
Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

author:Green Bricks

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Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

Text | Green bricks


Dominoes is a widely popular game that is loved by countless players worldwide. However, have you ever wondered about the origin and development of dominoes? This seemingly simple game actually has a fascinating story behind it. This thesis will trace the origins of dominoes, explore its development in Western games, and conduct an in-depth study of its impact. Let's demystify this domino together!

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

First, the mysterious origin of dominoes

(1) Ancient origins

Originating from Ancient China The origin of dominoes can be traced back to ancient China. In China, this ancient game is called "dominoes" or "pai jiu". It first appeared in the Song Dynasty in 1120 AD, when dominoes were small pieces made of ivory, bone or wood with black and white dots engraved on them.

Dominoes played an important role in ancient Chinese culture. It is widely used in divination and gambling activities and is believed to have mystical and magical powers. It is believed that the placement and arrangement of dominoes can predict future fate and good fortune. This superstitious belief gives the dominoes an atmosphere of mystery, making it a game full of ritual and metaphysical significance.

(2) Incoming from the West

The popularity of dominoes In the early 13th century, dominoes were introduced to Italy and subsequently spread throughout Europe. In Western countries, dominoes gradually evolved into domino forms, the earliest of which was invented by Alexander the Great's general Dominus Mondi. He scaled down the dominoes and drew a new system of points on each domino.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

Dominoes soon became popular in Europe and became a fashionable entertainment for the aristocracy and upper class. People began to create a wide variety of games and puzzles, using dominoes to demonstrate intelligence and skill. Over time, the form of dominoes has evolved, from simple black and white points to today's dominoes in color, with patterns and various creative designs.

(3) Cultural exchanges

The spread of dominoes in the West The spread of dominoes is inseparable from the influence of cultural exchange and transnational transmission. In the 17th and 18th centuries, as European colonial expansion progressed, dominoes were introduced to colonies in Asia, Africa and the Americas. This game became a medium for communication and integration between different cultures. In different regions, dominoes are combined with local traditional games and entertainment, resulting in unique variations and ways to play.

In Asia, dominoes interact with traditional Chinese mahjong games. In mahjong, dominoes are widely used and complex rules and strategies have been developed. This influence has led to the deeper development and widespread application of dominoes in Asia.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

In Africa and the Americas, dominoes incorporate local cultural elements to form a game with a unique style. In Mexico, for example, people created a game called "Dominó", using dominoes painted with different patterns and colors, in line with traditional Mexican artistic styles.

The cross-cultural transmission and integration of dominoes reflects not only the entertaining nature of the game, but also the communication and interaction between different cultures. Through dominoes, people can deeply understand the cultural characteristics and game habits of different countries and regions, and broaden their horizons.

Second, the traditional play of dominoes

(1) Rules of the game

Master the Mystery of Dominoes The rules of dominoes are relatively simple, but there is strategy and skill in them. A standard domino deck consists of 28 square dominoes, each with two unique numbers on it, from 0 to 6. Players need to match and connect dominoes based on numbers to form a continuous sequence.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

At the beginning of the game, each player randomly draws a certain number of dominoes as a hand. Next, the cards are played in turn, and the player needs to choose the dominoes in the hand that match the number that has been played on the table. The placed dominoes must maintain a continuous path, and the numbers at both ends must match the numbers of neighboring dominoes. If a player is unable to play a card, new dominoes need to be drawn from the pile until they can play a card.

The goal of the game is to get rid of all the dominoes in your hand as early as possible. When a player has played all his hands, he will win the round. However, dominoes are more than just a quick streak, players need to be flexible in their strategy, choosing the best time to play, and anticipating and blocking their opponent's actions in order to gain an advantage and ultimately win.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

(2) Challenges and strategies

The key to victory Dominoes have simple rules, but they contain a wealth of challenges and strategies. Here are some common strategy tips to help players win in the game:

1. Number pairing:

When choosing to play cards, players should give preference to hands that match the numbers of the dominoes already on the table. This ensures continuity and avoids the embarrassing situation of not being able to play cards.

