
"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

author:Dream drunk Gangnam March day
"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

All things are for my use, not for me.


One way: harnessing "everything".

In that year, Han Gaozu's ancestor Liu Bang unified the country and the mountains, and feasted on the courtiers. He asked a question: "How did I get the world?" ”

Hundreds of civil and military officials, suddenly blindfolded.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what medicine this old gentleman was selling in the gourd, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Liu Bang laughed and signaled everyone to relax.

Then he gave the answer:

"I can have today, all rely on three people--- in the midst of strategizing, decisive victory thousands of miles away, I am not as good as Zhang Liang; defending the country, appeasing the people, and constantly supplying military food, I am not as good as Xiao He; leading millions of people, the battle will be won, the attack will be won, I am not as good as Han Xin." All three are masters, and they are fortunate to be used by me to sit in the world. ”

Good at employing people is the root of the development and growth of an enterprise and the rise of headwinds; being good at using things is the reason why a person lives a long and healthy life and lives a wonderful life.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Cherish life and talk and laugh for a lifetime.

Here is a "talented emperor" Liang Wudi, he is good at health, lived to the age of 86, which is a miracle.

Being good at controlling "everything" is the essence of his health.


Method two: super self-discipline.

As a minister of the Han Dynasty, the "Three Masters of the Early Han Dynasty" achieved great merit, of which Xiao He had the greatest merit. He chose the wise and capable, willing to be a ladder for others; bold and loyal, loyal to the country; and devoted to the blood and blood, bowing to the best of his ability.

This Liangwu Emperor Xiao Yan was Xiao He's twenty-fifth grandson, and his bloodline flowed with Xiao Xiangguo's powerful genes.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Reading a book breaks through ten thousand volumes, and the next pen is like a god.

Xiao Yan has been clever and clever since childhood, and his thinking is quick. When I grew up, I became more addicted to books and learned from the past. He often met with some literati and inkers with poetry and talked about wine.

After becoming emperor, he still did not forget to chant poems, dance and ink, and enjoy it. Later generations evaluated him as "the ancient emperors of the past can be knowledgeable in art, rare or have a good time".

Many emperors, unable to resist the temptation of sound and color dogs and horses, indulged in the gentle country and could not extricate themselves, reveled in the lights and wine, and eventually died young, or died halfway.

Emperor Wu of Liang was different, his biggest feature was that he "could control himself", in today's words, super self-discipline.

I often say a word to my friends: the more self-disciplined, the more advanced; the soul is free, the world is invincible.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Love life, heroic nature.


Method 3: Master the rhythm.

Regarding the power of music, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, celebrities have given exquisite answers.

Aesop, the master of fables, said that music often delays death.

The philosopher Nietzsche's words are more like a bowl of fragrant poisonous chicken soup: without music, life is worthless.

Beethoven, the musical "sage", said that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom, all philosophy.

Martin Luther said that music is the source of the Vander embryo. Whoever is not moved by the music, I must compare him to wood and stone. If you are a teacher and can't sing, you are simply not qualified to be a teacher.

The "music" of music is the same word as the "medicine" of medicine in ancient times. Between the two, flesh and bone are connected, and blood veins are connected.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Music, nourish the heart, wash the soul.

When there is nothing to do, singing and dancing, bathing in the hot spring of music, the dirt and grime of the world are peeled off one by one, the troubles are disintegrated, and it is bound to be as light as a swallow, and the health is accompanied.

When there is something to do, hum a minor key, relax the nerves, unconsciously, unlock the stress, eliminate tiredness.


Method 4: Love sports.

Among the more than 240 emperors in ancient China, the longevity champion was the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, who lived for 89 years; the runner-up was Emperor Wu of Liang of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

According to historical records, if not persecuted in his later years, he died of death. It is very likely that emperor Wu of Liang's life expectancy will surpass Qianlong and ascend to the championship throne.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Grow old and strong, because the foundation is stable.

