
After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

author:Snow talks about history

If according to this logic, after Liu Bei's death, shu Han survived for 42 years, does it mean that Liu Bei's contribution was not great? The Western Han Dynasty lasted for 211 years, and Liu Bang survived for 203 years after his death, so Liu Bang's contribution was not large. Then in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao reigned for 0 years and the State of Wei lasted for 46 years. So Sun Quan made the greatest contribution to the country?

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

After the history of China, there are few emperors who are more powerful than Sun 100,000. So, it's pathetic! A slightly more advanced spray of "poor soldiers and martial arts and the people hurt their wealth" will lead to the rapid demise of the Shu state. Now we all know that the Shu kingdom lasted for 30 years after Zhuge Liang's death, but he said that his contribution was not great?

Clarify a few facts. First: it is said that Zhuge Liang buried talents and monopolized power. According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang reigned for 12 years and recommended a total of 63 people for the country. It covers many fields such as politics, economy, military, culture, and diplomacy. Among them, There are 11 Liu Zhang, 24 Liu Bei, 28 individuals, and 2 Wei Generals.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

It was divided into 28 people in Jingzhou, 29 people in Yizhou, 1 person in Yuzhou, and 2 people in Yongzhou. Truly do meritocracy, heroes do not ask the source, we come from all over the world. Therefore, the "three phases and one general" who maintained the basic operation of the state were all recommended by Zhuge Liang. Jiang Huan, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun were 3 people, and the "Table of Teachers" directly explained it.

- All this is good, and the will to be loyal, may His Majesty's relatives believe in it. Jiang Wei: Very sensitive to the military, both bold and righteous, this person has the ability to be a Han room and a man. This is the earliest interpretation of "both ability and political integrity". If you have to use the horse rumor to hack him, then to tell the truth, Zhuge Liang has only one mistake in employing people, which is the lowest rate of negligence in the Three Kingdoms.

Because Liu Bei had also looked at Zhang Fei (Xuzhou), Mi Fang, Pang Tong (County Order), and Liu Feng. Cao Cao misread Wei Seed ("Wei Seed does not abandon loneliness?) Your hometown of Yanzhou is about to be punished, and you ask dianwei, Cao Ang, and Cao Anmin, who were wrongfully killed, what do they say? Yu Ban was the only one among the five sons who was awarded the False Festival, and the result was finally "I know that the ban has been forbidden for thirty years, why is it not as good as Pang Deyan"?

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

Zhuge Liang is a powerful courtier? Yes, it is "the so-called six-foot loneliness, the government of a country, the king of all things, the dictatorship without dishonor." "If he really has that ambition, why doesn't he come to Jiuxi, the Duke of Jin and the King of Wei, it's almost as easy as a palm." To his death, he was only a martial prince. Poor and simple, do your best, until death!

In ancient and modern China and abroad, which big figure is not utilitarian, chaos first and then rule? Such as the Eastern Han Dynasty foreign relatives? Dong Zhuo deposed the emperor? Cao Cao Feng Tianzi? Or did Cao Pi claim the title of emperor? Sima Shi directly did not say, scrap, kill, play, not hi pi? The Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty are called lonely, and our side is also the emperor, let alone worth mentioning. Only Zhuge Liang, authoritarian and not disrespectful. I have taken the throne, and the courtesy is not lost. Finally, the sleeves are empty and the hands are gone, which is called posture.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

Second: It is said that Zhuge Liang's exhaustion of soldiers and soldiers, the labor of the people and the loss of money, resulting in "the people have dishes". That was in 261 AD. How many years has it been since Zhuge Liang's death at this time? 28 years. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms evaluates Zhuge Liang's administration as follows: "The military is rich, the state is rich, and it is the rule of rong and the use of force in preparation for a big move." "Properly combine a rich country with a strong army."

"Physics is its foundation, people are self-motivated", a proper material and spiritual civilization double harvest. "Open and sincere preaching, appointment officials to show the ceremony", properly govern the country according to law, and rule the country with ethics. On the practice of political achievements, it far exceeds the theoretical expectations of the hundred families of the pre-Qin Dynasty. After Zhuge Liang's death, Jiang Huan and Fei Yi successively ran the government of the Shu state for more than 20 years, and the governance of the Shu state was still possible.

First of all, there was not a single famine in the Shu kingdom. Both the Wendi Ji and the Book of Wu mention famine in Wei and Wu. Second, there is no large-scale political turmoil in the country, but rather frequent amnesty. Finally, in the military side, Wang Ping was used to defend Hanzhong in the north, Deng Zhi was used in the east to defend Eastern Wu, and Ma Zhongding was used in the south, which was basically stable and fine.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

Wang Ping even achieved a great victory and successfully resisted a major offensive by Cao Wei. When Dong Yun was alive, Liu Chan and Huang Hao were very afraid of him, so the eunuchs did not dare to make a mistake, and Ah Dou did not dare to play blindly. As a result, once Dong Yun died, Chen Di and Huang Hao were in disarray, Zhuge Zhan did nothing, and Jiang Wei had no power. Liu Chan "does not listen to political affairs and does not listen to blunt words."

