
Emperor Wu of Liang played a good hand of cards? The 86-year-old was trapped in Taicheng and died, stemming from a transaction, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old brother. Second, Emperor Wu of Liang repaired the Fushan Weir, and he lacked Great Virtue! Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, which directly caused the demise of Southern Liang. Fourth, the benevolence of Emperor Wu of Liang's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the Qi of the Southern Dynasty.

author:Jianghu Xiaoxiaosheng

Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu was too famous in the history of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Because his personality is very strong, it is easy to be remembered by everyone.

Everyone knows that monks can't eat meat, so who made such a set? It was Emperor Wu of Liang himself! Emperor Wu of Liang was an obsessive Buddhist, and one day while nibbling on a pig's trotter, he saw this passage while reading the Nirvana Sutra:

Good men, from today onwards, do not hear disciples eat meat. If you receive tantra when you believe in charity, you should observe that you are eating like a son of meat.

After reading it, he was directly frightened and he got rid of the pig's trotters in his hand. This is not the end, a few days later, while eating fried chicken legs, he read the "Leng Yan Jing" and read this paragraph:

The husband of the flesh eater has immeasurable deeds, and the bodhisattvas Mahasattva have great compassion and are not allowed to eat meat.

Finish the calves! It turned out that after eating meat for so many years, there was no way to become a Buddhist disciple! From then on, Emperor Wu of Liang began to eat vegetarian food and never touched the meat again.

Even if he did it himself, the key was that he was the emperor! So he wrote a "Meat Article on Breaking Wine" and called on all monks and nuns in the world to eat vegetarian food collectively. This is a complete calf! Everyone had to suffer along with it, and from then on this custom was passed down.

Don't think that Emperor Wu of Liang is pretending, this elder brother's devotion to Buddhism is definitely the best of all the emperors in the past! He eats vegetarian food every day, and only eats one meal a day, drinks some porridge, eats some vegetables and beans.

Emperor Wu of Liang played a good hand of cards? The 86-year-old was trapped in Taicheng and died, stemming from a transaction, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old brother. Second, Emperor Wu of Liang repaired the Fushan Weir, and he lacked Great Virtue! Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, which directly caused the demise of Southern Liang. Fourth, the benevolence of Emperor Wu of Liang's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the Qi of the Southern Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" >, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old man. </h1>

Emperor Wu of Liang was obsessed with Buddhism, and not only created the idea of vegetarianism, but also built a number of temples in the Southern Dynasty Liang Kingdom. At the same time, encourage everyone to become a monk.

One of the advantages of the monks was that they could not pay taxes or serve in servitude, and now everyone was very happy, and they shaved the hair on their heads and went to the temple to live.

Of course, eating vegetarian is a bit of a toss-up, better than paying taxes and serving in force, right? Therefore, at that time, the Southern Dynasty was full of temples, and the young and middle-aged people did not produce in the ground, but instead became monks.

The short time is good, the time is long, do you think the national strength of the Southern Dynasty is exhausted? I'm afraid that the monks can't find a benefactor when they come out, right? Emperor Wu of Liang himself reigned for 48 years, which was really a sin!

In addition to encouraging everyone to become monks, Emperor Wu of Liang, in order to support the development of Buddhism, actually ran to become a monk himself. What is this routine? The emperor should not be a monk? The emperors of the Duan clan of Dali were estimated to have learned from Emperor Wu of Liang.

Emperor Wu of Liang played a good hand of cards? The 86-year-old was trapped in Taicheng and died, stemming from a transaction, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old brother. Second, Emperor Wu of Liang repaired the Fushan Weir, and he lacked Great Virtue! Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, which directly caused the demise of Southern Liang. Fourth, the benevolence of Emperor Wu of Liang's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the Qi of the Southern Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of Liang had been ordained three times, and each time it was the ministers who spent a huge amount of money to give to the temple before they ransomed Emperor Liang wu from the temple. In fact, this is just a disguised donation, and it is impossible for Emperor Liangwu to truly become a monk without distraction! Who would give up the emperor's chair?

When Master Dharma came to the Southern Dynasty from Tianzhu to preach, Emperor Wu of Liang summoned him and asked him: I have built so many temples and persuaded so many people to become monks, do you think my credit is great? Will you be able to become a Buddha in the future?

Dharma Guru smiled: There is no merit.

