
The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

author:Danbao Star

In the ancient Tang Dynasty, the emperor was the supreme ruler of the country, and everyone had to obey his will, right or wrong. And as emperor, his noble status doomed everything he enjoyed to be extraordinary, especially his clothing, which was especially important.

Dragon robes, that is the emperor's unique and luxurious clothing. It is made of rare and precious materials, and the production process is very tedious, time-consuming and labor-consuming. Each thread is carefully selected and woven, and every embroidery contains the art of ingenuity. When the emperor wore a dragon robe, his majestic and solemn image was suddenly revealed, which was awe-inspiring.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

However, even dragon robes inevitably become dirty due to use. So how to wash the dragon robe?


In ancient dynasties, the feudal hierarchy was strict, and the emperor was the supreme ruler, and everyone had to obey his will without disobedience, right or wrong. As an emperor, the emperor's status is prominent, and the things he wears are even more elaborate.

In history, dragon robes were a precious garment unique to emperors. However, people often mistakenly believe that dragon robes have only one color, yellow, without understanding the twists and turns in it. In fact, different dynasties, depending on the emperor's preferences and the system of the time, the color of the dragon robe also changed. During the reign of Qin Shi Huang, he firmly believed in the Five Virtues Doctrine, so he set the color of the dragon robe as black, and this system continued in the Han Dynasty. It was not until the reign of Emperor Wudi of Han that the color of the dragon robe was changed to yellow.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

Therefore, during the reign of Gaozu Wude of the Tang Dynasty, a decree was issued that subjects should avoid wearing yellow clothing, and yellow dragon robes were only for the royal family. Since then, subsequent dynasties have followed this rule. However, it was in 960 that Zhao Kuangyin launched the Chen Qiao Mutiny, and he wore a yellow robe, which was deeply imprinted in people's hearts, making the yellow dragon robe the symbol of the emperor.

We all know that dragon robes are embroidered with dragon motifs. So, why did you choose dragons as the ornament of your robe? As we all know, dragons do not exist in the real world, but in ancient legends, dragons are the head of the four spirits and are a symbol of good luck and power. Therefore, the dragon robe worn by the emperor symbolizes the symbol that gives the emperor status and power.

However, have you ever noticed how many dragons are embroidered on the robe? If you count carefully, you will see that the dragon robe is embroidered with nine dragons. The nine dragons vary in positional distribution: one on the chest and one on the back, two on the left and right shoulders and two on the front and back knees. However, you may be wondering, there are only eight dragons! In fact, there is also a dragon hidden inside the laundry.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

This hidden ninth dragon is extremely mysterious. However, the number nine had a unique meaning in ancient China. The ancients believed that nine was the largest number in the Yang number, representing exaltation and supremacy. And five is the number that represents the golden mean, in the middle of the positive number. Therefore, nine dragons are embroidered on the dragon robe, distributed on the front and back with five dragons, which has a deep symbolic meaning.

The ornaments of these nine dragons represent the supremacy of the emperor. There is a dragon on the chest and back, symbolizing the majesty and power of the emperor to rule the world. There are two dragons on each shoulder, symbolizing that the emperor holds authority and rule in the East and the West. There are two dragons on the knees at the front and back, representing the emperor's domination of the world above and below. This arrangement is not only to decorate the dragon robe, but also to imply that the emperor's power covers heaven and earth and is omnipresent.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

However, the ninth dragon on the robe is hidden inside the clothing and is full of mystery and mystery. This hidden dragon represents the supremacy of the emperor beyond the knowledge of mortals and is the highest symbol of power. It was not seen by the outside world, only the emperor himself could perceive and understand. This mysterious design further emphasizes the emperor's unique identity and distinctive status.

