
The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

author:Zheng catches the head

#Chen Peisi ##Spring Festival Gala ##喜剧 #

Chen Peisi is 67 years old.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

I remembered that I was still a stunned young man on the Spring Festival Gala stage, but now I am about to enter the age of ancient rarity. The most impressive impression that Chen Peisi has left on people over the years is probably his white beard and even eyebrows. In addition, it is his lonely appearance.

He told many people about the structural comedy he most admired, but the young people who watched the short videos grow up were not impressed with his theory. Chen Peisi was not annoyed by this, and continued to speak slowly and methodically like many old people, continuing to preach.

This time, we will talk about all his sketches that we saw on the spring evening of CCTV that year.


More viewers are familiar with Chen Peisi through the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. In 1984, he and Zhu Shimao performed the sketch "EatIng Noodles", which pioneered the form of comedy sketches, and then the two performed on the Spring Festival Gala stage for a long time, dedicating classics such as "Protagonist and Supporting Role" and "Policeman and Thief".

My first TV set was bought in 1986, and the first Spring Festival Gala I saw was in 1987. But this year, Chen Peisi did not participate in the Spring Festival Gala, but in 1988, he and Xiao Xiangyu performed an opera sketch called "Dog Baby and Black Girl".

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

Chen Peisi was wearing an old military uniform, and even if he wore a military hat, he could see that he was bald. Because he played a Yu opera, Chen Peisi spoke Henan dialect throughout the whole process and sang a few words to Xiao Xiangyu. Although it is a comedy, due to the limitations of opera, I don't think it is particularly funny when I watch it, and I only remember two fragments at that time. One is that his old military uniform is wearing a suit that does not fit, and he also wears a red tie with a particularly timid color, Xiao Xiangyu asked what it was, and Chen Peisi said, "This is called streamer."

There is also the end, Chen Peisi went to see Xiao Xiangyu and her father, Xiao Xiangyu repeatedly told him how to talk, but when he saw people because they were afraid, a mouth still said wrong. Xiao Xiangyu covered his face and ran away.


"Eating Noodles" at the Spring Festival Gala in 1984, how did it come about?

There is a saying that in fact, Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao were first used to warm up the scene, and director Huang Yihe saw that the scene effect was particularly good, and it was retained as a program. But on stage is still a big risk, because at that time there was never such a form on TV, and more importantly, the work of "Eating Noodles" is simply to make everyone laugh, there is no meaning and value, and there will be no adverse impact when it is broadcast. Finally, before the live broadcast, director Huang Yihe clapped the board, on, there was a problem I was burdened.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

Before that, the sketch was just a form of performance practice by the actors, and no one officially put it on TV. Therefore, Chen Peisi Zhu Shimao is also the pioneer of this form of comedy sketch.

There was an Easter egg inside, and as soon as he came up, Chen Peisi was close to Zhu Shimao, giving him a toast, saying that he had just bought a cosmic brand cigarette. And that's before they came on, Ma Ji just performed the stand-up comedy "Cosmic Brand Cigarette", which is also similar to a sketch.

Nowadays, the biggest attraction of watching "Eating Noodles" is not the lines, but Chen Peisi's simulation of eating noodles, which is a physical performance. The pantomime-like performance is a bit like "Eat chicken" performed by Wang Jingyu at the Spring Festival Gala in 1983. Chen Peisi's imitation ability is super strong, from swallowing to the last squatting can not be squatted, the last bowl of noodles, or Zhu Shimao forcibly took the bucket and poured it into his bowl.


The 1985 sketch "Making a Movie" is actually similar to "Eating Noodles", which is an inexperienced actor's temporary rescue. If the Spring Festival Gala that year had not been held in an overly empty body, this skit would have been more successful.

Its biggest attraction is that it is obviously a winter environment, but Chen Peisi wants to play a summer play, wearing a special amount of clothing, and splashing water on his body to represent sweating, and finally the whole person is frozen.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

A former colleague of mine was on the live broadcast that day. He was also thirteen or fourteen years old at the time, and he said that it was indeed very cold that day, and the radio effect was not good, Chen Peisi they said that they could not hear clearly under the stage, but also because of the cold, everyone was tightly wrapped in the audience, all with pockets or hands, so there was no way to applaud at all.

In 1986, Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao performed "Lamb Kebabs". The party was back in the studio, and the effect was much better.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

The plot is more complicated than the previous ones, Chen Peisi is no longer a single character, but back and forth, especially wearing a hat and a beard, putting on a robe, speaking Xinjiang dialect with a beep, playing a buddy from Xinjiang, this effect is very good. However, I heard a friend who grew up in Xinjiang say that because this person was suspected of selling counterfeits and shoddy products in the sketches, it also caused some controversy in their place that year.


