

author:Sun Yuliang

【善恶到头终有报,台独分子被砸亡】2023年5月10号,台湾省台‮捷中‬运icon在‮至行‬台中‮南市‬屯区‮乐丰‬公‮附园‬近工‬地时,一‮工辆‬程车‮臂吊‬坠落,砸‮列向‬车,造成‮死一‬十伤的悲剧。 The only one who died of his injuries was Lin Shuya, an assistant professor at the law department of Jingyi University, who died at the age of 52.

Lin Shuya is a die-hard "Taiwan independence" element and a confidant of Tsai Ing-wen, who has served as a member of the "Ethnic Minority Transitional Justice Committee" in Tsai Ing-wen's office, the chairman of the Taiwan branch of Amnesty International, and one of the promoters of the "anti-service trade movement" in 2014, once boasting that "Taiwan is independent and will never return to China."


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