
The ancient Chinese admonition: "Three do not blame the son, two do not blame the father", is an expression of family harmony and prosperity

Wang Yangming, a master of psychology, said that a person's healthy behavior and living habits often come from a family's family style and discipline. And these behaviors and habits often become a continuation of a family's prosperity.

Therefore, how to educate children to grow up healthily, how to communicate with parents is very important, and then I will share with you an ancient admonition related to family style: three do not blame the son, two do not complain about the father, let's listen to the wisdom of the ancients.

The ancient Chinese admonition: "Three do not blame the son, two do not blame the father", is an expression of family harmony and prosperity

First of all, let's talk about the first half of the sentence for people three not responsible? Which three are not responsible?

1. No responsibility in public.

Even if the child makes a mistake, parents should not teach the child in front of others, but communicate with the child alone. Emotional expert Lu Qin said that parents blaming their children in front of everyone is the biggest harm that parents do to their children, which will invisibly destroy the child and cause a gap between the child and his parents.

2. Diet is not responsible.

When eating, do not lecture children. Blaming the child at the dinner table not only affects the child's appetite, but also affects the family's appetite, and will also cause the child's gastrointestinal indigestion.

3. Grief is not responsible.

Especially when the child's test score declines, of course, the teacher's criticism cannot be avoided in school, and if the parents are criticized again when they return home, the child's heart will be hit by a double blow, which can easily lead to the child's inferiority in his heart and no confidence in doing things.

The ancient Chinese admonition: "Three do not blame the son, two do not blame the father", is an expression of family harmony and prosperity

Let's talk about the two non-complaining fathers, what are they talking about?

1. Don't complain about the mediocrity of your parents.

As the saying goes, a dog is not poor, and a son is not ugly. No matter what your parents' origins or positions, even if your parents are not able, or if they are a sanitation worker, don't dislike your parents, be proud of your parents' profession.

Parents are the ones who give us life. As long as parents are conscientious to their children, even if they can't give us the life we want and be children, we must be grateful to our parents. Don't even dislike your parents' mediocrity.

The ancient Chinese admonition: "Three do not blame the son, two do not blame the father", is an expression of family harmony and prosperity

2. Do not complain about parental delays.

As you get older, your parents are getting older. Even visual hearing is declining. Especially under this wave of informatization and digitalization, it is normal for many parents to be unable to keep up with the rhythm of the times.

At this time, children should not dislike their parents' slow brains, but encourage parents to live to learn from old age, so that parents can feel the progress of society and the convenience of science and technology. It is best to teach parents to surf the Internet with mobile phones, just as parents taught us to learn to walk and talk when we were children, and do not complain about parents' slow brains.

The ancient Chinese admonition: "Three do not blame the son, two do not blame the father", is an expression of family harmony and prosperity

So what do you think about this? Everyone is welcome to comment and forward your views. Inherit traditional culture and share the wisdom of Chinese culture, we will see you in the next issue.