Therefore, as the exclusive clothing of the emperor, the dragon robe not only reflects the preferences and systems of different dynasties, but also contains profound symbolic significance. It represents the supremacy and power of the emperor, as well as the control of the entire order of heaven and earth. The nine dragons on the dragon robe, as well as the hidden ninth dragon, all highlight the majesty and mystery of the ancient emperors, making people full of awe and imagination of the emperor's rule. This is a vivid embodiment of the rigor of the feudal hierarchy and the supremacy of the emperor's authority in the ancient dynasty.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

Make dragon robes

Making a dragon robe requires numerous people and endless patience. First, the designers of the court gathered for a heated discussion about the style, patterns and accessories of the dragon robe. Inspired by celestial phenomena, myths and the traditions of the emperors, they bring creativity to every detail. After months of research and repeated revisions, they finally settled on a perfect blueprint.

Subsequently, thousands of craftsmen and embroiderers set their hands on it. They chose the finest silk satin as the base cloth, dyed with a vivid yellow. In the court's workshops, embroiderers carefully threaded each silk thread through the fine gauze holes, embroidering ornate dragon patterns with stitch by stitch. Their fingers are dexterous and sharp, as if they are dancing a dance, allowing the dragon pattern to gradually come to life on the dragon robe.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

But the uniqueness of the dragon robe doesn't stop there. During the production process, a group of craftsmen who are proficient in the craft of reeling silk also joins it. They manipulate the delicate silk threads, cleverly cutting and re-weaving the weft threads, making the dragon robe richer in texture and more colorful. This silk reeling process is unique and is only used when making dragon robes, making the unique beauty of dragon robes more prominent.

The whole production process is hard and long. Hundreds of people were busy in the court's workshop, and the embroiderers meticulously fastened each silk thread firmly to the satin, meticulously presenting a perfect dragon pattern. Artisans meticulously polish every detail of the robe to ensure impeccable quality and quality.

Finally, after months of hard work, a magnificent and sacred dragon robe was finally completed. It shimmers with golden light and exudes an aura of majesty and dignity. The patterns of the dragon robe are stacked one after another, and the lifelike dragon patterns seem to soar out, as if the real dragon is hovering over the emperor's body.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

When this dragon robe was finally presented to the emperor, everyone in the court was captivated by it. The emperor himself put on the dragon robe and felt the supreme glory and authority it brings. Every thread and every detail is so perfect, as if it is a work of art woven with the painstaking and wisdom of the court.

The emperor's dragon robe is not just a piece of clothing, it carries the glory of the entire dynasty and the authority of the empire. When the emperor appeared in front of the courtiers and the people in a dragon robe, his majesty and high status could be felt both inside and outside the court. The splendor of the dragon robe made a dynasty prosperous and magnificent.

However, the process of making dragon robes has not been smooth sailing. Every production is tested and challenged. Craftsmen had to overcome difficulties to accurately calculate the length and color match of each silk thread to ensure the harmony of the pattern and the refinement of the details.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

In the process of making dragon robes, the slightest mistake is intolerable. As a result, artisans are under enormous pressure and responsibility. They understand that if anything goes wrong, they can face punishment and even lose their lives.

However, this pressure and challenge did not break their confidence and efforts. They stick to their duty to make every dragon robe with heart, striving for perfection and flawless works of art. Their fingers are dexterous and steady, their eyes are sharp and delicate, and they weave the splendor of a dynasty with their own hands.

The process of making dragon robes is a miracle of wisdom, skill and effort. Every craftsman involved is a witness and creator of this magnificent process. With their talent and sweat, they turned pieces of silk and silk threads into symbols and heirlooms of a dynasty.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

The dragon robe is a symbol of strength that travels through time and bears witness to the rise and fall of dynasties. Every craftsman wants his work to be passed down for centuries to come. They put their hearts and souls into the process of making dragon robes, and their hope is to pass on this glory to future generations.

When the dragon robe was finally completed and the emperor draped it over his body, he felt unparalleled glory and power. The dragon robe is not just a gorgeous garment, it is a symbol of a dynasty, the crystallization of the wisdom and efforts of craftsmen, and the soul of a country.

