
Yu Qiuyu's "Door Hole" writes about the tenderness of director Xie Jin outside the silver screen, making people cry

author:Long winds at midnight

Master Yu Qiuyu's Mantle Hole" writes the tenderness and affection of the great director Xie Jin outside the halo of the silver screen, and reading it makes people cry, and I want to share it with all the literary friends, the original text is as follows:

Yu Qiuyu's "Door Hole" writes about the tenderness of director Xie Jin outside the silver screen, making people cry

Xie Jin in his youth

To this day, Xie Jin's younger son, Ah Si, still does not know what "death" is. Everyone felt that this time it was time to let him know. But, no matter how it is explained, his honest eyes tell you that he still does not know.

It's a lot like a group of philosophers discussing death, and in the end, the judges don't let them pass. On some of the most primitive problems of human beings, the lowest intelligence and the highest intelligence are linked from end to end. Yes, no one who can still speak has ever reached death, so how can it be clear? Since it is not clear, it is not much different from the seriously mentally retarded Ah Si.

More than ten years ago, the equally mentally retarded Ah San left, Ah Si did not know where this little brother went, dad said to everyone, don't explain death to Ah Si;

Two months ago, Ah Si's eldest brother Xie Yan left, Ah Si did not know where he went, and his father told everyone not to explain death to Ah Si;

Now, Dad was gone on his own, Ah Si didn't know where he had gone, and there was only him and his eighty-three-year-old mother left in the house, and Ah Si didn't want to listen to the explanation. Whoever explains is who gets the little brother, the big brother, and the father away. He must have followed, looked for it.

When Ah San was still there, Xie Jin said to me, "You see his eyebrows, they are sparsely scattered, they are grinded on the door hole all day." As long as I go out, he can't leave the door, waiting for me to come back every second. ”

Xie Jin said that the door hole, commonly known as "cat's eye", everyone knows that it is a small device in the center of the gate looking at the outside world. Usually, when you hear a knock or an electric bell, take a look here, recognize who it is, and then decide whether to open the door or not. But for Ah San, this shining glass hole is a kind of eternal waiting.

He didn't allow himself to slack off in the slightest, because Dad might be there all the time, and he couldn't miss the first moment. Except for sleeping and eating, he was there to watch. His feet were numb, his neck was sore, his eyes were confused, his eyebrows were falling off, and he didn't retreat.

What is Dad doing outside? He didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

Once, Xie Jin had a long conversation with me about how difficult it was to add a little human light to a movie in a closed era. I suddenly had an association and said, "Xie Dao, you are Ah San!" ”

"What?" He looked at me strangely.

I said, "You're like your family's Ah San, who finds a hole in the closed door, and you stare intently, see the light, and wait for affection, except for sleeping and eating, you haven't let go." ”

I said, "Your doorhole has also become the doorhole for the national audience." No matter what season, a glass eye, everyone sees a lot of scenery from there, a lot of humanity. Your strength is the same as Ah San's, that is, endless persistence. ”

At that time, he filmed "Wrangler", "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", "Furong Town", "Bells of Qingliang Temple", "Garland under the Mountain", "The Last Nobleman", "Opium War"...

He created an independent and vast art world in China, but when he returned home, it was a world that ordinary people could not imagine.

He and his wife, Ms. Xu Dawen, had four children, and there was only one with a normal brain, that is, Xie Yan. Xie Yan's two younger brothers are the third and fourth elders mentioned above, both of whom are seriously mentally retarded, and the situation of the elder sister is not good.

The four children were born in the decade between 1946 and 1956. In the society at that time, it was difficult to find professional schools to tutor mentally handicapped children, and all the troubles were piled up in one door. The family is extremely poor, the work is extremely busy, what is happening inside this door every day? Only God knows.

If we associate such a family background with so many of Xie Jin's films, it really has a strange feeling. Every evening, the image of his tall and tired figure walking step by step to the door of the house cannot but make people cry again and again. Tears are shed not out of a sympathy, but for a greatness.

Can a confused spiritual vortex exert great spiritual power? Xie Jin replied, and moviegoers across the country nodded. I think this kind of scene is difficult to see again in the entire history of human art.

Xie Jin personally built the chaotic spiritual vortex into a temple of humanism. I have eaten at his house many times, and he has made a good dish, often greeting guests with a white fence and a spatula in his hand. The guests may be Hollywood stars, big French directors, and Japanese producers, but in the end, Xie Jin will always rub his hands, introduce the special situation of his two sons through an interpreter, and then solemnly invite them out.

This kind of undisguised openness has made me open my veins. In front of the guests, every smile and action of the mentally handicapped son is the most original cute shape of human beings in Xie Jin's eyes, so his eyes are full of admiration. He brought this brilliance to the whole courtyard and to all the guests.

He sometimes travels with his son. I heard Ms. Zhang Huifang, the general manager of Xie Jin Film Company, say that when I went to Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, I took a van, and the road took several hours.

Xie Jin, who was sitting in the front row, was about to turn around after a while and ask, "Is Ah Si tired?" "Is Ah Si okay?" "Does Ah Si want to sleep for a while?" ...... Every time I look back, that look can melt the snowy mountain.