Some history books say that when Emperor Wu of Liang was old, he was still able to ride horses and shoot arrows and fight in battle, not inferior to veteran generals such as Lian Po and Huang Zhong, and could be called a model of old age and strength.

Now, many people know that "life lies in sports", prefer to lie flat, lie on the sofa to blow air conditioning, comfortable for a second is a second.

On the one hand, he fantasizes about a beautiful figure and is refreshed; on the other hand, he eats and sleeps and brushes with his mobile phone. Put movement aside and plan on the shelf. It is only at the end of the year that a sigh is used as a "self-summary".


Method 5: Enjoy reading and writing.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Read and write, cultivate the heart and Dafa.

Emperor Wu of Liang loved to read books from an early age, and he had a deep affection for literature, and as a "talented man", he was famous in his early years.

When he became emperor, this habit has not changed. He scoured around for classics, then lived alone and read them with relish.

He read the book as if he were in a rage.

Sometimes the beats cheered, sometimes the cases were filmed, sometimes the eyes were broken, sometimes the ecstasy, sometimes the laughter, sometimes the tears rained down.

He reads, often sleeping and forgetting to eat, and his hands are not released.

He devoted a lot of energy to the study of Buddhism and Confucianism, and mixed them together to integrate them, and also founded the "Three Religions and the Same Origin Theory", which occupies an extremely important position in the history of ancient Chinese thought.

China's earliest medical book, "Neijing", contains the view that "concentrating on the spirit is the Dafa of health maintenance".

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Be your own confidant, not invaded by poison.

Modern medical research shows that reading books regularly is the best way to "exercise the brain", emotions are expressed, the heart is constantly expanding, qi and blood run freely, and life is exuberant.

This is no different from "Qigong" into the quiet, because each organ gets sufficient oxygen and rich nutrition, it will drive blood circulation and keep the whole body in harmony.

It has a significant effect on improving immunity, delaying aging, and preventing various diseases.


Method 6: A wide range of hobbies.

For Emperor Wu of Liang, the piano, chess, books, and paintings were the four pillars of his spiritual edifice. He was handy in learning because he was born with a good spirit; because he loved everything, he was proficient in everything.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

If you control yourself, you must be Haojie.

Inside and outside the court, the masters are like clouds; the circle of strength is gathered, and the capable people are gathered.

He is also humble and studious, modest and cautious, so he has made rapid progress, and many works can be called classics.

He was well versed in calligraphy, painting, arranging, and chess, and he also created many works, but unfortunately, because of its age, frequent wars and fires, it has been lost.

We all know that art is the study of beauty.

People who are keen to deal with beauty often secrete a hormone called dopamine, the technical term is called acetylcholine, a neuromodulatory substance in the brain.

With the increase in the secretion of this substance, the human blood is unobstructed, the subcutaneous blood vessels are dilated, and the blood flows to the skin, making people radiant and radiant. Such a state makes people healthier and live longer.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Learn the best from others and be the best yourself.


Method 7: Know yourself.

As the king of a country, the three palaces, six courts and seventy-two concubines needless to say, the important thing is that Emperor Liangwu understands himself.

He knew what was his necessity and what was his swamp. For "wine color wealth", he has his own high theory: wine is poison through the intestines, color is a bone scraping steel knife, gas is thunder and fireworks, and wealth is the root of trouble.

At the age of 50, he put an end to the affairs of men and women; he did not stick a drop of wine; he did not like the fat and sweet taste; he was mainly vegetarian, which can be said to be rare among the kings of the past.

Because of the large pattern, he rarely does not get angry, and even if he occasionally catches fire, he will quickly calm himself.

"Talented Emperor" 86-year-old LiangWudi health secret: 7 methods, live a dashing life

Emotions are loosened up and the merit for health is immeasurable.

When he encounters natural disasters and man-made disasters, or the death of an elder, he is sad and does not hide himself, crying bitterly and happily, letting go of sorrow, and getting drunk.

After crying, it is over, how to live and how to live, seriously, happy and happy.

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