Every time the emperor put on the dragon robe, the entire court was bathed in a solemn atmosphere. The emperor sat high on the dragon throne, and the pattern of the dragon robe flashed in the light and shadow, as if the dragon's soul was dancing. People were in awe and awe.

The value of the dragon robe lies not only in its beauty and craftsmanship, but also in the power and status it represents. The emperor wore a dragon robe, his status was noble, and his authority was unshakable. The dragon robe is a symbol of imperial power and the most noble garment in heaven and earth.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

However, like everything in the world, the dragon robe also needs to face the baptism and precipitation of the years. Despite being well-made, wearing and using it for a long time, it is inevitable that the dragon robe will become faded, worn and even dirty.

Wash the dragon robe

The production cost of such a dragon robe is not high, about 1,000 taels of silver, which is equivalent to about 150,000 yuan today. However, this is only the cost, and the value of the made dragon robe far exceeds this figure. It represents not just a piece of clothing, but the continuation of history, the dignity of emperors and the symbol of the state.

However, even with such a precious and solemn dragon robe, it could not be washed with water at will like ordinary clothes. If it is washed directly with water, it will cause serious damage to the dragon robe. Some of the materials used to make dragon robes cannot be in contact with water, and washing may cause the clothing to lose its luster or even deform. Therefore, dragon robes are absolutely not washable.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

Of course, in modern times we have dry cleaning technology that can handle some special materials, but in ancient times, such technology did not exist. However, dragon robes do not stain easily under normal use. The moment and occasion when the emperor wore the dragon robe was strictly limited, and in daily life, the emperor would choose to wear light and comfortable clothing. Only at important ceremonies and ceremonies is the dragon robe worn to show the majesty and authority of the king.

Although the number of times I wear dragon robes is not much, over time, dragon robes will gradually accumulate some peculiar smells, especially in the hot summer. To solve this problem, people invented special spices to mask the smell of clothing. When some small dirt appears in the dragon robe, although the scope is not large and not obvious, it can still be cleaned by a unique method. However, what should I do if I encounter a large stain that cannot be cleaned with water and cannot be cleaned up?

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

Faced with this situation, the usual practice is to no longer wear a dragon robe and it will be discarded and incinerated. Some people may think that it is a pity that such an expensive dragon robe was burned. However, if such measures are not taken, once someone steals the dragon robe and brings it to the market to sell, this will have serious consequences and may even trigger power struggles and chaos. In order to prevent trouble, burning dragon robes has become the best choice.

In the long river of history, countless precious and solemn dragon robes have gradually faded over the years, leaving only legends and memories. They bear witness to the rise and fall of dynasties and the glory of emperors, and they carry the magnificence and majesty of an era. And those craftsmen who participate in the making of dragon robes, their craftsmanship and wisdom are integrated into it, condensed into a magnificent piece of art.

The value of the dragon robe is not only reflected in the high cost of its production, but more importantly, the power and dignity it represents. Each dragon robe carries the majesty of the emperor and represents the symbol of royal power. They are the status symbols of the head of a country, symbolic attire of the emperor's authority.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

When the dragon robes are made, after the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the craftsmen, they shine with unparalleled brilliance. Every silk thread and every embroidery pattern embodies the meticulous work of countless craftsmen. And when dragon robes are worn on the emperor's body, they show not only gorgeousness and magnificence, but also a supreme majesty and dignity.

However, when a dragon robe loses its luster due to erosion of time or accidental defilement, the fate of burning befalls them. It was a paradoxical ritual, both a farewell to the dragon robe and a declaration of power. The dragon robe is brought into a solemn burning ceremony, and the roaring flames engulf the former glory, turning it into soot and turning it into a part of history.