This led to the last decade of folk cuisine. The envoys of Eastern Wu sent an envoy to Shu Han and returned to Wu Hou and said: This country is almost finished. It can be seen that the level of national governance has fallen off a cliff. And all the so-called rulers who have been under the mantle of Kong Ming: Jiang, Fei, Jiang, and Dong, which are not pure and thrifty, scrupulously fulfill their duties, and preach fairly.

Although he is an extremely popular subject, no one has done anything that harms public wealth and private interests, or favoritism and fraud. The great general Jiang Wei "has a weak house, no surplus of assets, no vine concubines in the side room, and no silent entertainment in the back garden." Basically, I have made myself look like a Qing cultivation ascetic seeker, and I would like to ask which dynasty and generation in ancient and modern times can do this?

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

The decline of the family road also needs to talk about a range, not to mention the rise and fall of the country. The Great Qing Dynasty was not abolished after a few years of blind work by the Empress Dowager. From the establishment of the Shu Han to the death of Wu Hou, it took almost 10 years. It was another 10 years from Fei Yi's death to the fall of Shu Han. In the middle 20 years, Zhuge Liang recommended and reused the master table group of heroes.

They may either "have the whole majesty", or "forgiveness and fraternity", or "run the family with frugality", "xian inherit the track of Zhuge Ge". With the weight to move forward, there will be such a stable period of time. After watching a few Qing Palace dramas, I feel that the temple is as innocent as Ge Ge and promised, is it a vain speculation? Or forget the original fashion of the Han people.

Third, it is said that the Northern Expedition was ineffective and that its military capabilities were worrying. Five Northern Expeditions. The first time, due to the defeat of Ma Mo, he took the initiative to be demoted to the right general. The second time, the grain ran out and retreated, killing Wang Shuang. The third time, take 2 counties of the State of Wei. The fourth time, "three thousand heads of the first", beat Sima Yi "fear shu like a tiger". Exhausted the grain, he retreated and killed Zhang Gao.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

Five cuts, beaten the Wei monarch and subjects to sing double reeds. After death, there is also a proverb of the Book of Jin that "the dead are scared to death" and "the dead are scared to death". And it must be made clear that the military is only his side business compared to civil affairs work. If the Three Kingdoms are compared to a real-time strategy game, after Yiling, it is basically a situation of one mine fighting nine mines.

In the early stage, it can only bring a little aggression, and first engage in a few side mines. Narrow the gap, and only then will you be eligible to fight with others. The entire Three Kingdoms did not grasp the domestic and foreign affairs and military affairs like Zhuge Liang. Governing the country is not a game, you can quickly save troops with a few clicks. When I was alive, I was already so tired, and when I died, I had to be whipped by a wave of corpses.

Of course, it is not a forced black fight. To use a difficulty analogy, Shu Han is like an answer sheet, with a full score of 100. Below 90 points (not 80, not 60) and die. Zhuge waited until the 120-point additional questions, all kinds of extra points, did not wait, and carefully tested 99 and 100 until death. Finally, it was Liu Chan's turn and took a 90. Finally, the examination room was chaotic, the rolls were not finished, and the subject was hung up.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han could still persist for 30 years, does this mean that Zhuge Liang's contribution was actually not large?

Finally, the economic aspect is also an example. I don't want to mention any examples of Jiangyan, Yanhuojing, Jinguancheng, etc. that are still benefiting Chengdu's GDP, and the "Shanhe Weir" that zhuge Liang "heeled and added" is still the largest water conservancy irrigation project in Hanzhong. In the first two years, water conservancy facilities such as ponds, reservoirs and slopes were used for poverty alleviation.

It is only an addition, repair, and expansion on the basis of inheriting the development experience of the Shu and Han Dynasties. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 70 ancient weirs still in use in the whole area. The actual effectiveness that can be produced today is inseparable from Zhuge Liang's great deeds in garrisoning Hanzhong at that time, opening up fields to raise mulberry, building water conservancy, and improving grain production.

Oh, yes, the water conservancy project is really amazing. The development of Cao Wei in the north is the best, followed by shu Han, and the Wu Guo project, which sits in the best position in the Yangtze River Delta, is at the bottom. Dongwu is really a cow beer. The difficulty of the beginning, the grand end, the use of cheats and shameless means in the middle, and the end of the whole set of bureaucratic teams that follow the trend, such a figure in history, such a contribution, seems to be very rare, right?

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