
For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

This morning, the 29th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards announced the list of nominees. 22 dramas such as "Beyond", "Armageddon", "Big Exam", "Opponent", "Wind Blowing Half Summer" and "Wind Rising Longxi" were shortlisted for the Best Chinese TV Drama Award.

The reason why so many works were shortlisted is because the 28th Shanghai TV Festival, originally scheduled for June 2022, has been postponed to June 2023, covering episodes broadcast from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2023. Below is our predicted list of winners and comments (personal views only).

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted


Best Chinese TV Drama Award nominations: "Beyond", "Armageddon", "Big Exam", "Opponent", "Wind Blowing Half Summer", "Wind Rising Longxi", "Meritorious Service", "Police Honor", "Beginning", "Crazy", "Ideals Shine on China", "Ideal City", "Menghualu", "Children of the Qiao Family", "The Road of Life", "The World", "The Three-Body Problem", "The Long River of the World", "Our Decade", "I am Very Good in Another Country", "County Party Committee Compound", "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes".

Prediction Award: "The World"

Facing the life pains and ways of dealing with the people at the bottom, examining the embarrassment and pain of the intellectual group in the great changes in society, and creating a relatively rich group portrait of cadres, "The World" uses simple techniques to take the audience to recall the vicissitudes of a generation.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

Judging from the current creative trend and market feedback, the possibility of the whole people chasing a drama together is getting smaller and smaller, and "The World" can evoke people's emotional resonance with an unpleasant, unsweet, and non-topical Chinese story, and deserves the honor of "Best Chinese TV Series".


Best Director Award nominees: Kong Sheng, Mao Junlin, Wang Hong ("County Party Committee Compound"), Li Lu "The World", Xu Jizhou "Crazy", Yang Lei "Three-Body Problem", Yang Yang "Menghualu".

Prediction Award: Xu Jizhou

When Gao Qiqiang's "growth" history written in "Crazy" appears on buses, subways, restaurants, and when it becomes a social language, you understand what it means to "shock the Chinese audience a little bit".

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

But to say that it is only because it eats the theme dividend is not fair. The multi-time and spatial narrative reflects the changes of the times, the rigorous details reflect the changes of the characters, the famous scene design highlights the audiovisual innovation, and the good storytelling takes into account social significance and missionary value, all of which highlight Xu Jizhou's directing skills.


Best Screenplay (Adaptation) Award nominees: Pray Jun, Qiu Yujie, Suan, Huang Kaiwen ("The Beginning"), Tian Liangliang ("The Three-Body Problem"), Wang Haiyu, Wang Daou ("The World"), Zhang Ting, Fu Dongyu ("The Wind Blows Half Summer"), Zhao Dongling ("Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes").

Prediction Award: Wang Haiyu, Wang Daou ("The World")

After the publication of the novel "The World", some people commented on it as follows: showing morality and responsibility in the fireworks of the world, expressing feelings and ardent hopes in the joy and sorrow, "The World" can be called a "50-year life history of the Chinese people".

Wang Haiyu and Wang Daou played the strengths of the playwright on the basis of the original work, radiating outward with the Zhou family as the central point, enriching the details of the story while taking care of the audience's viewing habits, they weakened the suffering of the bottom life in the original work, injected the drama of family ethics, and achieved the unity of literary, dramatic and social meaning.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

It is often said in the industry that adaptations should conform to the rules of dramas, audience preferences and censorship mechanisms, which are reflected in "The World".


Best Screenplay (Original) Award Nominees: Yu Shuang, Sun Qijun ("I'm Very Good in Another Country"), Wang Xiaogun ("County Party Committee Compound"), Zhang Ting ("The World is Long"), Zhang Wei ("Menghualu"), Zhao Dongling, Tan Jiayan ("Police Honor").

Prediction Award: Zhao Dongling, Tan Jiayan ("Police Honor")

The value of "Police Honor" is that it does not pander to it. We all know that the audience now likes to watch the drama with three times, which has created a character like Cao Jianjun and won the love and support of the audience. We all know that the mainstream public opinion on the Internet is criticizing the police and the law enforcement methods, and it is the opposite, a contest between ideals and reality, showing the difference in thinking between the masses and law enforcement personnel.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

"Police Honor" is not so much a speech from the standpoint of the police, but rather a real problem of the difficulty of defending the rights of the masses.


Best Actor Award nominees: Guo Jingfei ("Rivals"), Hu Ge ("County Party Committee Compound"), Lei Jiayin ("The World"), Zhang Yi ("Crazy"), Zhu Yilong ("Rebel").

Prediction Award: Zhang Yi

An Xin, played by Zhang Yi in "Crazy", is not the "stunned" police image in similar dramas in the past, nor is it the "chosen son" who clears the customs all the way. The character charm of the villain Gao Qiqiang (played by Zhang Songwen) is too dazzling, so the role of An Xin is not easy to play - too right or too stupid is easy to please, and once it pleases the audience, you have to fast forward.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

Zhang Yi withstood the pressure, and the heart of the child was interpreted through the performance, the image of "white head" shocked the audience, and the sonorous lines inspired people's hearts.

