
How high are the Five Martial Arts of the Great Sword King? When he bought the cell boss to save Tan Sitong, why he couldn't rescue him

author:Zhang Shengquan's wonderful history

In the late Qing Dynasty, due to the lack of peace in the world, not only merchants and merchants had to find the dart bureau to transport property, but also officials had to find dart masters to protect them along the way. Even some families with homes and courtyards will invite people from the dart board to visit the nursing homes. In short, at that time, the dart game was a business that did not worry about getting rich.

Therefore, Wang Wu opened a Yuanshun dart bureau in the capital.

How high are the Five Martial Arts of the Great Sword King? When he bought the cell boss to save Tan Sitong, why he couldn't rescue him

Wang Wu is a strange man. He was born in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, his real name is Wang Zhengyi, because of his fifth rank, he is also known as the "Little Five Sons".

Born in poverty, Wang Wu had a bad fate, he first had no father at the age of 3, and could only rely on his mother for his life. The children of the poor have long been in charge, and Wang Wu's mother makes a living by doing odd jobs for others. Although Wang Wu was young, he always helped his mother to do some chores within his power. When he grew up a little, Wang Wu, who loved martial arts, worshiped Xiao He and became a teacher, and because he did not have money to worship the master, he did some chores for him, which was considered to be tuition.

Xiao Hecheng was very strict in teaching martial arts, and Wang Wu was particularly hardworking, so when Wang Wu left the school, his basic skills were extremely solid.

Wang Wu was well aware of the profoundness of martial arts, and if he wanted to practice his skills, he also needed to continue to learn from his teachers. At that time, the most famous martial arts master in Cangzhou was named Double Knife Li Fenggang. However, Wang Wu came to the door many times to worship him as a teacher, but all of them ate the closed door.

It turned out that in that era of "poor learning literature and rich learning martial arts", if you want to learn martial arts with martial arts masters, you have to spend a lot of money. For example, Ip Man learned Wing Chun by Chen Huashun as a teacher, but it was a full 12 gold tuition fee to learn the essence of Wing Chun. Of course, spending a lot of money does not mean that martial arts masters are greedy for money, but the rules of the time.

Wang Wu is a poor man, don't say 12 two gold, let him give 12 copper, may have to borrow from the east to the west. So he wanted to learn from famous teachers, and it was difficult. However, Wang Wugui was very persistent, and he had an iron heart to learn double swords with Li Fenggang. Therefore, he actually knelt at the door of Li Fenggang to show his sincerity. In the end, because of his spirit of not giving up until he reached his goal, he really impressed Li Fenggang and finally made an exception to accept him as an apprentice.

In order to be able to practice kung fu well, Wang Wu got up every day before dawn and practiced until the sun rose. At night, I went to the woods to practice my legs and feet and my guts. Over the past few years, Wang Wu's double knife dance has become magical, and his kung fu is on par with Li Fenggang.

Li Fenggang believed that Wang Wu was a malleable material, and in order to let Wang Wu get more opportunities to exercise, he recommended Wang Wu to his brother Liu Shilong. Liu Shilong is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also a famous dart master. Wang Wu followed Liu Shilong to the rivers and lakes, and also followed him in the process of practicing martial arts.

It was also in those years that Wang Wu not only improved his martial arts, but also gained a lot of experience in the process of dart walking, and at the same time, he also found out the business of the dart bureau.

After learning Liu Shilong's martial arts studies, Wang Wu successively went to Tianjin and then to the capital, where he worked as a dart master for several years under the introduction of his peers.

How high are the Five Martial Arts of the Great Sword King? When he bought the cell boss to save Tan Sitong, why he couldn't rescue him

In 1877, Wang Wu took out his years of savings and opened a Shunyuan dart bureau in Banbi Street, Beijing.

There are many dart bureaus in Beijing, such as the Huiyou Dart Bureau, which not only has a business history of nearly 300 years, but also has the strongest reputation in the industry, at the same time, it is willing to pay a large price to hire martial arts masters to be dart masters, so the general dart bureau can not do it.

However, Wang Wu had a different story. For example, valuable possessions must be personally escorted by him. For example, those who open their mouths to mention his name and come to the door are not only hospitality, but also when the other party bids farewell, they also have to offer travel expenses. In addition, for the poor people, Wang Wu also tried to help. Especially during the Spring Festival, it is even more necessary to use cars and horses to load materials to help the poor.

In short, Wang Wu's good deeds made the people praise him. Coupled with his years of experience in darts and the courage he has practiced in the past ten years, he has let him run a small dart board with great success, and the business has become more and more prosperous.

In the process of walking darts, Wang Wu's research on martial arts has never stopped. In continuous practice, he found that the double knife was not flexible enough in fighting, so he learned from the famous single knife master "Shanxi Dong".

The large knife is very heavy, so when fighting, it is very lethal. Wang Wu was already strong and strong, and his arm strength was amazing, so after learning from "Shanxi Dong" for a few years, he played a big knife invincible in the world.

