
Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

author:Water Injection Technology

(This article was first published on the "Water Economics Note GIS" public account, pay attention to the public number to receive map data for free)

Okinawa, which is heavily guarded by the United States, has every eye fixed on the mainland.

Okinawa is currently a land under the jurisdiction of Japan.

But it is not Japanese territory.

Do you know Okinawa, not my real name?

After Shinzo Abe, who said that "if something happens in Taiwan, something happens in Japan", he was sent away with one shot, the Ryukyu issue also surfaced on the surface of history with the geopolitical game.

We have to realize that Ryukyu is not Japanese territory.

Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

Ryukyu Islands

In 1950, the Ryukyuan people published an article entitled "Calling for the Ryukyu to belong to China", expressing their desire to secede from Japan.

Okinawa, whose real name is Ryukyu, was once an ancient country located in southwestern Japan, and its name was given by the Ming Dynasty. According to historical records, Zhu Yuanzhang sent "36 good boat handlers of the Fujian people" to immigrate to Ryukyu and gave a large number of sea ships, and these skilled immigrants and their descendants quickly became the backbone of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

At the beginning of the 17th century, Japan invaded Ryukyu, forcing it to submit to Japan, which was the beginning of Ryukyu's invasion by Japan.

Taking advantage of the decline of the Qing Dynasty, Japan imposed the "abolition of the domain" in Ryukyu, named Okinawa.

Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

The publisher of "Calling for the Ryukyu to Belong to China" is a descendant of the "thirty-six surnames of the Min people" of the Ryukyu

For a long time, the Ryukyu region's economic development lagged behind that of Japan itself. Ryukyuan people even said that they were only treated as "foreigners who spoke Japanese".

Not only the isolation of reality, but also the blood hatred between Ryukyu and Japan. In World War II, the Japanese army not only used the Ryukyu residents as human shields, but also forced the Ryukyuan people to commit mass suicide to prevent intelligence leakage. Data show that nearly 300,000 Ryukyuan people died on the eve of the end of the war.

On May 15, 2013, Ryukyu professors, politicians, activists, and civic groups established the "Ryukyu National Independence Comprehensive Research Association", which can be joined by people of Ryukyu descent.

Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

Photo: ACSILs

Not only Japan, but also the Ryukyuan people were equally resentful in the face of the American military on their doorstep.

The brutal history of suicide and the reality of being oppressed by the United States made it increasingly difficult for Ryukyu to accept Japanese jurisdiction.

Ryukyu is bitter and beautiful for a long time.

Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

Ryukyu Independence

Ryukyu under illegal jurisdiction

According to the Potsdam Proclamation, Japan's sovereignty was limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and other small islands as it decided. So why is Japan still administering islands that do not belong to it?

In 1947, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 318, deciding that the United States would take over the Ryukyu and other islands. During the Cold War, under the leadership of the United States, a peace treaty with Japan called the San Francisco Peace Treaty was born.

At that time, because of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, we were ostracized by a group of Western countries led by the United States, did not sign this document, and therefore did not recognize the legitimacy of the treaty.

Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

The signing of the San Francisco Contract

This treaty, with a strong Cold War color, allowed Japan to wash away the mark of aggression, become a "normal country", and join the United Nations. It was also because of this treaty that the United States established its right (not sovereignty) to govern the islands occupied by Japan.

In 1972, the year Kissinger visited China and Sino-Japanese relations were normalized, the United States took it upon itself to "return" the governance of the Ryukyu Islands (including the Diaoyu Islands) to Japan, and Okinawa Prefecture was restored again.

This "also" not only dissolved Japan's crime of aggression, but also "also" gave rise to the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, which had lasted for many years.

Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

Ryukyu Main Island

All in all, Japan does not have sovereignty over Ryukyu, and its current jurisdiction over Ryukyu is also an "illegal jurisdiction".

In the past, we did not raise a big objection that "Okinawa belongs to Japan", but times have changed, and the "Okinawa base" has been pointed at China for many years.

Japan is illegally hosting Ryukyu

Ryukyu Independence

In March, China's new ambassador to Japan held a closed-door meeting with a Ryukyu vice governor, the first visit by a Ryukyu official to a mainland embassy since World War II, according to the Ryukyu Shinpao. In addition, the deputy governor announced that he would establish a "regional diplomatic office" in Ryukyu to promote peace in the surrounding region.

Ryukyu, which has been turned into a battlefield frontline, is also trying to make its voice heard.

Write at the end

The Ryukyu problem has remained unanswered.

We did ignore Ryukyu for too long.

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