
The top 10 reptiles in the world

author:Xiong Haha Entertainment

The largest reptile in the world

1. Bay crocodile

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical characteristics: The bay crocodile is the largest of the crocodiles, with the largest individuals reaching 4200 pounds. The nape of the neck does not have large scales, so it is called a "naked-necked crocodile".

Habits and behavior: Bay crocodiles feed on large fish, mud crabs, turtles, monitor lizards, birds, and also prey on wild deer, bison, wild boars, etc. Located at the highest level of the wetland food chain, it is at the top of the predator. Bay crocodiles are ferocious by nature and are famous aggressive crocodiles that often attack humans.

Habitat and distribution: Gulf crocodiles are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia, India, Australia and some islands in the Pacific Ocean, inhabiting rivers, lakes, swamps and other waters.

Conservation status: Bay crocodiles are protected, but still face threats such as hunting, habitat destruction, etc., and are vulnerable species.

The smallest reptile in the world

2. Jalagua gecko

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical features: The Yaragua gecko is only 1.6 cm long and can be curled within the confines of a coin, making it the smallest reptile in the world.

Habits and behavior: The Yaraguá gecko feeds on small ants, spiders, and other small insects that live in the soil and is vulnerable to snakes, centipedes, and other larger lizards. They are nocturnal animals and generally hide under leaves or stones during the day.

Habitat and distribution: The Yalagua gecko is found on the island of Beata offshore, the southernmost part of the Dominican Republic, and lives in tropical rainforests or semi-arid areas.

Conservation status: Detailed survey data on the Jaagua geckos are lacking, but they may be threatened with endangerment due to habitat destruction and illegal harvesting.

The most original reptile in the world

3. Spotted wedge-toothed lizard

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical features: The spotted wedge-toothed lizard looks similar to an ancient reptile 200 million years ago, with a scaly crest on the neck and back. Adult females are about 0.4m long, adult males are about 0.6m long, gray or olive green in color, and weigh about 1kg.

Habits and behavior: The spotted wedge-toothed lizard is one of the most primitive reptiles in existence, with well-developed limbs and, like fish and amphibians, is a cold-blooded animal. They are aggressive by nature and often live alone in caves, which are not only their home but also a position to defend against invaders.

Habitat and distribution: The spotted wedge-toothed lizard is found in tropical and subtropical regions such as Africa, South and Central America, living in waters such as rivers, ponds, lakes and swamps.

Conservation status: The spotted wedge-toothed lizard is protected, but its population is declining due to habitat destruction and illegal fishing, and it is one of the vulnerable species.

The fastest aquatic reptile in the world

4. Turtles

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical features: turtles can reach more than 1 meter in length, dorsal armor olive green or tan, mixed with yellow-white radial stripes, yellow abdominal armor, head and limbs tan. There is a pair of forehead scales on the top of the head, and the limbs are like paddles, the forelimbs are longer than the hindlimbs, and each has a claw on the inside. The head, neck, and limbs cannot be retracted into the nails.

Habits and behavior: Turtles adapt to living in the water, with their limbs becoming fin-shaped, which is conducive to swimming. It is the fastest moving aquatic reptile and can swim at speeds of up to 29 km/h. Generally, only leave the water during the breeding season, otherwise swim and forage in the sea most of the time.

Habitat and distribution: Sea turtles are found in marine and coastal areas around the world, inhabiting oceans, coral reefs, beaches and other waters.

Conservation status: Sea turtles are protected but still face threats such as illegal fishing and habitat destruction, and are vulnerable species.

The longest reptile in the world

5. Reticulated python

Physical features: The reticulated python is the longest reptile in existence, with a maximum record of 14.85 meters. The back of the body is grey-brown or yellowish brown with complex diamond-shaped black-brown and yellow or light grey reticulated markings.

Habits and behavior: The reticulated python is a nocturnal animal, the larvae are arboreal, living mainly in tropical rainforests, woodlands, grasslands and mud environments, can enter the water, sometimes in villages, and attack livestock. The reticulated python is one of the most strangled snakes and can strangle its prey by winding it around it and squeezing it with its muscles.

Habitat and distribution: Reticulated pythons are distributed in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Indonesia and other regions, inhabiting tropical rainforests, woodlands, grasslands and mud swamps.

Conservation status: The reticulated python is protected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, but its population is declining due to illegal killing, habitat destruction and other factors, and it is an endangered species.

