
Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

author:Big cat those things

Scarab beetles, celestial cows, locusts, vegetable insects, moths, pine caterpillars, etc., as long as these pests appear in vegetable gardens and orchards, plants will inevitably suffer, or the leaves will eat most of them, or the plant as a whole will wither, or the fruit will disappear. What to do? Most farmers choose to spray pesticides, but in today's emphasis on organic vegetables, more and more people choose biological insect treatment.

There is a large dendrobium grower in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province. The general dendrobium purpureum in the market is more than one hundred yuan a pound, but he dares to ask for six times the price, six or seven hundred yuan a pound! And consumers still buy it, and the supply outstrips demand! Why?

It turned out that although the price of his dendrobium was high, it was ecologically grown and had never been medicated at all. But it is not easy to grow such dendrobium. The reason is that this pest army is really too powerful! How to solve this problem? It turned out that he had invited a group of allied troops who were more powerful than the pest army to help him guard the Dendrobium Garden, which was known as the "pest harvester" - the wasp

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

The horse wasp is a hymenoptera of the insect family, the wasp family, and the insects of this family are also called wasps and wasps. The wasp family is a large family, known more than 5,000 species, members all over the world, there are 200 species in China alone, some of which are quite famous, such as bumblebees, parasitic wasps are members of their families. This article will introduce two types of bees: the tiger-headed bee and the night-eating bee, which are ordinary members of the wasp family.

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

Tiger bee

Tiger-headed wasps, usually yellow-black in color, have a well-developed jaw, and the sting needles at the end of the abdomen are connected to the venom glands. The body has tabby stripes, so it is called "tiger head bee". The tiger-headed bee is the largest and most ferocious of the horse bee species, and is best at dealing with armored insects such as scarab beetles and celestial bulls.

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

Night-eating bees

Night-eating bees, the body is slender and golden yellow, and the worker bees have a powerful long stinging needle on the body. The difference between the night bee and most other horse bees is its diurnal and nocturnal nature, they have a strong night vision ability, during the day they rest in the nest, specially selected at night "march". They can deal with nocturnal insects such as slugs, green worms, and snails.

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

Tiger-headed bees begin to lay eggs in April and May every year, form adult bees in June and July, and forage outward after October, when flocks of tiger-headed bees encounter food shortages, the phenomenon of big bullying and bullying will also occur in the same kind.

The larvae of the tiger-headed bee feed mainly on insect larvae such as caterpillars, and the adult bees eat the sap of ripe fruits or trees.

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

The breeding method of the night bee is similar to that of the bee, when its population grows to a certain number, it will produce a queen, and when the queen is full of energy, it will lead a certain number of worker bees out of the nest and set up another portal and so on.

Using the different foraging time characteristics of these two types of horse wasps, it is possible to achieve 24-hour uninterrupted pest removal in the field.

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.
Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.
Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

The use of wasps is the most effective, economical and environmentally friendly means of dealing with pests, but they are also very toxic. As the largest of the wasps, it is a very dangerous insect, and there was a previous saying that "3 tiger-headed bees sting a cow". If a person is stung by a tiger bee, it will be very painful.

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

A horse bee stings a rat to death

Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.
Horse bees, known as "pest harvesters", are generally "harmless" where they are located.

From ancient times to the present, agricultural pests and diseases have caused countless disasters to human beings, so people have been looking for ways to control diseases and insect pests. For many years, the main weapon used to eradicate pests was chemical agents. In order to reduce the damage of drugs to the human body and crops, the biological control of forest pests is adopted, so as to achieve the biological control effect of insect control, which not only is safe for people, livestock and plants, there is no pollution, and it will not cause rampant pests and drug resistance, and has a long-term inhibition effect on the occurrence of some pests.

Not only that, but the horse bee pupa is a high-protein, low-fat edible insect with high nutritional value. Raising horse wasps can create benefits and increase income.

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