2. Hinder opponents:

In addition to playing cards, players can also hinder their opponent's actions by selectively playing cards. Try to choose dominoes that your opponent does not have a suitable number to match, so that they cannot continue to play their cards.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

3. Predict opponents:

Observe how your opponent plays cards and hands, and try to predict your opponent's next move. This can help

Help you make smarter decisions and gain an edge in the game.

4. Manage hands:

Managing your hand properly is the key to victory. Try to keep the variety of dominoes in your hand to cope with various situations. At the same time, there are some spare dominoes left for possible challenges and obstacles.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

5. Joint action:

Dominoes can be a multiplayer game where players can cooperate with other players to form temporary alliances to work together against other players. Through cooperation and strategic coordination, players can improve their chances of victory.

In addition to the above strategy tips, dominoes can become more exciting and fun. Players can add special rules, rewards and punishments, or special challenges to increase the difficulty and fun of the game. For example, limit the amount of time a player can play cards, add special dominoes with special functions, or set additional goals and rewards.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

The traditional domino game is simple and strategic. With the right use of strategy, players can gain an edge and win in the game. However, the charm of dominoes is not limited to traditional play. In the next chapter, we will explore the evolution of dominoes in Western games and its applications in engineering, art, and education. Let's continue exploring the wonderful world of dominoes!

Third, the innovation of dominoes in Western games

(1) The domino effect

From domino collapse to engineering The domino effect is when one domino falls, it triggers the collapse of neighboring dominoes, setting off a chain reaction. This concept has been widely used and developed in Western games.

The domino effect is used in various engineering and physics experiments to study the principles of chain reactions and energy transfer. Engineers even used dominoes to design complex mechanical systems and display grand architectural structures, showing the spectacular and stunning side of the domino effect.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

(2) Creativity and art

Artistic display of dominoes Dominoes have also become a medium of creative and artistic expression. Artists use the shape, color, and ripple effect properties of dominoes to create a variety of beautiful artworks and spectacular displays.

In domino art, artists often unfold their creations with giant dominoes, creating gorgeous visual effects and precise collapse sequences through careful design and arrangement of dominoes. These artworks are often displayed in exhibitions and competitions, attracting the attention and admiration of many audiences.

The artistic display of dominoes not only shows the creativity and skill of the artist, but also shows people the aesthetic value and visual charm of dominoes.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

(3) Education and enlightenment

Application of dominoes in learning Dominoes not only play a role in the field of entertainment and art, it is also widely used in education and learning.

In education, dominoes are used as an interactive tool to help students understand concepts in subjects such as math, science, and physics. By designing and constructing domino structures, students can visually observe and understand abstract concepts such as sequences and patterns in mathematics, forces and motion in physics, and energy conversion and transfer in science.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

Dominoes also develop students' problem-solving skills and creativity. Students can face challenges such as designing a complex domino system that allows dominoes to collapse in the optimal order, or constructing an array of dominoes of a specific shape given constraints. These challenges require students to use spatial imagination, logical thinking, and creative solutions.

In addition to educational applications, dominoes are also commonly used in training activities for teamwork and communication. Team members need to cooperate with each other and coordinate actions to ensure that the dominoes can fall successfully. Activities like this strengthen your team's collaboration, communication skills, and problem-solving skills.

Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

Overall, dominoes' innovation in Western gaming is not only reflected in its entertaining and strategic development, but also in its extensive use in engineering, art and education. The engineering application of the domino effect, the artistic display of dominoes, and their inspiration and cultivation in education demonstrate the diversity and creativity of dominoes as a game element.


As an ancient and interesting Western game, dominoes not only show simple and strategic fun in traditional gameplay, but also show its wide application and creativity in various fields. From the engineering application of the domino effect, to the artistic display of dominoes, to their inspiration and cultivation in education, the potential of dominoes is limitless. Not only does it entertain people, it also stimulates creativity, promotes learning, and plays a role in teamwork.

The charm and variety of dominoes make it a unique and fun game element, while also demonstrating a constant quest for innovation and exploration. In the future, we can expect dominoes to continue to develop and evolve, bringing us more surprises and challenges. Let's continue exploring the wonderful world of dominoes!


Dominoes: Perverse in the Western Game World?

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