
Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

author:Life is in the city

The temple has been inherited from ancient times to the present, it is the belief of many people, burning incense to worship Buddha has also become the habit of many elderly and even young people, when things are not going well, you can also make yourself relax a lot.

Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

Let me leave you with a question: do you know which of the six famous ancient temples in China are? Think about it, the result is at the end~

Nowadays, many people like to go to the temple to petition, but most people just treat the temple as a scenic spot, and they don't know anything about the taboos inside the temple, so let me explain it to you.

Top 10 taboos of ancient temples

1. When we visit the temple, do not step on the threshold of the temple, that is like the shoulders of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva, if stepping on it is a great disrespect to the Buddha and the Bodhisattva.

2. Avoid inappropriate titles. The monks of the temple should be honored as "master", "mage" and "master", and the abbot monks should be honored as "elder" and "Zen master". The monks in the lama temple should be honored as "lama", which means "guru". Abbot"

3. Improper etiquette. The way to meet a monk is to put your hands together, bow your head slightly, or put one hand on your chest with your head slightly lowered, and avoid improper etiquette such as shaking hands, hugging, and touching the monk's head.

4. Avoid improper talk. When talking to monks and Taoists, you should not mention the words of killing, marriage, and eating fishy meat, so as not to arouse the disgust of the monks

5. Do not behave inappropriately. When visiting the temple, do not make loud noises, point and talk, ridicule or walk around casually, and do not touch the temple objects, especially the statues of gods. If you encounter Buddhist activities, you should stand still and watch or leave quietly. At the same time, you should also take good care of your children so that they do not do disrespectful things due to their ignorance.

6. It is forbidden to walk back in the temple, such as there is a longevity bridge in the middle of the pond where turtles are kept in the Wannian Temple, and do not return the same way after walking this bridge

7. Do not touch the contents of the temple with your right hand, because the right hand is a killing hand and is impurified. Only with the left hand. For example, in the six-toothed white elephant in the Wannian Temple, when touching its elephant leg to pray, the man touches the left leg and the woman touches the right leg, and they all use their left hand to turn clockwise three times to achieve the effect of blessing.

8. We cannot photograph ourselves with Buddha and Pusha when taking pictures at the temple, that would be disrespectful to Buddha and Pusa

9. The makeup should be as light as possible, not heavy makeup, and the perfume must be moderate.

10. Girls can come to the temple to worship during their menstrual period, but we try to go to the hall of life as little as possible, that is, the place where there are many yellow papapa.

Everyone should already know the taboos of the ancient temple, so let's uncover the mystery!

Shaolin Temple, which can be said to be the birthplace of Chinese Buddhist Zen Buddhism and Chinese Kung Fu, not only many Chinese know, but even many foreigners come to Shaolin Temple to practice. The Shaolin Temple, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has generations of martial monks, who have always adhered to it and have been developing Chinese kung fu, so that China's Shaolin Temple can be famous at home and abroad.

Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

White Horse Temple, more than 2,000 years old, can be said to be rich in culture, and here also has the reputation of "China's first ancient temple", although it has experienced thousands of years, but it is still well preserved, and later built on the original basis of several Buddhist halls and guest rooms for pilgrims to stay, so that everyone who comes here, will feel very peaceful, but also let the impetuous heart return to peace here

Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

Jokhang Temple, located in the old town of Lhasa, is also known as "Kyawkang" 0, which means Buddha Hall in Tibetan. We have always known that Lhasa is called a "holy place" in the hearts of many people, and it is all related to the Buddha statues inside. The fourth is Nanputuo Temple, located in Xiamen City, Fujian, built at the end of the Tang Dynasty, but also experienced thousands of years of ups and downs, and finally named "Nanputuo Temple" because it is located south of Putuo Mountain.

Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

Hanshan Temple, I believe many people know that this place comes from a poem in Zhang Ji's "Fengqiao Night Park" "Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, to the passenger ship at midnight". Hanshan Temple is located on the outskirts of Suzhou, the bell in the temple is loud, saying that people in the city can still hear the sound of the ancient bell, although the current Hanshan Temple is the product of the reconstruction of future generations, but it will not hinder the beautiful picture painted by Hanshan Temple in our hearts~

Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

Lingyin Temple, built 1700 years ago in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is a very important historical and cultural carrier of Hangzhou, today's Lingyin Temple has experienced thousands of years of wind, frost, snow and rain, although there are some vicissitudes, but also a historical charm in it, see here brick by brick, tile by grass and wood seems to be like yesterday. The temple also treasures a lot of ancient cultural relics, which is also the treasure of the town temple of Lingyin Temple, because with it, the entire Lingyin Temple can have confidence and aura, perhaps this is also the secret of Lingyan Temple for thousands of years.

Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

Ci'en Temple, built in the period of Tang Taizong Li Shimin, the most famous is that the senior monk Xuanzang once served as the abbot here, and today's Ci'en Temple may not be as prosperous as it used to be, but whenever you come here, it seems to be communicating with Master Xuanzang for the soul, the Buddhist family is a pure place, and it is the greatest blessing to be able to obtain peace of mind.

Do you really know the ten taboos inside the temple? Especially the last two items, girls should remember

In no particular order, did everyone answer these six temples correctly? If you have any questions, you can let me know in the comment area!

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