He never imagined that the only normal person in his family's descendants, the elegant gentleman who had returned from studying abroad, his eldest son Xie Yan, had actually left first.

Xie Yantai knew that his parents' lives were under pressure, and he had been hiding his illness and not letting the old man know. He took care of everything, put on a clean set of clothes, went to the hospital, and never came out.

He begged the people around him not to let his father and mother come to the hospital. He said that his father is too famous to attract the media as soon as he comes, and his current image will make his father and mother sad. He kept saying, "Don't come, don't come, don't let them come..."

Until a week before he died, people around him said, now you must let your father and mother come. This time, he didn't speak.

Xie Jin had always thought that his son was hospitalized with a general illness, and he had no idea that the matter was so serious. In front of him, the only son he could talk to was no longer the same.

He stood like a statue that had suddenly dried up, in front of a hospital bed, for a long, long time.

Xie Yan said to him with difficulty, "Dad, I'm causing you trouble!" ”

He said in a trembling voice, "We treat, we treat!" ”

Xie Yan, who is single, is already fifty-nine years old, but now he keeps asking every day before the old man arrives: "Why hasn't Dad come yet?" Why hasn't Mom come? Why doesn't Dad come yet? ”

On that day, he was in so much pain that he asked for morphine, but the doctor hesitated, but fortunately there were volunteers from the Tzu Chi Meritorious Society to sing Buddhist songs, and he was calm.

Xie Jin and his wife accompanied their son, and they stayed with him almost all night that night. The staff was afraid that the two eighty-year-olds would not be able to hold on, and urged them to go home for a while to rest. However, before the two old men's cars arrived home, Xie Yan died.

Xie Yan was buried on September 23, 2008. Soon, Chunhui Middle School, his alma mater in Shangyu, his hometown, called and said that there was a commemorative event for him to attend, and there was a car to pick him up. Throughout his life, he always missed his hometown whenever he encountered danger. Today, the hometown has called again, and he agreed without hesitation.

The commemorative activities of Chunhui Middle School were held the next day, and that night Xie Jin ate a cold meal at the hotel and fell asleep. This is the real hometown, he has been away for a long time, and today he is the only one left to come back. He slept to his left and never woke up again. It was October 18, 2008, a month and three days before his 85th birthday.

Yu Qiuyu's "Door Hole" writes about the tenderness of director Xie Jin outside the silver screen, making people cry

Higashiyama Xie clan

In the house of his hometown, there are four words inscribed by me: "Dongshan XieShi".

It was one day a few years ago, and he suddenly came to my house and asked me to write these words. He said that he had asked several older generations of calligraphers to write it, hoping to increase the number of copies I had written. Higashiyama Sheashi? Good to be born! I looked at him, and thought apologetically, knowing him for so many years, and knowing that he was a Shangyu of Shaoxing, but I did not associate his surname with that distant and glorious doorway.

His distant ancestor was Xie An, the Eastern Jin Dynasty prime minister who fought the "Battle of Shuishui" in the fourth century AD. This battle was fought with his nephew Xie Xuan. And Xie Xuan's grandson is Xie Lingyun, the originator of Chinese landscape poetry. Xie An was originally a recluse of the HuidongShan, often drinking wine and chanting poems with one of the great calligraphers Wang Xi, and his niece Xie Daoyun was also married to Wang Xizhi's son Wang Ningzhi, and his talent was far more than her husband. Xie An was later forced to become an official again due to the situation, which gave China an idiom of "comeback".

Because of all this, I was very respectful when I wrote the four words "Dongshan Xieshi", writing many pictures in a row, and finally picking out one and sending it.

The Xie family has actually settled at the foot of the Eastern Mountains since the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty? If nothing else, the qi that had accumulated for 1,600 years was already extraordinary. Xie Jin was extremely concerned about this, but he did not say it to the outside world. What he cares about is this mountain, this village, this house, this surname, this qi. But it was all secret, just for me to write, and never to say it again.

I think that with this unspeakable deep refuge, he will go back alone, drawing the end of his life in front of a large number of solemn distant ancestors.

At this moment, Xie Jin's home in Shanghai was only Ah Si. His wife was admitted to the hospital with heart problems.

Ah Si did not watch in the door hole all day like Ah San. His task for decades was to carry bags and shoes for his father. Every morning when Dad went out, he handed him his bag and put away the slippers that Dad had changed out of. When Dad returned in the evening, he took the bag and handed over the slippers.

For several days, Dad's bag and shoes were there, where did the people go? He was a little strange, but he was waiting patiently. Suddenly, many people came and placed rows of white flowers in the house.

More and more white flowers are being put in the house. He looked out through the doorhole, and someone else had arrived. Ah Si walked through the white flowers, and suddenly found that the white flowers covered his father's slippers. He bent down and took out his father's slippers and carefully placed them by the door.

This world of white flowers is his alone today, and a pair of shoes.

Yu Qiuyu's "Door Hole" writes about the tenderness of director Xie Jin outside the silver screen, making people cry

Shepp and eldest son Xie Yan

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