
In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit

author:Changge Fusion Media

In 2020, we have two soldiers who won the second class meritorious service !!!

At 8:30 a.m. on January 19, Wang Yihua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and political commissar of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, led the relevant responsible persons of the Veterans Affairs Bureau to Shixiang and Guqiao Towns to deliver good news and condolences to the families of the soldiers.

In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit

Shidong village staff pulled a banner to deliver good news.

Li Zhan, a native of Shidong Village, Shixiang Town, joined the army in 2013 and successfully stopped gangsters from committing crimes with axes in Erqi Square in Zhengzhou City in 2020.

In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit
In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit

Li Zhan's parents and grandparents took a group photo with everyone with honorary certificates and bonuses.

In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit
In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit

Hearing everyone praise their son, Li Zhan's parents were full of joy.

"Rong Li second class merit can be said to be one in a thousand probability, in 2020 we will only have two people who will have second class merit in Ge Rong. This is very glorious, and everyone should be proud and proud of Li Zhan! Wang Yihua said to Li Zhan's family.

In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit

Subsequently, everyone rushed to Guo Mei Village in Guqiao Town to send honorary certificates and bonuses to Guo Shijie's home.

Guo Shijie, a native of Guo mei Village, Guqiao Town, joined the army in August 1999 and made remarkable achievements in flight training.

"Military merit is hierarchical, and generally divided into first class, second class and third class. Although everyone wants to make an outstanding contribution in the performance of their mission, in fact it belongs to only a minority, so it is rare to receive second-class military merit. Sun Yongqiang, director of the Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau, introduced.

In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit
In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit

Guo Yupeng, secretary of the party branch of Guo Mei Village, and Guo Shijie's sister Guo Xia received certificates and bonuses on their behalf.

In Zhengzhou, we Changge soldiers stopped the gangsters from committing murder with axes, and were awarded the second class merit

"Thank you very much, I have accepted the honor on behalf of my brother, and I hope that he can continue to work hard and make new achievements!" Guo Xia said excitedly.

Related links: In January 2020, 20 departments, including the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Central Propaganda Department, issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Preferential Treatment of Military Dependents and Veterans and Other Preferential Care Recipients. It is pointed out that the list of active-duty servicemen and retired soldiers who have been awarded awards of personal second-class merit or above during their active service should be included in the local chronicles; and good news will be sent to their families for active-duty servicemen who have made personal meritorious service and have received honorary titles or medals.

Changge Rong Media Center reporter 丨 Zhang Qian

Proofreading 丨 Ming Chu Mei Editor 丨 Ding Qichao

Duty Editor-in-Chief 丨 Zhao Dongyang

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