This made Emperor Wu of Liang angry, and he thought that Master Dharma had nothing to do, and he scolded and drove the people away. In fact, Emperor Wu of Liang himself did not understand the meaning of Dharma's ancestors when he said this. Doing merit for the sake of one's own merit is a matter of taste itself, just as kneeling in front of a bodhisattva every day and begging to win the lottery.

Emperor Wu of Liang played a good hand of cards? The 86-year-old was trapped in Taicheng and died, stemming from a transaction, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old brother. Second, Emperor Wu of Liang repaired the Fushan Weir, and he lacked Great Virtue! Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, which directly caused the demise of Southern Liang. Fourth, the benevolence of Emperor Wu of Liang's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the Qi of the Southern Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="55" > second, Liangwu Emperor repaired Fushan Weir, missing Dade! </h1>

You are a buddhist who chants all day long about shanzai and shanza, so why is there no ambiguity at all when you fight for power and profit? When he first competed for the throne from Xiao Qi's hands, Emperor Wu of Liang did not blink an eye.

The most important thing is the immoral Fushan Weir built in his resume! At first, Emperor Wu of Liang wanted to compete with Northern Wei, especially when fighting for Shouyang, and he did not give in.

The point is that Shouyang is located north of the Yangtze River, and it is difficult to hold on even if it is fought. Therefore, many ministers advised Emperor Wu of Liang to give up, but The Northern Wei general Wang Zu gave Emperor LiangWu a bad idea:

Let Kang Xuan repair the Fushan Weir in the upper reaches of Shouyang, and after repairing, a huge reservoir can be formed in the upper reaches of Shouyang. At that time, if the floodgates are opened and the water is released, it will be able to flood the two hundred miles around Shouyang, and it will not be possible to take Shouyang smoothly!

When Emperor Wu of Liang listened, this was really a good idea! After all, you don't need to lose many soldiers to take Shouyang, why not? I reckon that Wang Zu grew up watching the story of the Three Kingdoms, probably inspired by the story of Guan Yu's flooded Seven Armies.

To this end, Emperor Wu of Liang recruited 200,000 migrant workers to build Fushan Weir, mainly from Xuzhou and Yangzhou, and every 4 households produced one person, wasting tens of millions of pounds of iron. Moreover, the construction is too difficult, resulting in countless deaths and injuries of migrant workers.

The problem was that after the chief engineer Kang Xuan was recalled, the people who replaced him did not know much about repairing the weir, which led to the water level in the reservoir soaring in August of that year, which directly caused the collapse of the Fushan Weir, and the efforts of more than 2 years were in vain, and hundreds of thousands of people downstream were destroyed. The purpose is to deal with the enemy, but it turns out to hurt its own people.

Emperor Wu of Liang played a good hand of cards? The 86-year-old was trapped in Taicheng and died, stemming from a transaction, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old brother. Second, Emperor Wu of Liang repaired the Fushan Weir, and he lacked Great Virtue! Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, which directly caused the demise of Southern Liang. Fourth, the benevolence of Emperor Wu of Liang's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the Qi of the Southern Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" > Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, directly causing the demise of Southern Liang. </h1>

To say that among so many bad cards, Emperor Wu of Liang played the worst, of course, to welcome Hou Jing to the south. Hou Jing was a humble and humble member of the Qi people, who mixed with Gao Huan in his early years and achieved outstanding military achievements.

However, Hou Jing had a bad relationship with Gao Huan's son Gao Cheng, and after Gao Cheng came to power, he suspected that Hou Jing had a rebellious heart, so he made things difficult everywhere. Hou Jing had no choice but to secretly communicate with Western Wei, and even planned to defect to Yuwen Tai of Western Wei.

Yuwen Tai was also wary of Hou Jing and refused to accept him at all, which showed that Yu Wentai was a very accurate person! In desperation, Hou Jing had no choice but to turn to Emperor Wu of Liang.

Of course, Hou Jingming also brought a lot of dowries on his face, such as using the thirteen northern states as a bargaining chip, so that Emperor Wu of Liang gladly accepted him and crowned him as the king of Henan.

Emperor Gaozu ordered the king of Jinghenan, the great general, the envoy, the military and daxingtai of the south and north of Henan, such as The Story of Deng Yu--- the Book of Liang

According to the reason, Hou Jing honestly lived in Southern Liang, right? But Emperor Wu of Liang had another moth on his side, and it turned out that Emperor Wu of Liang and Gao Cheng of Eastern Wei had actually made peace, and Hou Jing immediately tensed up.