By the Spring Festival Gala in 1989, the two performed "Pepper Noodles". Because I was young at that time, I didn't understand it the first time, because I didn't pay attention to how the small bottle of pepper noodles came from, in fact, he was brought by Zhu Shimao, and if he didn't see this, the fun was a lot less, for example, Zhu Shimao's family could give Chen Peisi to eat or not, and of course to take it away in the end. When I found out about this later on the replay, I laughed more naturally.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

"Pepper Noodles" is also an outlier in Chen Peisi and their sketches, because there are almost no lines throughout the text, and most of the time it is a pantomime performance. Only at the beginning of the order of ravioli, there are words, one person wants two or two, and "find me a penny", one person wants a pound of wontons. Finally, Chen Peisi shouted after seeing Zhu Shimao take away the pepper noodles, that person took the pepper noodles away, someone cared about no one? No one cared, so he slipped the big bowl into the cotton jacket and left.

There are no lines, more charm comes from their body movements, such as the two people snatching pepper noodles, especially Chen Peisi thought that Zhu Shimao was going to fight, so he threw away his hat, threw away his cotton jacket, demonstrated to him, and posed as Mr. Bodybuilder. Looking at Chen Peisi, who was in his 30s at that time, he still had a little muscle on his body.


In the 1990s, the competition for sketches on the spring evening became more and more fierce, Zhao Benshan, Zhao Lirong and Huang Hong all began to exert their strength, Chen Peisi generally showed a state of high and low, compared with the 1980s, the number of times to participate in the Spring Festival Gala began to decrease, and the excitement of the works also began to decline.

1990's "Protagonists and Supporting Characters" is a highlight moment, and can even be said to be chen Peisi's best masterpiece.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

Chen Peisi officially showed himself as a bald head at that time, and he was not willing to always play a supporting role in the sketch, but the grandfather did not reward him for playing the main role, especially after shaving his head, so even if Zhu Shimao promised him to play a positive character, he could not stand up at all, but it was more funny. On the contrary, Zhu Shimao, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, even if he wears the clothes of a traitor, he looks like an underground worker.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

The bottom of this sketch is particularly good, that is, an actor is accustomed to playing a type of role, and involuntarily brings the style of that role, so in the end, he plays Chen Peisi and returns to the original role, and only remembers when he is finally killed and almost falls to the ground: No, I am the protagonist.

There was a small accident during the performance. When it was in Zhu Shimao's hand, the gun belt suddenly broke. He was tied while acting, and finally tied up, but therefore the belt was also a lot shorter, and the gun was hung on Chen Peisi after the protagonist's supporting roles were exchanged, which was even more funny, so it was also a thrill, and even a blessing in disguise.


1991's "Police and Thieves" is also very classic, a bit like "Protagonist and Supporting Role", but also with the two people are good at the stage image to say things, Zhu Shimao played the police to look at the majestic, and Chen Peisi how to act are false, with his lines to say, "This is not, the heart is empty? ”

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

There are several Easter egg actors in the sketch, and many sketch actors have made cameos. Including Gong Hanlin and Cai Ming, Cai Ming participated in the Spring Festival Gala in the first year, Gong Hanlin was on the Spring Festival Gala in the second year, and the two performed the skit "Stranger", which is the one who lives in the "ear and eye". Gong Hanlin played the one who wanted to go home, and Cai Ming played the blind man. There is also Yang Lei, she has already acted in "Before the Birth Gate" with Guo Da in the 1980s, and this year she and Zhao Benshan acted in "Little Nine Old Music", and Zhao Benshan was on the Spring Festival Gala in the second year. There is also a faceless Wei Ji'an, who plays Chen Peisi's accomplice to pry the safe. He was on the Spring Festival Gala for the first year, and he and Zhao Lianjia acted in the sketch "Rural Sound".


Chen Peisi later performed four sketches, I think are not high-quality, here is a brief talk. "Brother-in-law and Brother-in-law" does not have so many jokes, that is, to talk about "your grandmother's my grandmother's", to talk about Zhu Shimao and Chen Peisi and his sister "whether there are facts", it feels like a work that is very hasty to create.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

"The Great Change of Living People" is also not very meaningful, more like a farce, the Easter egg is that there is Mei Ting, who has just begun to act. "Cosmic Gymnastics Trials" is even more noisy, taking Li Ning Li Xiaoshuang's champions to say things, almost from the beginning to the end.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

So far, Chen Peisi Zhu Shimao's last sketch at the Spring Festival Gala is "Wang Ye and the Postman". This is a well-received work, but I always feel that he is more like a sketch of consciousness and theme first, the main purpose is not to make everyone laugh, but more to make the audience applaud and cheer up. From the comedic technique is not too advanced, that is, to shake the baggage with the "stupidity" of Chen Peisi's character, which is much different from "Protagonist and Supporting Role" and so on.

The Spring Festival Gala of the 1980s and 1990s was first Chen Peisi's Spring Festival Gala, followed by Zhao Benshan's Spring Festival Gala

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