
Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

author:Xiao Lai's science popularization daily
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"Model of the times" teacher Zhang Guimei, for more than 40 years, she gave up her superior working conditions, resolutely chose to devote herself to education in difficult and poor areas, she is selfless dedication, perseverance, decades of daily help children out of the mountains, to chase their dreams. Suffering from a variety of diseases, she even sent the college entrance examination for 12 consecutive years to create the myth of the college entrance examination, which touched countless people...

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

1. The county magistrate of "drama jing"

Although Huaping County is only a small county, it is well known to the world because of the existence of Teacher Zhang Guimei, especially after her glorious deeds were reported, everyone was moved and began to pay attention to the place where Teacher Zhang Guimei has lived for many years, and the people of Huaping County are also extremely concerned about this "good teacher".

Pang Xinxiu, then the magistrate of Huaping County, choked up to tell the story of teacher Zhang Guimei in CCTV-1's "Times Model Press Hall" program, and she was "in tears" at that time. He even openly talked about fighting corruption, and repeatedly stated that he would grasp development and reform with one hand, and fight corruption and advocate clean government with the other.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

On many occasions in public, she has said that she must let the people live a good life, make good use of all the funds in her hands, use them on doing practical and good things for the people, make careful calculations, resolutely not waste a single penny, and let every sum of money be used as much as possible to give full play to their greatest role.

If we listen to this, we will definitely think that this is a good county magistrate, and even more a good official who thinks about the people everywhere. But such a "good official" disappointed the people, it turned out that all the words she had said were "acting". She is not a so-called good official at all, but a veritable "dramatist".

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

Why do you say that?

Because she is outwardly righteous and awe-inspiring, claiming that she wants to fight corruption and promote clean government, but in private she has gone against the grain, contrary to what she said, embezzlement and bribery, and using the money to buy "family possessions".

So what caused her to embark on the road of no return of "corruption"?

2. Character Profile

Pang Xinxiu, born in February 1978, has successively held relevant positions in Shuhe Street Office, Traffic Bureau, Jin'an Township, Huaping County, Gucheng District, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

Although his parents were full-fledged farmers, she was born in 78 and did not suffer the hardships that other officials from the bottom suffered, because at that time, the country was in a good time for reform and opening up, and the living conditions of every family had changed slightly.

Born in that era, she also had the opportunity to enter school to study and study, and when she graduated from school and officially came out to work, it was not all smooth sailing. Instead, he stepped up from the bottom, starting from grassroots cadres, and gradually began to rise in official positions until he became one of the "leading figures" in Huaping County.

In addition, Pang Xinxiu was also a deputy to the People's Congress of Yunnan Province, and it is conceivable that in the eyes of the leaders, she is still relatively excellent.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

In the process of continuous promotion, Pang Xinxiu did not neglect her cultural literacy, and she improved her cultural knowledge by taking part-time graduate students, because she knew the importance of academic qualifications. If you want to be promoted, your academic qualifications as a "stepping stone" are essential.

Third, the road to corruption

But as her position continued to rise, her mentality gradually changed, and her ambitions gradually "surfaced". As her career path became smoother, she was seen by more and more people, those people more or less wanted to seek some benefits for themselves, or power, or status, or the future of their children, but only if they paid will they be rewarded, and they who focused their eyes on Pang Xinxiu began to offer her "generous gifts".

Perhaps confused by these "generous gifts", Pang Xinxiu's ambitions were gradually amplified, and she was no longer satisfied with these small fights, but set her sights on the greater good.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

She began to use her authority to report some projects higher, and she naturally held the "difference" in the middle.

Although the project funding in the county is not particularly high, it cannot stand up more than once, and if you falsely declare the money every time, the money in your hand will not be a few.

The budget for the road construction project in Shilong Village, Huaping County, originally only needed 3 million yuan, but Pang Xinxiu actually falsely reported 8 million yuan, and the extra 5 million yuan was put into her pocket.

In the subsequent investigation, it was found that Pang Xinxiu used this money to buy a lot of luxury goods, in addition, there was a luxury car and a famous watch.

Of course, if you do too much such things, sooner or later you will show your feet, in order to cover up what you have done and not be discovered by others and report, Pang Xinxiu will also take out part of his embezzled money to "share" with others as "hush money".

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

Not only that, she also used the money obtained from this embezzlement to "dot up and down" and open up and pave the way for her political career.

