
Organizing Committee: The request to Bailey to light the torch was rejected, and the plan B had to be used


Xinhua News Agency Rio de Janeiro, August 6 sports special telegram (reporter Ma Xiangfei) Rio Olympic Games Organizing Committee originally chose Bailey to light the main torch of the opening ceremony, but after being rejected, it had to start "Plan B", the spokesman of the Olympic Organizing Committee said on the 6th.

Spokesman Anderara revealed the story behind why they invited Pele to be the main torchbearer, but the final choice was replaced by the 2004 Athens Olympics marathon bronze medalist DeLima.

Anderara said that after they issued the invitation, Bailey replied that he had experienced two surgeries in recent years and had been feeling pain in his hips, so there was a risk that he might not be able to attend the opening ceremony.

The IOC has been patiently waiting for Bailey's reply in order to get Bailey to appear at the opening ceremony. But on August 4, After consulting a doctor during a routine physical examination in São Paulo, Pele gave the Olympic Organizing Committee a negative answer.

"We waited until the last minute, one to give him more time to recover, and the other to wait for permission from his personal doctor," Anderara said. "Immediately after getting the response, we adopted Plan B, and there will be a different version of the plan for any one event."

Anderara said bailey appeared with the torch in his hand when it arrived in Bailey's hometown of Santos in July, "when he looked fine," but his doctors were very cautious and thought the opening ceremony was too long and it would be difficult for Bailey to hold on. The Brazilian champion missed this historic moment.

Recalling the process, Anderdara looked very sorry, "To know that Pele is a great figure, the greatest football player in history, and it means a lot to us that he lit the main torch for the Olympic Games." ”

In the end, De Lima was able to become the athlete who lit the main torch at the famous Maracanã Stadium on the evening of the 5th. His life story is also emotional. At the 2004 Olympics, DeLima was ahead of the rest of the race in the final 6 km and was hopeful of winning the title. But an Irish spectator broke into the track and pushed DeLima into the crowd on the side of the road. In the end, the 35-year-old only won the bronze medal. He didn't blame anyone too much, but said, "My goal is to win Olympic medals." Thank God I achieved this goal. The joy of winning a bronze medal trumps all the resentments that might be there. (End)

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