Wang Wuyi has always been chivalrous, even if he runs a dart board, he does not do mercenary businessmen, but often robs the rich to help the poor, hoe the strong and help the weak. Therefore, the people had great respect for him, and specially made two plaques for him, "Shangwu" and "Poverty Alleviation", and sent them to the dart bureau.

How high are the Five Martial Arts of the Great Sword King? When he bought the cell boss to save Tan Sitong, why he couldn't rescue him

In 1875, Wang Wu took in an apprentice named Tan Sitong.

Speaking of Tan Sitong, I think everyone knows that he is the little brother who changed his ways to "I smiled at the sky from the horizontal knife and went to leave the liver and gallbladder for two kunluns".

Usually, Tan Sitong followed Wang Wu to practice the Single Sword and the Seven Star Sword. However, in the process of learning martial arts with Wang Wu, Tan Sitong also talked to Wang Wu about the idea of restoring the new and changing methods, which had a great influence on Wang Wu.

Although Wang Wu lived a life of eating and wearing by the dart bureau, he was very dissatisfied with the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government. Therefore, after listening to Tan Sitong's idea of changing the law, he was deeply touched and believed that the restoration and reform of the law was the road to enriching the country and strengthening the people, so he actively joined the ranks of the reform and reform of the law.

Of course, Wang Wu also had his worries. Although the Guangxu Emperor was very supportive of the restoration and reform of the law, he did not have military power in his hands. The reforms in the process of changing the law also violated the interests of the princes, nobles, and the eight banner magnates, so he was always worried that the restoration and reform of the law would be hit hard. It was with this consideration that Wang Wu was very concerned about Tan Sitong's safety, and he not only took care of Tan Sitong's food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, but also sent a dart master to protect Tan Sitong's safety at any time.

In addition, Wang Wu also made friends with the hero Hao Jie, and in the process of exchanges, he implemented the reform and reform method and strived for more people to join in.

The development of things, as Wang Wu expected, as the dispute between the empress dowager became more and more acute, the restoration and reform method became more and more difficult. In order to regain power, Tan Sitong approached Yuan Shikai, who had supported the change of law, hoping that he would surround the Yuanmingyuan and force Cixi to hand over power. However, this incident eventually made Cixi aware, and Cixi, in a fit of rage, took the lead and put the Guangxu Emperor under house arrest. The 103-day change was a flash in the pan and failed.

Under Cixi's repression, the reformers were subjected to unprecedented persecution. Tan Sitong had the opportunity to escape, but he insisted on bloody sacrifice for the change of law. As a result, he was imprisoned by the Qing army and faced the danger of beheading.

In order to save Tan Sitong, Wang Wu first bought the cell boss and wanted to help Tan Sitong escape from prison. But his kindness was rejected by Tan Sitong. Later, when Tan Sitong was tied up to the law field, he contacted many heroes Hao Jie and wanted to rob the law field. However, due to the large number of Qing troops and the temporary change of the place of execution, by the time he arrived at the court, Tan Sitong had already heroically rebelled.

How high are the Five Martial Arts of the Great Sword King? When he bought the cell boss to save Tan Sitong, why he couldn't rescue him

In order to avenge Tan Sitong, Wang Wu planned several times to assassinate Cixi and others. However, the palace was heavily guarded, and Wang Wu had no chance to attack.

After the outbreak of the Boxer Rebellion, at the request of the Boxer leaders, Wang Wu also participated in the Boxer Rebellion's great cause of destroying the ocean. He once led his brothers to a fierce battle with the Eight-Nation Alliance at the Laolongtou Railway Station in Tianjin and other places, and killed and wounded many foreigners.

Unfortunately, the Qing government, fearing the guns and cannons of the Eight-Power Alliance, turned its head to suppress the Boxers. In this way, the vigorous Boxer Rebellion failed. Wang Wu, who fought most fiercely with the foreigners, became a wanted criminal by the Qing government.

At first, Wang Wu wanted to go far away and seek another development. But seeing many friends who were in distress, dragging his wife and children into his dart game. Wang Wu was unwilling to leave these people alone, so he had to take the risk to continue to stay in the dart board.

As a result, due to the informant, the Qing army surrounded the Shunyuan Dart Bureau with heavy troops. Wang Wu did not want to involve his friends, so he tied his hands and captured them.

Subsequently, Wang Wu was handed over by the Qing government to the Eight-Nation Alliance, which shot him outside the front door and cut off his head and hung him on the city wall for public display. In order to curry favor with the Eight-Nation Alliance, the Qing government forbade everyone to collect his body, so that Wang Wu's body could not be buried and buried.

Fortunately, after Huo Yuanjia learned about it, he rushed from Tianjin to the capital overnight, and took advantage of the night to take Wang Wu's head off the city wall. This allowed him to be in the first place and settle down.


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