
Watermelon, do you dare to eat it


#夏日生活打卡季 #

How are you going to spend this summer? Is it lying flat at home to watch dramas, air conditioning, WiFi, watermelon together.

Watermelon, do you dare to eat it

In this hot summer, you have no appetite for anything, if you come to a piece of watermelon, cool and juicy to quench your thirst. But do you know what the watermelon alias is called?

Watermelon, as the name suggests, is a melon from the Western Regions. Five generations ago, it has been introduced to the southeast coastal areas of China, but it is not called watermelon, but because of its cold and antipyretic, it is called cold melon. There is a poem that reads: "Mostly from Huaixiang, natural jasper group., broken body shiny, chewing teeth cold." "This is about watermelons.

Watermelon, do you dare to eat it

Watermelon is also known as summer white tiger soup, white tiger soup is a famous heat clearing formula in Chinese medicine, watermelon also has similar effects, so it is also known as "natural white tiger soup". This is heard.

Watermelon, do you dare to eat it

"Feet steaming hot and earthy, back burning hot skylight." Ancient people had to do farm work, the summer heat was unbearable, at this time eating a piece of watermelon, not only to relieve physical fatigue, but also to quench thirst and cool down, so as to avoid heat stroke. And our current people, in the summer 24 hours a day in the air-conditioned room, the body does not sweat out, and watermelon is our first choice fruit in summer, there is nothing more comfortable than eating watermelon in the air-conditioned room in summer. Some people have to be chilled before eating watermelon, but eating more watermelon will aggravate the cold moisture in the body, and those cold qi will affect the health of the body for a long time, such as cold hands and feet, headaches, etc. Especially if the cold and moisture in the girl's body is heavy, it will also affect the figure, such as the protruding lower abdomen.

Although the summer is hot, don't be too greedy.

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