Burning is not just the end of a piece of clothing, but also a farewell to a piece of history. The moment the dragon robe burned, it witnessed the end of an era and the rise and fall of the dynasty. However, their spirit lives on forever and becomes the memory and story of future generations.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

And the dragon robe burning in the flames also warns of the fragility and circulation of power. No matter how gorgeous the dragon robes are, they cannot resist the ravages of time after all, nor can they prevent the change of thrones. They are the glory of the emperor, but also the price of power.

Every burning is a ceremony to welcome the new. As the dragon robe burns, a new dragon robe will emerge and continue to inherit the glory and responsibility of the royal power. Artisans will once again devote themselves to making new dragon robes to continue the ancient and sacred craftsmanship.

The burning ceremony of the dragon robe is not only the end of the life cycle of the dragon robe, but also a witness to the cycle of history. As the flames rose, people watched the dragon robe disappear, but planted new expectations and hopes in their hearts.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

After the smoke of the burning cleared, a new dragon robe was born from the workshop. Craftsmen use wisdom and skill to give them new life and soul. The weaving of each silk thread and the shuttle of each embroidery needle are the inheritance and tribute to traditional craftsmanship. The new dragon robes shine again with a brilliant light, and they are on the mission of welcoming a new era and carrying a new emperor.

And the cycle of history continues to rotate, and the accession of each emperor marks the rise of a new dynasty. They will wear the mantle of the burned dragon robe and inherit the glory and responsibility of their ancestors. The burned dragon robes have been reduced to ashes, but they will never fade in the memory of history. Their splendor and silence record the glory and decline of emperors one after another, witnessing the change and cycle of dynasties.

The ritual of burning dragon robes is also a reminder of the fragility of power. No matter how gorgeous the dragon robes are, they will eventually face the passing of time. The change of power is as hot and merciless as a flame. However, the spirit of dragon robes will live on forever, and they will be passed down in people's memories and become a pearl in the long river of history.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

Therefore, every incineration is a new beginning. New dragon robes have emerged, carrying the majesty of the emperor and the symbol of royal power, continuing the ancient and sacred tradition. Artisans will continue to draw on the spark of wisdom and pass on their skills from generation to generation. With skillful hands and painstaking efforts, they made the new dragon robes more brilliant, making them shine with endless brilliance on the emperor's body.


Every good king knows that he has a great responsibility, and he is not just a rich person who sits back and enjoys it. In addition to the privileges of status, the emperor also shouldered the heavy government affairs of the country and the expectations of the people. They deal with the country's affairs, make laws and policies, lead the army, and maintain the prosperity and tranquility of the country.

Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shone on the emperor through the ornate dragon throne, he began his day's work. Faced with a myriad of twists and turns and reports from all over the world, the emperor had to carefully review each document and make informed decisions. They need to think about the country's development strategy, resolve internal and external disputes, and protect the country's territory and the security of its people.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

A good king is not only busy in government affairs, but also concerned about the well-being of the people. They personally went down to Jiangnan to inspect the disaster situation and help and comfort the victims; They carry out educational reform, promote scientific and technological progress, and train talents for the country; They pay attention to people's livelihood, build water conservancy projects, and improve people's living conditions. Day or night, the emperor was always concerned about the well-being of the country and its people.

And all these sacrifices are not just the pursuit of fame and power, but out of a deep sense of responsibility to the country and the people. Good kings are well aware of their mission, and they are willing to give everything for the prosperity of their country and the happiness of their people. They understood that only by repaying the people with wisdom and hard work could they truly be called great kings.

The ancient emperor's dragon robe cannot be washed, what should I do if I wear it smelly? It turns out that poverty limits imagination

Therefore, although the dragon robes on the emperor's body are gorgeous and expensive, they have no luxury and enjoyment in their hearts. They lead by example, using wisdom and diligence to lead the country to prosperity. Every day's busyness and hard work is to achieve their mission and write a brilliant chapter for the country and the people. Although the status of the emperors is noble, their sense of responsibility and dedication is what they cherish and are most proud of.

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