
The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

author:The knowledge base is not cool
The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

In recent years, the mainland's sports industry has flourished, and many athletes have emerged. They have won the attention of countless people with their efforts and have become our pride. However, not all athletes can stick to their original intentions, and some athletes are corrupted by their own desires, commit crimes against the country and the people, hurt people's feelings, but flee abroad alone to escape.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Wu Bing is like this, from an honorable athlete, to a glamorous entertainer, to a traitor who fled the United States... After retiring from the military, she switched to the entertainment industry and business world, but fled the United States with 4.4 billion yuan due to greed, leaving hundreds of billions of messes and causing the destruction of countless families. She was put on the list of dishonest by the court, but she pretended to be ill and refused to return to China, and she is still at large in the United States. What are the secrets behind all this?

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

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Wu Bing, a native of Beijing, was born in 1963 to a dual-income family. Her parents have a stable income from work, which provides her with a good and happy living environment. When he was young, Wu Bing was very smart, very athletic, and his body flexibility was also very good. As parents, they all hope that their children will have a good development in the future, in order not to let their daughter's excellent sports talent be buried, the two discussed for a long time, and finally decided to send their daughter to a gymnastics school to learn gymnastics. You must know that Wu Bing was only five years old at that time, although this would make her daughter suffer a lot, but for the sake of her daughter's future, she could only be so ruthless.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Wu Bing spent year after year in an extremely demanding training environment. She once revealed in an interview that during this time, she trained at least 12 hours a day, all focusing on physical training. However, she was born with strong willpower, perseverance and drive, and persevered through this extremely hard training.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Physical exercise not only improved her athletic skills and qualities, but also honed her will to endure pain. And Wu Bing's own physical fitness and other conditions are good, young, not afraid of hardship, after the careful guidance of her gymnastics coach, her results quickly got, a few years later, she has become a rising star in the field of women's gymnastics.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

What excites her the most is that she was selected for the national team, where there are better coaches who can correct her mistakes and propose improvements to make her gymnastics better. More importantly, she has more opportunities to participate in various competitions at home and abroad to better show herself. Thanks to hard training and extraordinary talent, Wu Bing won the national gymnastics women's all-around championship at the age of 13. However, she was not satisfied with this, and while continuing to train, she began to look for more opportunities for her own growth.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Four years later, Beijing began to form a women's synchronized swimming team, with her rich sports experience and good physical fitness, Wu Bing successfully passed the selection and joined the Beijing women's synchronized swimming team. She was adaptable, quickly integrated into the team and adapted to new training programs. After three Chinese New Year's Eve of hard training, she finally won the competition and won the national championship in synchronized swimming.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

So far, Wu Bing has won two national awards, the national gymnastics women's all-around championship and the synchronized swimming national championship, which can be described as promising. If she continues on the road of sports, it is no surprise that she should be able to enter the national team, participate in the Olympic Games, continue to fight on behalf of the motherland and the Chinese people on the broader international stage, and win more honors for the country and her life.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

However, strangely, she chose to retire during her golden years as an athlete who should continue to shine, and decided to pursue more opportunities in society. And it was this choice that made her slowly slide into the abyss of desire.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

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After retiring from the military, she chose to study to improve her diploma in the hope of having more opportunities in the future. After studying in China, she began to think about what she planned to do next. In fact, the National Sports Commission also made arrangements for her after retiring. However, Wu Bing did not choose to stay in China, because she firmly believed that the moon abroad was rounder than the domestic one, and soon she accepted the invitation of the United States and ran to the United States to become a coach.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

She passed on her experience unreservedly, working as a gymnastics coach in Melbourne and New York for 3 years, teaching her American students wholeheartedly, improving her grades, increasing her income and living a prosperous life. Later, several American players she mentored won various awards internationally, and she was richly rewarded with a US green card.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

