
Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank: "Jinyan Love Fast Loan" makes the enterprise revitalized

author:Nakahara Flux

Henan Economic Daily reporter Yang Lei correspondent Zhang Bohan Han Yulu

"'Jinyan Love Fast Loan' solved the company's urgent needs, which really helped a lot!" Thank you Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank for your concern and help to our company. Li Laiqun, general manager of Zhengzhou Rabbit Erkang Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., said.

Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank: "Jinyan Love Fast Loan" makes the enterprise revitalized

Accurate visits to solve problems

Zhengzhou Tuerkang Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. is located in Dengfeng City, Dajindian Town, Jiangou Village, on both sides of the river on the relocation of old houses on the flat land, Dajindian branch employees in the jurisdiction of the district learned that the enterprise due to the recent extreme weather, coupled with the location of the low, the company's office area, living area, production area and the courtyard water and electricity pipe network system and other facilities are seriously damaged, the loss of hundreds of thousands of yuan, which is undoubtedly worse for a company that has just been established to invest millions of yuan. After learning of this situation, Wu Pengju, president of the Dajindian branch, led the loan officers to visit and investigate the situation on the spot, on the one hand, to learn more about the company's operating status and losses, on the other hand, to actively report the company's difficult situation to the local party committee government and the head office.

Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank: "Jinyan Love Fast Loan" makes the enterprise revitalized

Efficient loan handling shows results

After a series of research and visits, the company's difficulties have been highly valued by the Dengfeng Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, which has opened up a green channel for the enterprise, declaration and approval are carried out simultaneously, the application materials are reported on the same day, and the next day with a full of warmth 300,000 yuan of funds has been hit to the company's account. The release of this fund has injected "fresh blood" into Zhengzhou Tuerkang Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., delivered financial living water, solved its urgent needs, and provided strong momentum for getting rid of the current predicament and restoring the vitality of enterprises.

Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank: "Jinyan Love Fast Loan" makes the enterprise revitalized

Serve the three farmers bravely

A week later, the staff of the Dajindian sub-branch visited the enterprise again, and the company's office area, living area, production area and the water and electricity pipe network system in the hospital and other facilities have been basically restored. There is a peaceful scene in the venue: in the production shed, the workers are busy working in a tense and orderly manner; In the pen, Ipru and New Zealand meat rabbits eat organic feed quietly; In the company yard, several puppies were playing happily on the side of the road.

Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank: "Jinyan Love Fast Loan" makes the enterprise revitalized

Seeing this scene, Wu Pengju, president of the Dajindian branch, said: "Serving the 'three rural areas' is our fundamental purpose, and we are particularly happy to see Zhengzhou Tuerkang Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. quickly resume post-disaster reconstruction and production with the help of 'Jinyan Love Fast Loan'!"

Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank: "Jinyan Love Fast Loan" makes the enterprise revitalized

Dengfeng Rural Commercial Bank shoulders the important responsibility of ensuring financial services, and helps the post-disaster reconstruction is still in full swing, and has successively launched financial products such as "Flood Prevention Emergency Loan", "Song Yue Tongzhou Loan" and "Jinyan Love Fast Loan", and actively undertakes to contribute to the flood prevention and disaster relief.

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