
In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"


On the night of April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army was full of momentum and won the gate tower of the "Presidential Palace" in one fell swoop, successfully liberating the city of Nanjing. Since then, the people of Nanjing have broken away from the rule of the Kuomintang and once again returned to the embrace of the motherland.

While celebrating, people could not help but sigh that if Chairman Mao had adopted Li Zongren's suggestion of "crossing the river and ruling by river", the reunification of the motherland would have been unknown.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

Li Zongren

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > "light rod" President Lee Zong-jen</h1>

On the morning of July 18, 1965, Li Zongren chose to return to his roots and return to his beloved motherland. Stepping on this land again, he was extremely glad that the original proposal of "crossing the river and ruling by river" did not become a reality, so that he could have the opportunity to see the grand situation of the motherland today, so that he would not leave a lifelong regret and would not become a sinner for eternity.

When Li Zongren took the post of acting president, what he was left with was already a mess. Although Chiang Kai-shek has abdicated, he has not relaxed his grip at all. Although Li Zongren had his own ideas, everything needed to be suppressed by Chiang Kai-shek's side. In that era of rapidly changing forms, the inability to make decisions at the first time doomed Li Zongren to be unable to achieve something.

In addition, since he had previously held the position of vice president, Li Zongren had little experience in dealing with major incidents. Rather than making big changes, he prefers to maintain the status quo.

He knows that it is almost impossible for him to change the current situation, and all he can do is to control the current situation as much as possible and not bear the insults from all sides. However, history is cruel, and his ideas are destined to become extravagant.

Li Zongren, who seems to hold a lot of power, has become a veritable "light pole" president. Despite such an embarrassing identity, in the face of the KMT's gradual defeat and retreat, he still insisted on hoping to "rule by drawing the river" and strive to preserve part of the KMT's strength and wait for the day when it would come back.

However, what few people know is that behind Li Zongren's seemingly "naïve" ideas, there are also his own considerations. Of course, under the situation of Rusi, why did Li Zongren, the president of guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"?

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > where Li Zongren's "confidence" came from</h1>

President Li Zongren's insistence on "ruling by drawing the river" stems from his excessive trust in the United States and the Soviet Union.

For the United States and the Soviet Union, China has a long history, vast territory, and abundant resources. If China is allowed to develop smoothly, it will become a strong opponent in time. Supporting Li Zongren's proposal to "rule by river" can greatly weaken China's strength and avoid leaving hidden dangers for the future.

Taking neighboring Korea and South Korea as an example, after World War II, in the process of the division of power between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Korean Peninsula was divided into two, and it cannot be unified to this day. Li Zongren took this into account, and he firmly believed that the United States and the Soviet Union would not allow the situation of Chinese reunification to happen.

Although the Kuomintang was gradually defeated and retreated at this time, with the help of the United States and the Soviet Union and other major powers, the idea of "ruling by drawing a river" would certainly be realized.

In addition, adhering to the principle of "ruling by drawing the river" is also Chiang Kai-shek's bottom line.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

Although Li Zongren held the presidency, he did not have real power. At the time of peace talks with the Chinese Communists, even though Li Zongren understood that there was not much room for discussion on the issue of "ruling by drawing the river," he also had to convey the attitude of the Kuomintang side in place. Otherwise, what awaits him will be Chiang Kai-shek's anger, and such an outcome will be something he cannot afford.

In the course of the peace talks, Li Zongren's every move would be reported to Chiang Kai-shek. Once labeled as "betrayal", the end of the waiting for him can be imagined. Therefore, Li Zongren's insistence seems to be self-sufficient, but in fact, it is also out of the consideration of self-preservation.

He neither had the ability to make the CENTRAL Committee accept this proposal, nor did he have the courage to tell Chiang Kai-shek. He could only firmly hold Chiang Kai-shek's bottom line in order to win a glimmer of life for himself. Most importantly, as acting president, Li Zongren naturally has to take into account the future development of the Kuomintang.

Insisting on "ruling by drawing the river" means that the National Government has room for breathing and has the capital to make a comeback. Once the People's Liberation Army crosses the river, the Kuomintang will be completely driven out of this land, and it has become a luxury to want to return here again. From a selfish point of view, Li Zongren will not take the initiative to give up all this.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > asking price "crossing the river and ruling" is really helpless</h1>

In the course of peace talks with the CPC Central Committee, Li Zongren vividly embodied this sentence. From beginning to end, Chairman Mao's attitude toward Li Zongren was understanding and tolerant, which can also be seen from his choice of falling leaves to the roots in his later years.

Although Li Zongren held the position of acting president of the Kuomintang, he was actually a puppet of Chiang Kai-shek. In the process of peace talks, he had his own ideas, but he did not have the strength to express themselves.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

Between the Kuomintang and the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Li Zongren wanted to be a lubricant. He hopes to settle the dispute between the two sides by peaceful means, but the integrity of the land is inviolable, and his "good old man" faction is doomed to be unable to deal with this problem. He is just a microphone for Chiang Kai-shek, and no amount of effort will help in the face of questions of principle.