In 1991, Jackie Chan was filming the movie "Stage Sisters", and at this time he needed a girl who could turn his head. At that time, there were almost no martial arts stars in Hong Kong. The big name Michelle Yeoh was getting married at the time and could not participate. At this time, Wu Bing was introduced by people to "try it in the past", and since then her acting career has begun.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Wu Bing admitted that his life was indeed miserable at the beginning, and he was often beaten up in his stunt performances. But thanks to her past gymnastics background, some movements are still quite easy for her to learn. At that time, when Hong Kong movies were officially the hottest, at the busiest time, Wu Bing had three plays waiting to start work at the same time, and after she finished filming a play, she immediately had a car waiting at the door of the crew to pick her up to another crew's live filming.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Wu Bing said in an interview that she basically slept in the crew. In less than three years, Wu Bing has made 15 movies and TV series, one of the most famous film and television works is "Fire Phoenix", which also co-starred with Wan Ziliang at that time. Wu Bing's popularity in the Hong Kong film circle is obvious to all, and many Hong Kong media say that another mainland martial arts actress has landed in Hong Kong.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

As she became more and more popular, Wu Bing's salary also rose again and again, and she was already able to get 300,000 Hong Kong dollars from each play that year, which was not a small uncle back then. However, she was not satisfied with this, so she changed careers again and chose to return to the mainland to start a business, which laid the groundwork for her later harvesting the hard-earned money of the countrymen and fleeing the United States with the money.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Two sea changes: from entertainer to criminal traitor

It can be said that at least so far, Wu Bing's life, no matter what field, has gone well. While she was practicing gymnastics and achieving results, China was about to embark on the road to the Olympics, and people's enthusiasm for sports was also rising; When she chose to retire and coach abroad, Chinese gymnastics coaches became "hot" worldwide due to Li Ning's success.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

And when she started the Hong Kong film industry, it coincided with the heyday of the Hong Kong film industry; The more than ten years of advertising in the mainland coincided with the most active period of China's economic development; In 2009, when she began investing in films, China's film market was beginning a boom again.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

At this time, Wu Bing had actually made a lot of money, but she was not satisfied. She used her contacts in the sports and entertainment circles to establish a media company called DMG that specializes in film advertising, and began to build her own commercial advertising empire in the mainland mainland. At the same time, she did not give up her connections in the United States.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

She tried to cooperate with Hollywood, and even participated in it, investing in a series of Hollywood blockbusters, including her "Iron Man 3" with Robert Downey Jr., she also cooperated with Nolan and Depp to launch "Transcendental Hacker", and cooperated with film producers such as "Twilight", "Mysterious Code", "Agent", "Resident Evil: God of War Regeneration", "Red Flame Battlefield", which can be described as a big profit.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

So far, Wu Bing's life path has been smooth sailing, but her pursuit of money makes her unwilling to do so. She used her popularity and circle resources to attract a lot of investment for her company, which made her company's market value rise rapidly. But what investors see is actually just a castle in the air, because she is no longer satisfied with making money through formal channels, began to violate relevant national laws and regulations, hire professionals to make false accounts, she is open to the public is false financial statements, she uses various loopholes to make the company go public, the company's assets suddenly doubled several times, this attracted many unknown investors, and in fact all this is Wu Bing's trap.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Just when investors and group employees were confident that her company's performance and stock would always be prosperous, and when she was ready to make a big deal in the land of opportunity on the mainland, Wu Bing began to cruelly harvest the countrymen. On the surface, the company's market capitalization has soared, even reaching tens of billions. In fact, Wu Bing cashed out all her shares, she transferred many shares to many domestic companies at low prices, put investors' money into her pockets, and cashed out billions of yuan. All assets were then transferred abroad.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Paper can't contain the fire after all, Wu Bing's shameless behavior is finally exposed, and keen investors have noticed this and have begun to withdraw investment, but this has not helped. Long before the stock price plummeted, Wu Bing, the actual controller of the company, had begun a series of dizzying cash-out operations. From January to May 2018, Wu Bing transferred equity twice in half a year, cashing out more than 2.4 billion yuan. In addition, she frequently pledges her equity to obtain more funds. As the actual controller continued to cash out, the company's capital chain began to break, business activities stagnated, a large number of employees left, and most employees' wages were arrears. At this point, things completely spiraled out of control, executives left one after another, and the entire company was paralyzed.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