If it is just ordinary corruption and bribery, it will not make people hate her so much, but the problem is that she even reaches out to the poverty alleviation funds allocated by the state.

Pang Xinxiu, who has a convenient position, knows some of the state's funding projects well.

When the state wanted to allocate a sum of money for poverty alleviation, Pang Xinxiu even made up a false list of poor households. With her subordinate Li Gang, she wrote her relatives and friends into the poverty list and fraudulently claimed this money from poor households.

The truly poor could not get help, but people like her cousin Pang Jianguo and friend Zhang Tao took advantage of this opportunity to get a lot of benefits. You know, one of these two people runs a construction company and the other runs a furniture factory, and the business is still good, and the living conditions are far from the poor households, but they rely on Pang Xinxiu to obtain this poverty alleviation fund.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

According to the investigation, her embezzled poverty alleviation funds were as high as 300 million yuan!

Not only that, she also used some channels of her relatives and friends to launder the stolen money she had embezzled to avoid responsibility; In order to consolidate his position, he also placed his own people in some positions.

How can such an approach not be hateful!

Poverty alleviation funds are all in her hands, not to mention those infrastructure construction and other fields, even education, medical care and other aspects.

Her practices not only undermine the original fairness, but also make the life, education, medical care and other aspects of poor areas more barren, further widen the gap between the rich and the poor, and go against the original intention of the country.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

Fourth, the appearance is inconsistent

However, such a corrupt element has repeatedly spoken in public on "anti-corruption," said more than once the importance of fighting corruption and promoting clean government, constantly publicized the spirit of fighting corruption and promoting clean government, called on the broad masses of cadres to actively participate in it, and called on the people to heighten their vigilance and resist corruption together.

But as an advocate, she took the lead in corruption, openly advocating anti-corruption and promoting honesty, but in private she frantically amassed wealth without scruples.

Not only that, during his tenure, Pang Xinxiu also carried out many activities related to clean government education.

She is good at "acting", and she uses the media to "publicize" herself, packaging herself, trying to cover up what she has done and create a false impression of integrity for herself.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

Fifth, the impact is bad

These behaviors of Pang Xinxiu had an extremely bad impact.

Teacher Zhang Guimei gave up her superior conditions to come to Huaping County to engage in education, but there is such a "parent official" above, you can imagine how much the children's education will be affected.

Russell famously mentioned education: "Born ignorant, but not stupid; Stupidity is caused by later education".

It can be seen that education is essential for human growth.

But Pang Xinxiu's approach has made the already not very good educational resources even poorer, thus delaying the children's education...

However, Skynet is restored and not leaked, as long as it is something that has been done, sooner or later it will be revealed to the world.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

Pang Xinxiu intervened in the issuance of poverty alleviation funds, affected the poverty alleviation project, used the project funds to "pile up bonsai", and used his position to arrange the first phase of the county's poverty alleviation rural road hardening project with a budget of 326 million yuan to "related households", and misappropriated the project funds to create "political achievements", which seriously affected the implementation of the project and made it still unfinished. Not only that, but also other serious violations of discipline and law.

In June 2021, Pang Xinxiu was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office, and transferred to the judicial organ for handling according to law.

The Discipline Inspection Commission informed her of "six poisons" -- violations of political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline.

Pang Xinxiu, the county magistrate of "Six Drugs": openly talked about anti-corruption, but behind the scenes, he intervened in 300 million yuan in poverty alleviation funds

6. Conclusion

As Party members and cadres, we must not rely solely on "acting", but must turn verbal words into practical actions, and cannot "just talk without practice", or even go against the grain.

As a party member and cadre, holding power and holding a high position, it is all the more necessary to do practical and good things for the people. If you only care about yourself and only covet enjoyment, sooner or later you will push yourself into the abyss.

Only those good officials who care for the people and are willing to do things for the people will be loved by the people, affirmed by society, and appreciated by the country.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, "there are no forbidden areas, no exceptions, and no end to the fight against corruption."

Only when all party members and cadres stick to their original intentions and safeguard the interests of the people will the entire officialdom become more honest and clean; Only with constant supervision by the broad masses of the people can the "moth of the country" be dug up.

The joint efforts of all the people will make our entire society more harmonious and stable!

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Digression: All the pictures in this article come from the Internet.