
🏆 A drop of kang spleen and stomach clears the fire ❤️, regulates the internal organs ✅, improves the child's picky eating...

author:Suiling Century Baby

The child has a drop of Kang Spleen and stomach clear fire herbal liquid, and the child does not sleep steadily.

A drop of health for a child. The child does not eat well, the child does not sleep steadily, and the lower eyes and face are blue. Watch the video first, your baby does not have the performance in the video, and the performance in the video is mainly the symptoms of food accumulation. Many mothers come to the store to ask us what are the symptoms and manifestations of food accumulation, and today I will give you a summary.

First of all, we must first touch the child's palms and feet to see if the child's palms and feet are often hot. Then we have to look at the sides of the child's nose, whether the lower eyelids have symptoms of blue and red, if it is blue, it means that it is in the early stage of food accumulation.

🏆 A drop of kang spleen and stomach clears the fire ❤️, regulates the internal organs ✅, improves the child's picky eating...

In addition, we have to observe the child's sleeping situation, whether it is often unsteady, rolling around in bed, grinding teeth, snoring and waking up easily. When we get up in the morning, we have to observe whether the child's eyes have eye feces, easy to cry, short temper, and dry stools, especially sour and odorous and not digested. In addition, food accumulation can also cause your child to cough and often become inflamed in the throat and tonsils. If you have the above performance, it means that your baby is probably already eating.

🏆 A drop of kang spleen and stomach clears the fire ❤️, regulates the internal organs ✅, improves the child's picky eating...

How should food accumulation be regulated? My baby has been using this green umbilical therapy, a drop of Kang Spleen and Stomach Clear Fire Herbal Liquid. It is still friendly to most children with umbilical cord therapy, and some babies do not like to take medicine, like my baby, two adults can't press it. In addition, umbilical cord therapy is still very scientific from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

Let's take a look at its ingredients, this product is made of tangerine peel, poria, honeysuckle, carbomer, glycerin water and other herbal substances, pure Chinese medicine ingredients, parents are more assured to use.

🏆 A drop of kang spleen and stomach clears the fire ❤️, regulates the internal organs ✅, improves the child's picky eating...

Let's open it again and see what it looks like inside. After opening the package, there were two handfuls of potions, a total of twenty small drops in the shape of fish tails. When using, we just need to take out the small drop, cut off its fish tail part, and then drop it to the child's navel, gently massage for two minutes to allow the medicine to fully absorb.

Then we stick this navel to the little belly, and remove the belly button glue after two hours, which does not affect the child's normal activities and play. The process of administration is also very simple. If the child accumulates food for comparison, give it 2 drops if it is serious. If the food accumulation is not particularly serious, 1 drop can be dropped. This medicine is very effective for my baby, and I recommend it to everyone.

🏆 A drop of kang spleen and stomach clears the fire ❤️, regulates the internal organs ✅, improves the child's picky eating...

If this video is helpful to you, I hope you like it, collect it and pay attention. Suiling Century Baby.