times, Chinese businessmen have taken the "Tao Zhu cause, Duanmu career" as a model, through the changes of ancient and modern times, to observe the gains and losses of the Wandai, and to regard the unity of personal success, social progress and national prosperity as the supreme realm of diligent pursuit. In the era of change, we need to think carefully, have foresight, and even more need to have the feelings of the world and the country and the people.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Tao Zhu career, Duanmu career, master friend, humanistic business road

Peking University Guanghua 【New Economic Era, Business Leader】

Inherit the unnamed century-old wind bone, the rise and fall of thousands of generations in the world

Connecting China and foreign countries, knowing things, having the world in mind, and caring for the homeland

Nurturing a new generation of entrepreneurs with local insight and a global perspective


The "New Economic Era: Business Leaders" course has gone through ten years

Witness the rapid change of the times and the mighty torrent of history

Ten years of smelling, peach and plum fragrance, hundreds of rivers back to the stream, lasting

2021, course reloading departure,

Invite you to witness the magnificent voyage of miracles

Across the ancient and modern, throughout the Chinese and foreign countries

Module 1 | a global perspective

Traceability of the world pattern

The current international situation and China's diplomacy are also discussing Sino-US relations

The international business situation in the context of the Sino-US science and technology war and trade war

Module 2 | National Governance

Analysis of the macroeconomic situation at home and abroad and interpretation of China's macroeconomic policies

The Constitution and the National Destiny: China's Constitutional Thinking from a Global Perspective

Ideological Restoration and Japan's Modernization Transformation

Module 3 | great art and great beauty

Contemporary art issues

Step into the world of music

Chinese cultural self-awareness

Module IV | Geopolitics

Russia's fire experience and Sino-Russian relations

India and China-India relations

Islamic civilization and the contemporary Islamic world and relations between China, the United States and the Middle East

Module 5 | philosophical discernment

The overall picture of traditional Chinese thought and its contemporarization process

A Comparative Perspective of Chinese and Western Philosophy and Its Cultural Effects

The basic spirit of Buddhism: life, history and enlightenment

Module 6 | Business Technology

Fintech, Blockchain and Digital Transformation

Digital Currency: Innovation and Application

The global financial system and China's financial markets

Innovative philosophy and innovative thinking

Module 7 | Strategic Innovation

Clear direction and set the line -- strategy formulation seminar exercises

Strategic decoding and execution landing

Process building supports business success

Entropy Reduction: Huawei stimulates organizational vitality and practice sharing

Module 8 | industrial interconnection

Digital and connectivity in the digital economy and industrial development

The "Hundred Schools of Contention" of Vertical Industry Digital Transformation

The engine of the new era of digital economy 5G + cloud + AI

Methodology of Industrial Interconnection Construction: Case Sharing

Module 9 | the frontiers of exploration

The present and future of nanotechnology

The Implications of Physics for Trade Disputes: Physics and the Future of Mankind

Review and Outlook

Famous teachers gather, the crowd is complete

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Li Qi

Ph.D. in Social and Economic Sciences, Vienna University of Economics, Austria, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Integrating philosophical wisdom, economic thought, and management practice, analyzing the rise of china today from the historical ups and downs, knowing its nature and knowing its causes.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Bao Wanchao

Professor of School of Government and Management, Peking University, Director of the Research Center for Constitutional Politics and Law of China. It advocates the establishment of disciplinary autonomy in constitutional law and administrative law in the open research of humanities and social sciences, and is committed to proposing and interpreting the special phenomena of China's constitution and administrative law, and proposing Special Propositions in China.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Dai Jinhua

Professor of the Institute of Comparative Literature, Department of Chinese, Peking University, and doctoral supervisor. Director of the Film and Culture Research Center of Peking University. Engaged in the study of Chinese film history, popular culture and women's literature, he has been evaluated by the media as the most authoritative film critic in the world Chinese today. Her classroom is always full and full.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Zhu Qingsheng

Professor of the Department of History of Peking University, Director of the Institute of Chinese Painting, Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Painting Research. Engaged in modern art creation, the academic major is the study of Han Dynasty art. Chief writer of CCTV's large-scale documentary "When the Louvre Meets the Forbidden City". His art history course, which has been taught hundreds of lectures since 1996, is not repeated, trying to establish and listen to the situation of "once in a lifetime, once in a hundred years" for speakers.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Zhou Haihong

Professor of the Central Conservatory of Music, doctoral supervisor, former vice president of the Central Conservatory of Music. Famous music aesthetician, music psychology, educator. He has been engaged in the research and teaching of musical aesthetics and educational psychology for many years. Elegant and witty language, laying out the glowing soul, explains the relationship and application of musical aesthetics and daily life.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Li Silong

Professor of the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Religious Studies of Peking University, Vice President of the Institute of Religious Culture, Director of the Buddhist Education Research Center. His research interests include the history of Buddhism in China, Buddhist philosophy and the history of Chinese religion. His book "Chinese Buddhism and Civil Society" was once expensive in Luoyang.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Jia Chunxin

Professor, Department of Finance, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. His research interests include commercial banking, financial development, corporate governance and IPOs. He is well versed in the global financial system and tells the story of the ups and downs of the capital market in a witty and indifferent manner.