Interestingly, if there is no accident, this event will become the first time that Zhang Yi has intersected with this work in public since the broadcast of "Crazy". Whatever the outcome, the light will focus on this.

Beads: Zhang Songwen ("Crazy")

Guo Jingfei in the nomination list is the absolute male number one in "Opponents" and the absolute villain, which shows that the villain can be nominated, and Zhang Songwen's absence is undoubtedly regrettable.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

It is understood that the organizers of the Magnolia Award will only determine the preliminary selection list according to the list selected by the film party, and then submit it to the film selector to score and determine the 5 shortlist of each item. The filmmakers of "Home of the Heart" reported Best Actor for Zhanxiang actor Zhang Songwen, while the filmmakers of "Crazy" did not register for Best Actor for Gao Qiqiang's actor Zhang Songwen.


Best Actress Award nominees: Sun Li ("Ideal City"), Tan Zhuo ("Opponent"), Wu Yue ("County Party Committee Compound"), Yin Tao ("The World"), Zhao Liying ("The Wind Blows Half Summer").

Prediction Award: Yin Tao ("The World")

The competition for the Best Actor and Actor Awards in each edition is extremely fierce, and it can be said that it is not surprising who wins.

Yin Tao's Zheng Juan in "The World" is a good role that everyone loves, a "hero" among civilians, and the epitome of countless women who are usually depressed and very brave. Yin Tao closed his own nature of wind and fire, grasped the gentle and dull characteristics of the characters, and evolved a character that was "too good to be real" into the hearts of the audience.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

Pearl: Wang Ziwen & Chen Jin ("The Three-Body Problem")

It is quite surprising that no actors in "The Three-Body Problem" were selected for the Best Actor and Actor Awards, although most of Liu Cixin's characters are like puppets, only serving the story and concept, but many actors in the drama version inject flesh and blood into the characters.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

The young Ye Wenjie played by Wang Ziwen and the old Ye Wenjie played by Chen Jin perfectly fit the imagination of book fans and won the recognition of the audience. Wang Ziwen's interpretation is heartbreaking, and Chen Jin's performance is intriguing. When giving a high evaluation of this drama, don't forget that there has always been a Chen Jin who supports the plot by voice alone.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

If the rules allow, it's a good idea for two people to be nominated for one role. It is a pity that it did not happen.


Best Supporting Actor Award nominees: Ding Yongdai ("The World"), Ning Li ("Opponent"), Wang Jingchun ("Police Honor"), Wang Xiao ("County Party Committee Compound"), Wang Yang ("Rebel").

Prediction Award: Ding Yongdai ("The World")

Father Zhou in "The World" naturally let the audience substitute his father, which is inseparable from the actor's life-oriented performance. Ding Yongdai worked as a bricklayer and an electrician, and although he had never tried the role of worker before, he was very familiar with the life of this group of people. In this drama, he abandoned the design skills of actors, relied on life experience and instinct to act, and successfully created an image of a "roaring daddy".

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

Bead: Zhao Yang ("Police Honor")

The old policeman Cao Jianjun in "Police Honor" must be one of the most popular characters last year, and he has too many shadows of people - hardworking, depressed, often having to endure the verbal violence of his mother-in-law, but in the end, he buried the fruits of his struggle with his own hands.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

When Zhao Yang created this character, he not only looked for his shape through interviews, but also observed his gods, excavated the growth factors and psychological motivations of the character's fate, and finally achieved such a cute and hateful image of an ordinary middle-aged man. He was recognized by the audience, but not yet won the grand prize.


Best Supporting Actress Award nominations: Huang Xiaolei ("The World"), Liu Dan ("The Beginning"), Ren Suxi ("I'm Very Good in Another Country"), Sarina ("The World"), Yan Bingyan ("Opponent").

Prediction Award: Yan Bingyan ("Rivals")

The quality and market response of "Opponent" are good, but the award luck is not good, I hope this time is not the fate of accompanying the run, Guo Jingfei and Tan Zhuo have been nominated for Best Actor and Actor for the villain, and Yan Bingyan's Duan Yingjiu in "Opponent" is a "plastic surgery performance" in the true sense, which is very different from the previous image and deserves a prize.

For the first time, the Magnolia Award was fully predicted

In terms of technical awards, the best photography award was predicted to be won by "Fengqi Longxi", and the best art award was predicted to be won by "The Three-Body Problem", the former has a unique audition style and is rare in the series. The latter's set is shocking, pushing up the quality of the play, and the award is well deserved.

The 28th Shanghai TV Festival will be held from June 19 to June 23, 2023, and the final results of the Magnolia Awards will be announced at the "Magnolia Bloom" award ceremony on June 23.

【Text/Xu Xinqiang】

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