However, Li Zongren's "persistence" is not meaningless, and from his feedback, the Chinese central government has strengthened its determination to cross the river.

For Li Zongren himself, he also saved himself. Every time he made a statement, he took Care of Chiang Kai-shek and protected the safety of himself and his family. In that special period, many people were implicated and lost their lives, but he was able to seek a glimmer of life in the cracks, and even returned to the land of the motherland in his old age.

From January 1949 to April 1949, Li Zongren witnessed the downfall of the Nationalist government in Nanjing. In the face of the extraordinary People's Liberation Army, the acting president of the former scenery can only flee into the wilderness. In his heart there was bitterness, there was regret, but more than that, there was helplessness.

He already knew that what was in front of him was a game of dead chess, but he still had to finish the game of chess with a hard scalp. He knew his name would remain in history, in an disgraceful way.

After the official demise of the Nationalist government in Nanjing, Li Zongren did not choose to flee to Taiwan. He could not let go of what little capital he had left, and he did not want to become a complete loser. But with the founding of New China, the last flame in his heart was extinguished. At this point, Li Zongren embarked on the road of exile overseas, and he walked for more than ten years.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" > the reason why "river crossing" cannot succeed</h1>

Acting President Li Zongren's struggle is powerless, and the idea of "crossing the river and ruling by river" is doomed to be unattainable.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

Judging from the kuomintang's own strength, after the three major battles, the Kuomintang's strength is only 2.04 million people, of which only about 1.46 million can really fight. More importantly, these forces have been reorganized many times, and there is no tacit understanding in coordination, and they are eager to end the battle as soon as possible, rather than paying their lives for the war.

From an international perspective, the United States and the Soviet Union checked and balanced each other. The Soviet Union did not want China to become a threat to its existence, but it was also unwilling to let the United States share a piece of the pie. The Attitude of the United States toward the Kuomintang is hot and cold, and it also has its own considerations.

China and the Soviet Union are close to each other, but the United States and China need to cross the ocean. If the United States insists on helping Chiang Kai-shek, the price it will have to pay can be imagined. Considering the cost performance, the United States will naturally spare no effort to help the Kuomintang, and the defeat of the Kuomintang is also expected.

From China's point of view, the territory of the motherland is inviolable. China has a long history that no other country can match. The people's deep sense of identification with the country makes every Chinese unable to accept the division of the country.

The idea of "ruling by river" is essentially to divide China in two, and this idea would not have won the support of the people. It is said that "those who win the hearts and minds of the people will win the world," and Li Zongren's proposal undoubtedly lost the hearts of the people.

From the perspective of the people, a unified China can bring people a happy life. After experiencing the Chinese of feudal dynasty rule, he knew that backwardness would be beaten. A united China will undoubtedly be stronger than a divided China.

"Crossing the river and ruling the river" may solve internal worries, but it cannot solve external problems. From a long-term perspective, Li Zongren's persistence is absolutely impossible to achieve.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > returning to the homeland is very emotional</h1>

Chinese has paid attention to "returning fallen leaves to the roots" since ancient times, and Li Zongren believes that he is no exception. After leaving the motherland for 16 years, Li Zongren returned to China with his wife. Returning to his homeland, Li Zongren felt deeply.

When he was full of spirits, he thought he could achieve something here, but in the end he ended up with nothing. But after more than ten years of upheaval and displacement, the motherland accepted him with a broad mind, so that the wandering heart had a place to live.

Goodbye Chairman Mao, Li Zongren's thinking has also undergone earth-shaking changes. At this time, he has no heavy concerns and can express his views calmly.

Seeing the prosperity of the motherland today, he knows that reunification is the foundation for the country's good development. While lamenting the glorious development of the motherland, he was also glad that his original proposal to "cross the river and rule by river" did not become a reality, and he did not become a sinner in splitting the motherland.

In 1949, why did Li Zongren, the president of Guangzhan, dare to ask for a price to "rule by crossing the river"? Li Zongren, president of the "light pole, Li Zongren", where did he ask for the price of "crossing the river and ruling" is actually helpless to return to his homeland because he could not succeed in "crossing the river and ruling"

Although Li Zongren has made a wrong choice, his patriotic heart cannot be ignored. Being able to face his past mistakes, the motherland will naturally accept him generously.

For ordinary people, what Acting President Li Zongren did during his tenure was just a small episode before the founding of New China. For himself, in these short months, he carried too much.

He had tried to solve the mess left by Chiang Kai-shek on his own, but in the end he had found nothing. He once asked for a price in the peace talks with the CPC Central Committee to "rule by crossing the river," but in the end he was still unable to stop the PACE of the People's Liberation Army from crossing the river.

The existence of Li Zongren did not stop the rapid pace of history, but this experience carried too much sadness and helplessness for him. Fortunately, the motherland will eventually be reunified and move forward steadily.

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