
"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

Supreme Evolution in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 retains some of the classic settings of the comics in the series, such as the character's extreme obsession with biological evolution experiments, his construction of "Anti-Earth", and the mask of "Supreme Evolution".

At the same time, "Rolling Guide" also draws on historical figures and the background of the times to explore this role in depth. It can be said that "Supreme Evolution" is the deepest villain in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" series and even the fourth phase of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Different from the villains in the previous Marvel Cinematic Universe who simply want to conquer the world or destroy the world, Supreme Evolution and Thanos have a lot in common, they are more like "idealists" with power. Thanos wants to realize his ideal of modifying the universe by destroying half of the people, while Supreme Evolution wants to genetically modify the so-called "ideal world" built by "perfect species".

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

The ending of the story of the "Avengers 4" heroes and Thanos to the death allows the audience to see the answer given by the movie completely denies Thanos's approach, but the question is why? In the eyes of many people, Thanos wants to reduce half of the world's population so that the remaining half of the population has more space to live and develop. The choice is a demonic act that borders on destroying the world.

However, in Thanos' own view, his efforts are to save the world. From a practical point of view, Thanos' behavior coincides with some views in Malthus's "population theory", that is, there will always be a contradiction between uncontrolled population growth and limited growth of means of production, so a certain control of population size is required.

However, controlling the number of people is one thing, and losing half of the life in the universe alive is another. By extension, it is worth considering whether it is justified to sacrifice the right of some people to happiness or even deprive them of their lives for the sake of the happiness of some people. Ponder further, whether each of us, as equally equal individuals, has the right to and use these rights to decide the life and death of others, especially when the people we decide do not sin, but simply because they are in a specific position at a particular time or randomly selected by a system in proportion.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

These questions have long been a problem for philosophers around the world, such as the famous "tram problem", long before the film was released.

When sacrificing one person can save five lives, how do people decide? Whether to let the events continue uncontrollably until five people die, or to exchange the death of one person for the lives of five people.

When people think about these questions, they are often completely troubled or limited to the underlying assumptions of the questions themselves, and in fact, in some of these questions, what is really worth thinking about is, do we have the right to replace a living person with a number?

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

Similarly, in the story of Guardians of the Galaxy 3, does the Supreme Evolution have the right to set the standard for a perfect species, and use such a view that is itself full of stereotypes and racist thinking to decide who can continue to live and who should be extinct? I believe that the vast majority of viewers and the Guardians of the Galaxy have the same choice that such a view is completely incorrect and should be fought against with all efforts.

As many philosophers and thinkers have given the answer to the question of why machines can't replace people, cold and rigid systems, standards, and numbers do not truly represent the true value and ultimate destiny of a life. Humanistic thought is an important driving force for the continuous development and continuous progress of human social civilization since the Renaissance, and it is also an inherent requirement for human beings to formulate standards such as laws and regulations, that is, all regulations and standards should be the ultimate service object of people, and cannot completely replace human thinking based on humanistic thinking.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

Remember a philosophy professor who once told his students about the example of a sudden shipwreck in 1884 that left four British crew members stranded in a tiny lifeboat more than a thousand kilometers away from land. Three of them eventually joined forces to kill one of the weakest members and keep his body and blood alive. In the end, the three people were successfully rescued, but they were eventually brought to court on suspicion of intentional homicide.

If you look at the numbers alone, this case fits perfectly with the criterion of maximizing happiness by sacrificing one person. But if we look at it from another perspective, the case in front of us is about a living life brutally killed by his own companion, and the three even use the dead companion's body as food in order to survive.

From a humanistic point of view, the actions of the three people have exceeded the limits of ethics and morality and must be punished. Of course, some people will say that it must be taken into account that several survivors of the shipwreck committed seemingly unreasonable barbaric acts based on the actual situation in the situation of survival at that time.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

But suppose that if three people are not lucky enough to be rescued in the ocean after killing and eating the corpses of their companions, what will happen next? It is likely that two of the three continued to kill and eat their companions in order to survive. If the last two people still do not receive rescue, they continue to kill each other.

Kant once said, "Man, in fact all rational beings, exists because he is an end in itself, not an instrument for the use of this or that will." "Even when human life is challenged more than ever, no one can or has no right to use others as a stepping stone for his or her own survival and development.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

After the end of World War II, an SS officer who had been in charge of the camps argued in court that his actions had been carried out on the orders of his commanders and in accordance with the laws and regulations of Nazi Germany at the time, but the court ultimately rejected his defense.

Although the laws and regulations of Nazi Germany at that time did stipulate this, officers had the right to choose whether or not to comply with such laws and regulations that were contrary to human nature and unethical, and no laws and regulations could be formulated contrary to humanistic ideas, unreasonably restricting or aggravating the obligations of certain specific races or groups, or even discriminating against them.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

Back in the movie, the supreme evolution in the film in order to realize his ambition to transform the perfect species, repeatedly carried out biological experiments with various species in large quantities, and once the experiment failed, he went on a killing spree.

Sadly, Rocket and his friends not only suffered after being forced into this experiment, but Supreme Evolution and his men have been using the so-called "perfect new world" lie to fill these modified creatures in their cages with hope for their future lives.

It's hard not to think of Adolf Hitler in the film. Nazi Germany under Hitler carried out an unprecedented and horrific ethnic cleansing of Jews during World War II, in which more than six million Jews were brutally murdered, according to later statistics.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

Many later scholars have tried to interpret why Hitler massacred Jews from various angles, including the severe social and historical background of the defeat in World War I and the global economic crisis in Germany at that time. Nazi Germany needed a lot of money to complete its domestic infrastructure, develop its industry, expand its armaments, and wage war. Launching the ethnic cleansing of the Jews not only allowed to achieve a redistribution of society's wealth in an unusually brutal way, but also promoted fanatical, narrow-minded nationalism through the doctrine of racial superiority.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

But just like the supreme evolution in "Guardians of the Galaxy 3", many studies have finally found that the reason why Hitler's Nazi Germany carried out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Jews was almost no personal hatred factor, but only analyzed many factors such as people and wealth as purely objective data, and finally came up with the so-called "reasonable choice".

The so-called "Aryan national superiority" conveyed by the Nazi government to the common people, like the search for "perfect species" by "supreme evolution", exudes a kind of indifferent thinking that loses humanity and regards human beings as the object of problems. It is precisely for this reason that the pursuit of social transformation by pure idealists who have lost their human nature ultimately leads to the same end, resulting in unprecedented tragic consequences under the malice of destroying human nature.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

The plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" finally conveys the idea of "returning to humanity and returning to true self" to the audience in an almost mythical and allegorical plot setting.

The supreme evolution, which wields amazing power and frantically conducts biological evolution experiments, is like the uncompassionate and longing Titan gods of Greek mythology who are finally defeated by the combined struggle of the new gods. The various species imprisoned by the Supreme Evolution also escape the fate of destruction with the help of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and this plot is very similar to the ending of Noah's Ark - to welcome a new life in the inevitable destruction.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" villain "Supreme Evolution", another version of Thanos

In other words, as the male protagonist in "Jurassic Park" said, "life will find its own way out", every life is free and equal from the moment it comes to the world, there is no distinction between high and low, and no one has the right to be above everyone and control the life and death of other species.

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