So Hou Jing wrote a letter to Emperor Liangwu in gao cheng's tone, wanting to test whether Emperor Liangwu was sincere with him. Roughly speaking, Gao Cheng promised to send Back Emperor Liangwu's nephew Xiao Yuanming, but on one condition, that is, to send Hou Jing back to Eastern Wei.

Emperor Wu of Liang agreed to this without saying a word, and Hou Jing, who received the reply, almost jumped up, and without saying a word, he was going to fight with Emperor Wu of Liang! A disturbance was inevitable, and Hou Jing, in the name of the Qing Emperor, came directly to Jiankang and surrounded Emperor Wu of Liang in Taicheng.

Emperor Wu of Liang played a good hand of cards? The 86-year-old was trapped in Taicheng and died, stemming from a transaction, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old brother. Second, Emperor Wu of Liang repaired the Fushan Weir, and he lacked Great Virtue! Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, which directly caused the demise of Southern Liang. Fourth, the benevolence of Emperor Wu of Liang's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the Qi of the Southern Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" > fourth, the benevolence of the liangwu emperor's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. </h1>

Emperor Wu of Liang had no sons, so he adopted Xiao Zhengde as his adopted son. That is to say, Xiao Zhengde had the right to inherit at that time! However, not long after, Emperor Wu of Liang gave birth to the crown prince Xiao Tong, and Xiao Zhengde changed from master to outsider in the blink of an eye!

The gap in his heart was really too big, so this child couldn't think straight, and even took the initiative to surrender to the Northern Wei. Before leaving, he also left this poem with great care:

Zhen Gan bent to the end, Lan Musk atmosphere was sold, and it was the Ice Walking Dynasty that wanted to know the charcoal day.

In general, it is the heart that pulls out the cold. The problem was that he didn't mix well in Northern Wei, so he ran back soon after! I really don't know how many secrets he betrayed from Southern Liang, but Emperor Wu of Liang felt sorry for this child, so he forgave him and even made him a general of zhengyu.

When Hou Jing besieged Taicheng, Xiao Zhengde happened to be responsible for defending the city. If he could hold on, perhaps Emperor Wu of Liang would not have suffered such bad luck. However, Xiao Zhengde had already made peace with Hou Jing, and he took the initiative to release Hou Jing's rebels, and since then Taicheng has fallen, and Emperor Wu of Liang has been captured by Hou Jing.

After that, Xiao Zhengde ascended the throne as emperor and made Hou Jing a chancellor. As for Emperor Wu of Liang, he did not eat what he wanted to eat in Taicheng, did not drink what he wanted to drink, and eventually died in hunger and thirst. The benevolence of the woman killed Emperor Wu of Liang.

Emperor Wu of Liang played a good hand of cards? The 86-year-old was trapped in Taicheng and died, stemming from a transaction, the 480th Temple of the Southern Dynasty, which was built by this old brother. Second, Emperor Wu of Liang repaired the Fushan Weir, and he lacked Great Virtue! Third, Emperor Wu of Liang reused Hou Jing, which directly caused the demise of Southern Liang. Fourth, the benevolence of Emperor Wu of Liang's wife, who trusted Xiao Zhengde too much. Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the Qi of the Southern Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > Summary: Emperor Wu of Liang directly buried the qi number of the Southern Dynasty. </h1>

In fact, the Southern Dynasty was still relatively stable at that time, and under the blows of Chen Qingzhi's Northern Expedition and Hou Jing's Return to the South, the North was already in turmoil.

If Emperor Wu of Liang could stabilize the situation and continue to work hard, then it would not be a problem to unify the world from south to north. Even if he can't do it himself, he can let future generations do it, and he is responsible for laying the foundation.

But Emperor Wu of Liang liked to play a good hand of cards: he could develop productive forces well, and he wanted to persuade young and middle-aged people to become monks, and he could clearly take it step by step, and he had to build some fushan weir. It was clear that he could make good use of Hou Jing and let him disturb the north, but he lured the wolf into the room and let Hou Jing deal with himself.

In the end, the vitality of the Southern Dynasty was seriously damaged, and decades of accumulation were destroyed. After that, the Southern Dynasty was in a long-term melee, and even if Chen Ba first established the Chen Dynasty, it could not be compared with the song qi liang in the past.

References: Book of Liang, Book of Wei

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