After that, Wu Bing fled to the United States, claiming that he was too ill to continue working and needed time to "recuperate". And she has not returned to China since she left, and she can't even contact anyone. The gymnastics champion who once won glory for his country deceived his compatriots out of billions of dollars, hid in the United States and refused to return home. Wu Bing's actions made the hearts of those who had liked her break.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

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In the end, Wu Bing successfully cashed out 4.4 billion yuan, and when everyone learned the truth, Wu Bing had already escaped with the US green card he got when he was a coach in the United States. At this time, the board of supervisors had obtained evidence of her false accounts after careful investigation, and when the court and other law enforcement departments summoned her, Wu Bing refused for various reasons, even saying that they were very ill. Poor are the Chinese investors who are not rewarded, and their life savings may have been cheated out of by Wu Bing. On the other side of the ocean, she used these ill-gotten gains to live a luxurious and sinful life.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

I have to say that behind Wu Bing's luxurious life is an ugly truth. She used the hard-earned money of the defrauded Chinese shareholders to live a life full of luxury and enjoyment in the United States, which is a huge betrayal of the country and the people, and an unforgivable crime.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

After she absconded with money, she began a carefree life. She has bought large villas, luxury cars and expensive private jets in various states in the United States, and has also been given the opportunity to co-star in Hollywood blockbuster stars, enjoying a different treatment. And these luxurious pleasures are all based on the hard-earned money of the Chinese investors who were deceived by her.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

How should they feel when they learn that the company they invested in has become an empty shell, and all their wealth has been fled overseas by Wu Bing? They worked hard to make a living, but in the end, they ended up empty, and even some families were destroyed, all because of Wu Bing's fraud.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

It can be said that her behavior is extremely sinful. She has long forgotten her former identity, forgotten her hard work to win glory for the motherland, and forgotten those who once trusted her and supported her. She puts her own interests above the country and the people, which is a distortion and destruction of the entire social value system. In the process of absconding, she not only committed fraudulent acts such as misrepresenting the company's financial statements, but also transferred a large number of shares to domestic companies at a low price, and eventually cashed out billions of yuan. All this is based on the ruthless exploitation and robbery of Chinese investors.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Wu Bing's behavior should be condemned by public opinion and morally condemned by the international community. Her actions have seriously damaged the image of China's capital markets and the confidence of investors, while she lives a life of luxury and luxury in the United States, without guilt. She should bear legal responsibility for her criminal deeds and give the victim an explanation.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

Strengthen patriotic education and standardize the capital market

From athletes to entertainers to treason, the Wu Bing case has made us deeply realize the importance of capital market governance. While strengthening supervision, it is also necessary to focus on fundamentally improving the social environment and people's behavior to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

We should strengthen patriotic education so that people can establish correct values and moral concepts. Only by guiding people's ideological awareness and enhancing the public's sense of responsibility to the state, society and others can we effectively prevent and curb the occurrence of various illegal acts.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

The incident also reflects the need for further regulation of capital markets. This requires further improvement of relevant laws and regulations, the establishment of a sound regulatory mechanism, the strengthening of supervision over the transaction process between listed companies and investors, the control of risks and the timely handling of violations of laws and regulations. At the same time, the supervision of financial institutions and practitioners should be strengthened, their legal awareness and risk awareness should be improved, and violations should be strictly enforced and punished, so as to provide investors with a safer, more stable and transparent trading environment.

The gymnastics champion swept away 4.4 billion and absconded to the United States, bought planes to live in luxury houses, pretended to be ill and refused to return to China

The Wu Bing case has sounded the alarm for us to deeply understand the importance of the capital market and the urgency of governance. Only by making joint efforts in patriotic education, capital market supervision and the construction of a culture of creditworthiness can we fundamentally prevent and curb the recurrence of similar incidents and prevent the emergence of a second "Wu Bing". In addition, the country has started overseas chasing and fugitive, and we believe that Wu Bing will be punished by law in the near future.

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