
Read two poems by Mr. Lin Boqu to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March

author:Lin Xi dream language
Read two poems by Mr. Lin Boqu to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March

The first song "Bemei Pit"

In October 1934, on the eve of the departure of Dongmeikeng (Long March), Comrade He Shuheng (2) prepared sake and peanuts for the night talk (3), and before leaving, he gave it to him with the sweater he was wearing, and wrote a poem to remember it.

The common cause is still hard, and the sake is still in tamarind (4).

Dare to make political and legal affairs for Yeping, and gladly engage in finance and economics in Shaba (5).

It is too heavy to pay attention to the mood (6), and the wind and rain and the chicken look forward to the early song (7).

Give me the robe unlimited meaning (8), and shake hands with me to the plum pit. [1]

Read two poems by Mr. Lin Boqu to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March

Translation of the original commentary of the Ten Old Poems:

(1) Meikeng: Southwest of Ruijin City, Jiangxi Province.

(2) He Shuheng: An early Proletarian revolutionary in China and one of the earliest members of the Communist Party of China. A native of Ningxiang, Hunan, born in 1875. In 1918, he joined the Xinmin Society of Mao Zedong and other organizations, and in 1920, he joined the Hunan Communist Group and was a "big" representative of the party. From 1932 to 1934, he served in the Soviet Region of the Communist Party of China as the minister of the Supervision of Workers and Peasants of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic and as president of the Supreme Court. After the Long March of the Central Red Army, it remained in the base area to persist in the struggle, and was killed in February 1935 at the mouth of the Changting Shuikou in Fujian Province.

(3) Competition: Long talk all night.

(4) Yingzun: Full cup. Honorable to the "bottle". Inclination: Relative pain. Pour: Cheers, drink.

(5) Dare to do political and legal work for Yeping, and gladly engage in finance and economics in Shaba: It means that the two were engaged in political and legal and financial work in Ruijin, Su District. Yeping and Shaba were both ruijin, the red capital of the Central Soviet District at that time.

(6) It is too heavy to pay attention to the mood: It means that whether it is the author who is ready to follow the main force to participate in the Long March, or He Shuheng, who remains in the base area to persist in the struggle, at this time, they are all heavy-hearted and deeply worried about the harm caused by "Left" opportunism.

(7) Wind and rain and wild chickens look forward to early singing: It means that in the windy and rainy night, look forward to the rooster singing and throwing themselves into new battles. Wind and Rain And Wild Chickens: "Poetry Classic, Zheng Feng, Wind and Rain": "The wind and rain are obscure, and the chickens are singing endlessly." "Wild Chicken: The ancients called a chicken that whined in the middle of the night called a wild chicken. The "Biography of Zu Ti" records that Zu Ti heard the wild chicken whining in the middle of the night, woke up his friend Liu Kun, and got up to draw his sword and dance together. Lu You's "Night Return to the Widow's Lonely Scene of the Late Man": "After Liu Kun died, there was no Qishi, and he listened to the wild chicken and was full of tears. ”

(8) Silk robe: coarse silk robe. The Chronicle of Fan Sui cai zelie records that Fan Sui was persecuted in the State of Wei, fled to the State of Qin, changed his name to Zhang Lu, and was worshipped as a minister. Later, when the State of Wei sent an envoy to the State of Qin, Fan Sui disguised himself as a poor and depressed person to see him, and When Xu Jia saw that Fan Sui was thinly dressed, he gave him a silk robe. Bai Juyi's "Drunken Wild Words and Rewards xiao Yin's second concordance": "The guests did not see the silk robe, and Li Shu did not dip his pants." "Borrowed here refers to the sweater given by He Shuheng. [2]

The second song "First Arrival in Wuqi Town"

A year of victory reached Wuqi, and the scenery of northern Shaanxi was comforting.

Great rivers and mountains are resistant to practice, tireless Kurama testimony period.

Adhere to the infinite strength of Zunyi and encourage colleagues to write wonderful poems.

Step forward to love the day forever, Yang Guan frank is no longer available.

Read two poems by Mr. Lin Boqu to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March

Appreciation of works:

1. Author's life: Lin Boqu (1886-1960), formerly known as Lin Zuhan, Ziyuan, Boqu, Hunan Anfu (now Linli County) people. In his early years, he joined the Chinese League and was appreciated by Sun Yat-sen. In 1921, he became a glorious member of the Communist Party of China, participated in the Nanchang Uprising, and then went to the Soviet Union to study. In 932, he returned to China and went to the central revolutionary base area to serve as minister of the national economy and minister of finance of the central workers' and peasants' government. During the Long March of the Red Army, he served as the Chief Minister of Supply of the First Front of the Red Army. After the Xi'an Incident, he served as the director of the Eighth Route Army's office in Xi'an. In 1937, he was appointed chairman of the Government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

After the founding of New China, he served as secretary general of the Central People's Government Committee, and together with Dong Biwu, Xu Teli, Xie Jueya, and Wu Yuzhang, he was honored as the "Five Elders of the CPC" and made outstanding contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution.

2. Creation time and background:

The first poem was written in October 1934 at the Meikeng garrison of Yunshishan of the Central Red Army (on the one hand), when due to the failure of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, the Central Red Army (on the one hand) was forced to withdraw from the base area and begin to move to western Hunan Province. On the first night of leaving the Su District, He Shuheng specially prepared sake and peanuts, and asked Lin Boqu to have a long talk all night. The reason for this was that He Shuheng was nearly sixty years old, but due to the thinking of the "Left" line, he was not allowed to follow the main force. The breakup is imminent, the two old comrades-in-arms are about to separate, in love, more touching is that it is nearly winter, the weather is cold, He Shuheng took off his sweater and gave it to Lin Boqu. Lin Boqu had a heavy heart and a thousand emotions, and wrote the poem impromptuly to express his regret for farewell.

Read two poems by Mr. Lin Boqu to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March

The second song, created in October 1935, is in Wuqi Town, Yan'an, Shaanxi, and the background of the creation is that in September 1935, the Red Army broke through the dangerous Lazikou and occupied Hadapu, and learned from the newspaper that the Red Army and the base area in northern Shaanxi still existed, and Mao Zedong proposed to go to northern Shaanxi. Subsequently, the Red Army crossed the Liupan Mountains and arrived at Wuqi Town, the revolutionary base area in northern Shaanxi, where it met with the Red Fifteenth Army in victory, won the victory in the Battle of Zhiluo Town, and held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Party Central Committee to place the national revolutionary base camp in the northwest.

Lin Boqu wrote this poem with great joy. The first four sentences of the poem reach Wu Qi with victory, and use the form of "consolation and thinking", "patience to practice", and "period of witnessing the heart" to write about the great victory of the Red Army's Long March. The last four sentences review the significance of the Zunyi Conference and the wise leadership of Mao Zedong, express the firm belief in continuing to push the revolution forward, and the optimism and joy overflow into words.

Read two poems by Mr. Lin Boqu to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March

This year marks the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, so let us re-read two poems by Elder Lin before and after the victory of the Long March today, and feel the true feelings and pride of the revolutionaries of the older generation! Let the spirit of the Long March once again inspire us to the long march road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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