
Learn from Japan, the USSR

author:Kirin Wisdom

Text/Kirin Zhi

/ Kirin Zhi

Japan's economy reached its peak around the 80s of the last century, about 70% of the total US economy, and since then the fangs of the United States have been exposed, first hitting the Japanese semiconductor flower Japanese industrial crown Toshiba on trumped-up charges. Secondly, through the Plaza Accord, the yen was forced to appreciate relative to international mainstream currencies such as the dollar franc, thereby reducing the competitiveness of Japanese automobiles and semiconductors, while the appreciation of the yen further boosted the overheating of Japanese domestic assets, and more funds flowed into real estate and other industries that can make quick money continue to push up their own asset bubbles, and when the Japanese government realized that something was wrong, it took the initiative to puncture the bubble. The Japanese economy has experienced a lost 20 years, from 1991 to 2011, the Japanese economy remained stagnant, and from 2011 to 2021, the Japanese economy contracted sharply

Learn from Japan, the USSR

Defeated Japan, made in remembrance

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Soviet Union was the only country in the world that had the strength to compete with the United States militarily at that time, and it had also made achievements in science and technology, but why the Soviet Union suddenly collapsed in the later period, I think there are three reasons: 1 is that the Soviet Union itself may not be suitable for the times, but this is not the main reason 2. The impact of Soviet poison textbooks on students (yes, the trick of poisoned textbooks was used by US imperialism long before the collapse of the Soviet Union) 3. Excessive lameness, overdeveloped heavy industry, and basically no light industry

Learn from Japan, the USSR

The picture shows the currency of the Soviet era, and the head is a portrait of Lenin

Let's talk about Japan first, Japan is destined to be suppressed, and it is also destined to be suppressed by the United States successfully, very simple, without him. After the war, Japan was a US colony, and the United States stationed troops in Asia, and Japan and South Korea accounted for more than 70% of the US troops stationed in Asia, and Japan was also the core of the so-called trapping China and trapping China in the first island chain by the United States

Learn from Japan, the USSR

Island chain

Japan can quickly talk about it after the war and has a lot to do with China, and after World War II, the United States originally planned to suppress Japan to death! In the Korean War, China and the United States directly opposed the United States and urgently needed a large amount of ammunition replenishment, so military orders flew to Japanese enterprises like snowflakes, and those Japanese notorious consortiums were also revived with blood from orders

Subsequently, Japan's development of semiconductor automotive and other industries soon rose to become the world's second largest economy, and then ushered in the blow of the United States! First of all, it suppressed Toshiba, the crown pearl of Japan's semiconductor flower industry, on trumped-up charges! Then forced Japan to sign the Plaza Agreement, forced the yen to appreciate, Japan's export products weakened competitiveness and a series of other means, and finally the Bank of Japan cooperated with the United States to take the initiative to puncture the bubble, and then Japan fell into the lost thirty years

Learn from Japan, the USSR

Thirty lost years

But the means used by the United States against Japan were obviously much inferior to those of the Soviet Union, and the United States exhausted all means on the Soviet Union. Including spies and traitors, training agents to get close to the United States, tempting the Soviet Union to take action against Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, promoting the excellent arguments of the Western system, etc., the most important thing is to tempt the Soviet Ministry of Education and tamper with history in batches, so that the Soviet Union as a country loses its popular foundation

Learn from Japan, the USSR

We should take this as a warning against the divided and disintegrated Soviet Union

From the perspective of Japan and the Soviet Union, the United States must hold the cultural front, the educational front, and the scientific and technological front, so that China can be invincible.

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