
Qian Jiale: Lin Zhengying's eyebrows are worth 1 million, and there are frequent funeral strange incidents, is it related to this?

author:Look at the rainbow yay
Qian Jiale: Lin Zhengying's eyebrows are worth 1 million, and there are frequent funeral strange incidents, is it related to this?

Lin Zhengying's eyebrows are worth 1 million, why don't people see it after death? Lin Zhengying's eyebrows should be regarded as a very special sign of him, when shooting an eyebrow to rise, Qian Jiale was scared by the cost of his eyebrows, because it was time-consuming and labor-intensive, so the price was very high, I don't know if the materials used are very rare. The value of Lin Zhengying's eyebrows is as high as 1 million, and Qian Jiale is very surprised by this, after all, 1 million can indeed buy a few buildings in the 80s.

Qian Jiale: Lin Zhengying's eyebrows are worth 1 million, and there are frequent funeral strange incidents, is it related to this?

Therefore, some people speculate that Lin Zhengying was sick and did not allow him to visit and did not allow him to see his body when he died, is it related to his 1 million eyebrows? Otherwise, how could he not let people see the body after he died? Most of the rumors about his death at that time were relatively bizarre.

Qian Jiale: Lin Zhengying's eyebrows are worth 1 million, and there are frequent funeral strange incidents, is it related to this?

Sammo Hung was definitely a key figure in Lin Zhengying's funeral, and it is rumored that before Lin Zhengying's death, he told Sammo Hung that the funeral must be held according to Taoist specifications, and people are invisible in the coffin throughout the process, and Taoist priests need to be outside. But later, Sammo Hung arrived and found that Lin Zhengying's family had replaced the funeral with a Buddhist ceremony, and it was reported that flocks of black butterflies appeared at Lin Zhengying's funeral.

Qian Jiale: Lin Zhengying's eyebrows are worth 1 million, and there are frequent funeral strange incidents, is it related to this?

These black butterflies hovered over the funeral, unwilling to leave for a long time, and all kinds of strange phenomena could not help but make everyone suspect that Lin Zhengying must have some very important reason for not letting others see his body at that time. Some people say that it is because Lin Zhengying made a lot of ghost movies before his death, and some people say that he is afraid that others will steal his 1 million eyebrows, and it can be said that there are various theories. But in reality, things don't seem to be so mysterious.

Qian Jiale: Lin Zhengying's eyebrows are worth 1 million, and there are frequent funeral strange incidents, is it related to this?

Lin Zhengying's family once revealed that the reason why the funeral was held according to Buddhist ceremonies at that time was actually that there was no Taoist spiritual hall at that time, although it was in a Buddhist hall, but the overall process was in accordance with Taoist specifications. In addition, black butterflies have always been rumors in the outside world, and no one has really photographed this scene. At that time, Lin Zhengying actually left a lot of photos at the funeral, if there were really black butterflies, how could everyone not take pictures? In addition, why Lin Zhengying does not let people see his body, many people speculate that perhaps the content of cancer patients in the later stage is too ugly, after all, chemotherapy and other treatments are actually very tormented, so his whole state will be very poor, liver cancer patients will even be swollen, in order not to scare his family and other relatives and friends, Lin Zhengying asked Sammo Hung to help him fulfill this last wish, and the reason for fear that his eyebrows will be stolen is also very absurd.

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