
"Explosion near the Pentagon" went viral! The spokesman of the US Department of Defense refuted the rumor! What is the trouble caused by AI diagrams?

Per editor: Du Yu

According to the global network, starting on the morning of Monday (22nd) US time, a picture of an explosion in the area near the Pentagon went viral on social networks, and a number of American media reported the news.

"Explosion near the Pentagon" went viral! The spokesman of the US Department of Defense refuted the rumor! What is the trouble caused by AI diagrams?

On Monday, multiple verified Twitter accounts shared a fake image claiming to show an explosion near the Pentagon Image source: US media

According to Forbes News, just after 10 a.m. local time on Monday, the image began circulating on Twitter, with a post saying that an explosion had occurred in the area near the Pentagon, and the original post has been deleted. But CNN said the building in the picture did not look like the Pentagon.

"Explosion near the Pentagon" went viral! The spokesman of the US Department of Defense refuted the rumor! What is the trouble caused by AI diagrams?

Pentagon image source: Visual China - VCG41dv1132024

At first, there was no authoritative US media to confirm the reliability of the news, until the Russian media, Russia Today, which has more than 3 million followers, said, "There are witnesses who say that there was an explosion near the Pentagon in Washington, D.C." ”

This news once caused the S&P 500 index to move significantly lower, turning from rising to falling.

"Explosion near the Pentagon" went viral! The spokesman of the US Department of Defense refuted the rumor! What is the trouble caused by AI diagrams?

According to interface news, a spokesman for the US Department of Defense said on the 22nd that there was no explosion near the Pentagon that morning.

Arlington Fire and Emergency Medical Services also tweeted that there were no explosions or accidents in or near the Pentagon, and there was no direct danger or hazard that could be posed to the public.

"Explosion near the Pentagon" went viral! The spokesman of the US Department of Defense refuted the rumor! What is the trouble caused by AI diagrams?

Other netizens who claimed to live nearby posted to refute the rumors: "I live nearby, if something really happens, I will definitely hear it, but now there is nothing here." Another netizen tweeted: "I haven't heard anything, the pictures transmitted on the Internet may be synthesized by artificial intelligence (AI)." ”

While it has not been confirmed whether the image was made using artificial intelligence (AI) tools, media analysis said that the image has some features of AI-generated images: for example, the lamppost in the picture is somewhat asymmetrical, and a fence is drawn on the sidewalk.

"Explosion near the Pentagon" went viral! The spokesman of the US Department of Defense refuted the rumor! What is the trouble caused by AI diagrams?

Forbes News reports that the source of the image has not yet been determined, but recent AI-generated very realistic "deepfake" images have caused several sensations, such as Pope Francis wearing a Balenciaga coat collection, and former President Donald Trump resisting authorities in a fake arrest.

Analyst Michael Brown commented that fake AI images affecting financial markets may be the norm in the future.

Earlier this month, the CEOs of the four companies were invited to meet with U.S. Vice President Harris at the White House. It is understood that the issues discussed at the meeting include the unemployment that AI may cause, new hacking behavior, the spread of misinformation, and the potential dangers caused by autonomous driving.

Forbes News said that although the Pentagon explosion never happened, the Pentagon explosion still went viral, highlighting the danger of artificial intelligence generating false information.

Daily economic news comprehensive global network, interface news, CaiLian News

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