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Jiang Jingkui

Professor, doctoral supervisor, director of the South Asian Studies Center of the School of Foreign Chinese of Peking University, the first Hindi doctorate in Chinese mainland, and has studied under Ji Xianlin, Jin Kemu and others. He is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of Indian literature and culture, Indian religion, and South Asian regional issues.

Good friends and talents radiate

Li Wei

Founding Partner of Songhe Capital

【Business Leaders】This course covers culture, art, religion, finance, human resources and other categories, through careful layout and design, profoundly affect the comprehensive quality of entrepreneurs' strategic thinking, viewpoints and concepts, etc., I think every enterprise can be comprehensively improved through learning.

Liu Hongyu

Founding partner of Jincheng Tongda Law Firm and member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

The encounter with the "Business Leader" project is amazing, every time you come to participate in the "Business Leader" selected module learning with super high expectations, you can get the cognitive harvest and joy that exceeds expectations every time, these ultimate experiences are like spring wind and rain, do not want to graduate, it is difficult to give up Guanghua!

Miao Hongbing

Chairman of White Collar Fashion Co., Ltd.,

Awarded "The Most Accomplished Entrepreneur of Outstanding Figures in China's Garment Industry"

Coming to Guanghua is not only to learn knowledge, but also to learn personality, we are "Guanghua" because of Guanghua. The learning of "business leaders" will always be a beautiful and unforgettable memory, which will always inspire us to continue to learn, seek and practice.

Ren Cheng

Vice President of Actually Home

Learning is never too late. The impact of the Business Leadership course is subtle, inspiring people to act while at the same time making people's minds peaceful. True business leaders must have a pattern that transcends ordinary people, firm and unusual beliefs and magnanimous minds, and hope that more friends can come to this course and become such people through learning.

Tian Mei

CCTV famous producer, general director,

Produced many word-of-mouth programs such as "Classic Arias" and "The First Lesson of School"

Compared with my previous learning experience, the Business Leadership course has brought me more strategic and spiritual guidance than pure knowledge and skills. The core values and content conveyed throughout the course helped me to open up the pattern, break out of many of my preconceived notions, and take a more macro view of work and life.

Wang Xiaolan

President of Times Group, former member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,

He has participated in the symposium between General Secretary Xi Jinping and private enterprises and made a speech

What do you study in the Business Leadership program?

I think it should be to cultivate the vision and pattern that Chinese entrepreneurs should have today to go to the world and the future. I hope that Chinese entrepreneurs, no matter what kind of changes they are in, can always maintain the mind and spirit that this course has passed on to us.

Strict standing

CEO of Venustech Information Technology Group Co., Ltd

The design of the business-led course fully reflects the ideological peak and cultural heritage of Peking University. Each course listening to the master's teaching is a feast of thought and a great spiritual enjoyment. Here, with poetry, I would like to sincerely thank all the teachers of Guanghua Shangling.

The unnamed lakeside knows no end, because of the thought and hua immortal hall.

A seat of masters Daigo, useless magic call Du Kang.

Gu Yongcheng

Vice President of ZTE, General Manager of Automotive Electronics Line

In the process of enterprise development, I always pay attention to how to take the initiative to seize the opportunity of society and take off; how to focus on resources, find out breakthroughs, and drive the development of other industries through the development of certain representative industries, forming the overall rise of enterprises. Effectively integrating the development of enterprises into the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the spirit of Guanghua. Come to Guanghua, increase knowledge, feel feelings, better develop yourself, and contribute more to society.

The main composition of the students

Corporate decision makers × industry veterans

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Rooted in the local, travel all over the world

100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business
100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business
100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business
100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business
100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business
100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business
100 years ago, a "slash youth" decided to start a business

Yan Yuan asked, and the string song did not quit.

Peking University Guanghua [Business Leadership Program] 14 students on the occasion of graduation

Condense what they have learned, thought, and realized in Guanghua into a song,

Reminiscing about the chapters written together with Guanghua.

Ten years of hard work, a hundred rivers into the sea

Hundreds of people from all walks of life

Because of The Peking University Guanghua [New Economic Era: Business Leaders] course

Meet here

They are well-known entrepreneurs who have broken through the tide of development

They are representatives of the two sessions and have made suggestions for the country with enthusiasm

They are industry leaders with a vision of the future

They are well-rounded and comprehensively literate

Pioneer of the times leading the ideological pattern and global vision

They are every idealistic you

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