The fastest terrestrial reptile in the world

6. Black mamba

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical features: Black mamba snakes are slender in shape, generally more than 2 meters in length, and the longest recorded can reach 4.5 meters. The head is oblong in shape and grey-brown in color, tapering from the back to the abdomen. The inside of the mouth is black and can be clearly seen when the mouth is opened. The anterior end of the palate can be cocked upwards when attacked, allowing its fangs to pierce objects close to the plane.

Habits and behavior: The black mamba is one of the fastest moving terrestrial reptiles, moving up to 16-20 kilometers per hour over short distances. It is the fastest snake to attack, biting its prey and injecting deadly venom in a short time. It inhabits arid areas such as open bush and grasslands.

Habitat and distribution: Black mambas are found in a wide area of the continent, including much of sub-Saharan Africa.

Conservation status: Black mamba populations are not yet significantly threatened, but their conservation status needs attention due to habitat destruction and illegal trade.

The slowest moving reptile in the world

7. Galapagos tortoise

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical characteristics: The Galapagos tortoise has a large, heavy brown dorsal carapace, and the shell plate is indispensable for rigid protection of the ribs in the skeleton structure. The pattern on the tortoise shell maintains the character of a shield. The Galapagos tortoise has a large body, reaching a length of up to 1.5 meters and weighing up to about 250 kilograms.

Habits and behavior: The Galapagos tortoise is an herbivore with a diet that includes cacti, grass, leaves, mosses, lichen, and berries. They are usually active during the day and rest at night. The speed of movement is very slow, only 0.3 kilometers per hour.

Habitat and distribution: The Galapagos tortoise is mainly found in Ecuador's Galapagos Islands. They live in dry grasslands, bushes and rocky terrain.

Conservation status: The number of Galapagos tortoises has declined significantly over the past few decades, mainly due to the invasion of alien species and habitat destruction. Currently, the Galapagos tortoise is listed as endangered and protected.

The most toxic reptile in the world

8. Fine-scaled taipan snake

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical characteristics: The shape of the fine-scaled Taipan snake is smaller than that of the ordinary Taipan snake, and the adult snake is only about 2 meters. Their heads are flattened, slightly pointed, and their eyes are relatively large. The fine-scaled Taipan snake has grey to yellowish-brown scales, which are sometimes framed with fine black edges. The trunk is brown or olive green, the belly is yellowish-white, and the head is black or with black markings. The fangs are 7.0~13.0 mm long and have strong toxicity.

Habits and behavior: The scaly snake is a solitary reptile, mainly nocturnal, hiding in tree holes or grass during the day. They feed mainly on rodents and other reptiles.

Habitat and distribution: The fine-scaled taipan snake is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, such as southern China, India, Myanmar and other places.

Conservation status: The population of the fine-scaled taipan snake is not currently threatened, but its habitat is being destroyed and needs to be protected.

The most smelly reptile in the world

9. Musk turtle

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical features: musk turtle armor has a prismatic process, the vertebral shield is tile-like, brown or orange, and there is a dark border at the seam, which may have dark dotted or radial striped patterns. The ventral armor is small , pink or yellow , with an inconspicuous hinged joint , and a single throat shield. The body of the musk turtle is relatively flattened and the head is large and broad.

Habits and behavior: Musk turtles are typical omnivores, eating plants, crustaceans, small fish, insects and even animal remains. When disturbed, they release a pungent liquid from the ejaculatory glands to deter skimmers, and male turtles are particularly aggressive.

Habitat and distribution: Musk turtles are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia, such as southern China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia. They prefer to live in rivers, lakes and swamps.

Conservation status: Musk turtle populations are declining, mainly due to habitat destruction and illegal fishing. Currently, the musk turtle is listed as an endangered species and is protected.

The oldest reptile in the world

10. Snapping turtles

The top 10 reptiles in the world

Physical features: the head of the snapping turtle is thick, can not completely shrink into the shell, the neck is short and stout, the collar back has brown flesh spines, the eyes are small, the mouth is small upper and lower jaw, the snout is pointed, the tail is pointed and long, and the sides are ridged. They can reach a body length of more than 1 meter and weigh up to about 150 kilograms.

Habits and behavior: Snapping turtles are carnivores and also eat scavengers. They prefer to live in freshwater lakes, rivers and swamps, usually during the day and rest at night.

Habitat and distribution: Snapping turtles are mainly distributed in South and Central America, including Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico and other places.

Conservation status: Snapping turtle populations are declining, mainly due to habitat destruction and illegal catching. At present, snapping turtles are listed as endangered and protected.

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